
试题 试卷


题型:单选题 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研版 英语 高一年级 Book5Unit1 British and American English同步训练

Mr Johnson preferred ______ heavier work to do.
A、to be given B、to be giving C、to have given D、having given

It was still a long way, especially when a wind was blowing in. Trint reached for his jacket and 1  when he saw the box on the passenger seat. His mother had been 2  him spending Christmas on the road  3 and had given him a box filled with 4. His mum still 5 him like a kid, though he was a driver now. He reached into the stocking and 6 a toy truck that looked a lot like his truck. He wondered how many stores his mother had to go before she found such a close match.   7 filled his eyes.

He climbed out of his cab(驾驶室) and ran into the all­night cafe,  8  which many truckers were eating and talking. And a family of three were huddled(挤在一起) in a corner, tired and 9.

Trint  10  the boy. No kid should have to spend Christmas Eve in a truck stop.

Trint missed his family. His mum raised four kids by herself,  11 no matter how 12  life was, she'd always make sure they had a good Christmas. Then he 13  his box in the truck.

He looked at the kid again and knew what he had to do. He forced himself into the 14outside to open his truck. He took the 15 out of the cab and hurried back to the warmth of the cafe. He walked to the family. “I think  16  left this for you,” Trint said and handed the red stocking to the boy. “Tell Santa…well, tell him 17 , ” the boy's father said and shook Trint's hand long and hard. The mother smiled gratefully. The boy  18  reached out and caught the stocking and dug inside.

Trint felt good. He had a job he loved, clear weather and miles of open roads ahead. He wasn't  19  any more, or lonely. He loved this life and he wouldn't 20 a thing.


        My daughter Chloe is starting out in college in the fall. With her newfound independence will come the newfound responsibilities of dealing with money.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Now I have a few lessons I'd like to share with Chloe, and with anyone else starting out in college.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}OK,this is almost the only lesson you need. The biggest reason you get into money problems is that you spend money you don't really have. Then you end up in the hole, and it's hard to get out of the hole. You work too many hours to keep up with your spending. And you end up with a life that's about nothing but trying to pay for all the spending on something you don't really need.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

        Make a very simple budget. It's a terrible thing for people who've never done a budget, but it will become very simple and easy if you know how to do it.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}If the bills add up to more than theincome, remove some bills. Pay bills right away. If you have the money, pay thebill as soon as it comes in. You can usually do this online, but if not, it's just a matter of writing a check, putting it in an envelope, and writing out an address—two minutes.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you let the bill­ paying get pushed back, it becomes a terrible thing.

      That's all you need to know. If you save when you're in college, avoid debt, and paybills on time, you're golden.

A.Why not enjoy your life in college?

B.Spend less than you earn.

C.So spend less, work less, worry less, be happier.

D.Like many young people, she hates thinking about money.

E.First, list your income, and then list your bills.

F.Find ways to get things done you need to get done.

G.Do this two­minute action at once, so you don't have toworry about it later.

