
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:困难


  1. A.Where to store honey   
  2. B. How to get flower juice
  3. C. Ready to eat    
  4. D. How to collect honey             
  5. E. Where to keep bees              
  6. F. Special clothes to wear


The bee gets sweet juice from flowers with its mouth, which is shaped like a tube (吸管). Bees fly hundreds of times between flowers and their honeycombs (蜂巢).


 In the country, some bees make their homes in places like the trunk of a tree. Bees make honeycombs with wax (蜡) from their own bodies. The space in the honeycomb is where the honey is stored.


 In gardens or farms, beekeepers keep bees in beehives (蜂箱) like this one so they can collect honey. About fifty thousand bees live in one beehive.


 The beekeeper collects the honey from the beehive. He takes out the honeycomb which is full of honey. He wears special clothes so that he doesn't get bitten.


 Honey is used to make lots of different food. It is delicious when it is spread onto bread.


    Baozi is one of the common Chinese foods for breakfast. Who would have thought that this simple meal would become a leading character in a film, and even win an Oscar?

    On February 24, 2019, the short film Bao won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film. In the film, a small baozi comes to life and becomes the "son" of a lonely Chinese woman in an immigrant(移民) family in Canada.

    Domee Shi, Pixar's first Chinese-canadian woman director, got the idea from her own experience. When Shi grew up, she was busy working and spent little time with her mother.

    Bao explores the life of an empty-nest Chinese Canadian mother who feels lonely after her son leaves home to go for his own life.

    In the film, many details show the way the Chinese woman loves her "son". She prepares delicious food, cleans up the house carefully and always buys him snacks. These details are true to the strong and protective love of Chinese parents for their children

    Traditionally, Chinese parents don't say 'I love you' to their kids. They express it with food or by fussing(小题大做) over them. "I didn't use dialogue in the film because I wanted it to be a story that spoke to everyone around the world." said Shi at an interview.

    Moreover, this film can serve as a bridge to help parents and children better understand each other and learn how to express love.

    Answer the following questions. (No more than seven words)

