
试题 试卷


题型:填空题 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

外研版英语高二年级Book5Unit5The Great Sports personality同步训练


       I believe that one of the best ways to connect with people and build quality relationships is making conversations. Although most people can hold a conversation, only a few are smooth when they talk. I have discovered five simple and effective ways to be a smooth talker. Here they are:

       Talk slowly.

       Generally, good talkers don't rush into a conversation. They act as if they had all the time in the world. This makes them  come off as centred and collected. Model this way of talking and you will create the same effect.

       Hold more eye contact.

       Most people keep eye contact about 2/3 of the time or less when they talk.This will convey confidence and interest in interacting with them.


       People with good conversation skills tend to notice the kind of things that the average person doesn't notice, and to bring such details into the conversation. They may notice and point out an interesting ring on the other person's hand, a certain foreign accent, or a certain voice tone they use when saying a name. Thus, such individuals impress people in a very elegant manner.

       Express your emotions.

       Express your feelings about those facts. Keep in mind that it is at the emotional level that people connect best.

       Use the best words.

       The ability to talk smoothly has a lot to do with choosing the precise words to convey your precise feelings or thoughts. It will help you develop a way with words and allow you to express yourself more easily.

       Conversational skills don't improve just like that. It takes time, practice and the ability to learn at a rapid rate from your own experiences.

A  Don't just present the facts. You're not a newspaper.

B  It's a very good idea to hold eye contact just a bit more than that.

C  Notice the details.

D  It is important to improve conversational skills.

E  Offer interesting news.

F  They take their time when they reflect on something and when they say it out loud.

G  Develop your vocabulary and practise communicating as accurately as possible.


        Katharine Mehta's mother likes to joke that the first sentence her daughter said was“I love dogs.”It's not the fact, but it's certainly true in spirit.

     “When I was young, my grandmother told me about how she sometimes found stray dogs and cats, and kept them on her farm as pets,”says Katharine.“That made me wonder what would happen when animals didn't have a home.I felt horrible thinking that they might be hungry or could get hit by a car.”

      But what could a little girl do?The answer came during a trip to a park in her New York City neighborhood two years ago, where she met volunteers from Mighty Mutts, a local no­kill animal rescue organization.“I thought maybe I could earn some money and give it to them,”she says.

       Since Katharine had plenty of practice taking care of her own dog, she decided to start a summer dog­walking service.She chose two friends and, with their parents'permission, the group put up homemade posters with their phone numbers and a bargain price—50 cents an hour.Before long they had 15 dogs in their care.“We walked two or three at a time with one mother helping out,”she says.“By the end of that summer, we'd collected $45.”That fall Katharine and her mother,Loma, came up with another mini enterprise to raise money for Mighty Mutts—selling fresh­baked shortbread to their neighbors.

       The 11­year­old,who starts sixth grade this fall, has become a nonstop campaigner.Her mother says,“When she sees somebody with a dog, she starts a conversation and tells them to donate to Mighty Mutts.”

        Katharine's passion comes from the heart.“It makes me cry to think that strays might be_put_to_sleep when there's a group that can find new homes for them,” Katharine says.“But it makes me smile to know I can help.”


①stray adj.流浪的 ②shortbread n . 黄油甜酥饼

