
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    When I was a child, I was a tomboy(假小子). I had a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. My brothers were two and four years older than I. We often played games together.

    Once, my brothers and I fell in love with playing a game called "stealing horses". Then my parents decided to buy my brothers guns. These were not "real" guns. Because I was a girl, I didn't get a gun. They shot and shot at everything with their new guns. I tried to "fight" them with my bow and arrows (弓和箭). But I was still in the poor position without a gun.

    One day while I was hiding behind a wall, looking out toward the fields, I felt a terrible blow to my right eye. I looked up just in time to see my brother lower his gun. Both brothers rushed to my side. My eye felt great pain and I covered it with my hand. "If you tell that to Mummy," they said, "We will get a whipping(鞭打) from Daddy. You don't want that to happen, do you?" I did not. "Here is a piece of wire(电线)," said the older brother, picking it up from the floor, "Say you stepped on one end of it and the other flew up and hit you." "Yes," I said. To be honest, I didn't want them to be punished. So I did as my brothers told me to do.

    A week after the "accident" my parents took me to see a doctor. Finally I knew my brothers were worried about my eye, so they told our parents what had happened and asked them to take me to see a doctor.

(1)、According to the passage, the two brothers were_________.
A、strict B、clever C、polite D、naughty
(2)、The two brothers asked the writer to tell a lie because they were afraid__________.
A、they would lose their guns B、their parents would punish them C、they couldn't play the game any more D、their parents would take their sister to see a doctor
(3)、Choose the correct order according to the passage.

①The writer was hurt.

②The brothers told the truth.

③The parents bought guns for the brothers.

④The parents took the writer to see a doctor.

A、②③①④ B、③①②④ C、③①④② D、③②①④
(4)、What can we infer(推断) from the passage?
A、The writer's parents didn't like her. B、The writer and her two brothers loved each other. C、The writer's brothers wanted to hurt her. D、The two brothers didn't get on well with each other.

    A man in Pakistan is now working to help children get an education. When he was a child, he did not go to school because he was too poor.

    It is reported that Pakistan has 25 million children who do not go to school. That is the second­highest number in the world. Only Nigeria has more. Many Pakistani children must work to support their families.

    Mohammad Ayub was once one of those children. He is now a firefighter. He also manages a small school. VOA recently visited the school in the capital Islamabad.

    Ayub started with just one student in 1982. He saw a boy cleaning cars for days. He asked him, "Why don't you go to school?" The boy answered that his parents were dead and he had to work to help support his five brothers and three sisters.

    Ayub was also an orphan and he, too, had to work to help support his five brothers and three sisters. He said, "When my father died, everyone who came to the funeral said they were sorry, but no one helped." He sold newspapers and did other work to earn enough money to pay school fees for his brothers and sisters.

    Ayub wanted to help the young boy who washed cars, but he did not have enough money to pay the boy's school fees.

    Today, Ayub teaches many children at his school in a public park. Some of the children attend other schools in the morning, but come to Ayub in the afternoon to get help with their homework.

    Ayub has helped a large number of poor children since he began teaching. Many of them come from very poor areas near the park.

    Ayub said," I used to argue with kids who worked ' Why are you washing someone's dishes or their clothes? Why don't you study? ' "

    One of the children he advised to attend classes was Farhat Abbas. Ayub found him working with his friends about 12 years ago. "He followed us back home. He told our parents he wanted to teach us and asked them to send us to his school, "Abbas said.

    Today, Abbas is taking classes at a college and is helping Ayub.

    Many children are out of school, and those who do attend classes often get a poor education. Information gathered by an organization shows half of all Pakistani children in the 5th grade do not understand basic mathematics and cannot read a story in their language.

    A group in Islamabad reports Pakistan spends less on education than any other country in South Asia.


    Mick Polly,an owner of a toy store,lives with his teenage daughter Carolina in Kentucky.He is known as the Bike Man.Over the past five years,Mick has built hundreds of bikes for needy kids.

    One day in 2012,a 13﹣year﹣old boy with a broken bike walked by Mick's house."I was working in my garage(车库),and he asked if I could fix it,"says Mick,now 53.

    The boy's bike had a broken wheel.Mick sent a post(帖子) on Facebook,asking his friends if they had the needed part.One friend saw the post and gave away two used bikes.Mick took parts from each to build a new set of wheels for the boy.

    Soon after,Mick repaired a bike for the boy's brother and fixed one for his sister.Word spread,and during the year,he had fixed up lots of bikes for local kids whose parents were not able to afford new ones

    "People are throwing away bikes day and night,"says Mick.

    Mick puts the bikes and bike parts in his garage."I take off the good tires or the handlebars or the seats and use them,"he says.

    Up to now,the bike man has repaired hundreds of bikes and given away nearly 700newly repaired bikes.They're free,but the kids must agree to two things:They have to learn how to put waste things to good use and they have to try their best to study in school.

    If a kid's grades are low,Mick requires a teacher's note"saying that you're doing your best,"Mick says.Mick also hopes the bikes will get kids off the sofa."When I was growing up,we all rode our bikes,"he says."Hopefully these kids can get some exercise."

