
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Move over, helicopter parents. "Snowplow(扫雪机) parents" are the newest reflection of an intensive(强化的) parenting style that can include parents booking their adult children haircuts, texting their college kids to wake them up so they don't sleep through a test, and even calling their kids' employers.

    Helicopter parenting, the practice of wandering anxiously near one's children, monitoring their every activity, is so 20th century. Some rich mothers and fathers now are more like snowplows: machines moving ahead, clearing any difficulties in their children's path to success, so they don't have to suffer failure, frustration(挫折)or lose opportunities.

    It starts early, when parents get on wait lists for excellent preschools before their babies are born and try to make sure their kids never do anything that may frustrate them. It gets more intense when school starts: running forgotten homework to school or calling a coach to request that their children make the team.

    Rich parents may have more time and money to devote to making sure their children don't ever meet with failure, but it's not only rich parents practicing snowplow parenting. This intensive parenting has become the most welcome way to raise children, regardless of income, education, or race.

    Yes it's a parent's job to support the children, and to use their adult wisdom to prepare for the future when their children aren't mature enough to do so. That's why parents hide certain toys from babies to avoid getting angry or take away a teenager's car keys until he finishes his college applications.

    But snowplow parents can take it too far, some experts say. If children have never faced a difficulty, what happens when they get into the real world?

    "Solving problems, taking risks and overcoming frustration are key life skills," many child development experts say, "and if parents don't let their children experience failure, the children don't acquire them."

(1)、What do we know about snowplow parenting?
A、It appeared before helicopter parenting. B、It costs parents less than helicopter parenting. C、It was a typical phenomenon of the 20th century. D、It provides more than enough services for children.
(2)、What does the fourth paragraph mainly say about snowplow parenting?
A、Its cost. B、Its benefits. C、Its popularity. D、Its ending time.
(3)、Why does the author mention parents' taking away car keys?
A、To show teenagers are no better than babies. B、To advise teenagers not to treat their cars as toys. C、To advise parents not to buy cars for their teenagers. D、To show it's correct to help children when necessary.
(4)、What's the possible result of snowplow parenting according to the experts?
A、Children lacking problem-solving ability in reality. B、Children mastering more key life skills than parents. C、Children gaining great success in every aspect of life. D、Children meeting no problems or frustration after growing up.

    Some of the most famous universities in America are urging students to consider the idea of putting off college for a year. It's called a “gap year.” And while it's been common and popular in Australia and the U.K. for decades, the concept is now starting to gain significant steam here in America.

    Why? A growing number of high school seniors are tired of riding the academic conveyor belt from preschool all the way to university. They're burnt out. Or not quite ready. Or they want to explore a few interests before deciding what to study in college, they're volunteering in New Orleans or teaching in Thailand. They're starting the great American novel, or working for a short time to help figure out what they want to do with their lives.

    Understandably, that makes a lot of parents nervous. But a gap year does not mean that a student will remain degree-less forever. While there are no formal studies on the number of students who don't finally go to college after the gap year, evidence from admissions officers across the country says very few actually leave college without finishing their courses. Taking a gap year can actually make kids more focused and ready for future academic life. In fact, Harvard University believes so much in the gap year that it encourages every student it admits to consider a year off before matriculation (入学).

    The reason behind higher education's support of the gap year is clear: Better-prepared students mean higher completion rates. And it's completion that matters. Parents should remember that getting a kid into college is only half the battle. According to the College Board, three out of five students who enter a public four-year college don't manage to obtain a degree within five years. And nearly 30 percent of all students who enter college don't return after the gap year. Considering the fact that this year's average price at a four-year private college is about $ 23,712 per year, it's a pretty expensive place to play around.


    Mark felt that it was time for him to take part in his community,so he went to the neighborhood meeting after work. The area city council(委员会)woman was leading a discussion about how the quality of life was on the decline. The neighborhood faced many problems. Mark looked at the charts taped to the walls. There were charts for parking problems, crime, and for problems in vacant buildings. Mark read from the charts, “Police patrols(巡逻)cut back, illegal parking up 20%.” People were supposed to suggest solutions to the council woman. It was too much for Mark. “The problems are too big,” he thought. He turned to the man next to him and said, “I think this is a waste of my time. Nothing I can do would make a difference here.”

    As he neared the bus stop on his way home, Mark saw a woman carrying a grocery bag, and a baby. As Mark got closer, her other child,a little boy, suddenly dashed into the street. The woman tried to reach for him, but as she moved, her bag shifted(滑落), and groceries started to fall out.Mark ran to take the boy's arm and led him back to his mother. “You gotta stay with Mom,” he said. Then he picked up the fallen groceries while the woman smiled in relief. “Thanks,” she said. “You've got great timing.” “Just being neighborly,” Mark said. As he rode home, he glanced at the poster near his seat in the bus. Small acts of kindness add up.Mark smiled and thought, “Maybe that's a good place to start.”


    A strange object was found in a small city called Carlos Spegazzini, just a short drive from the capital city of Buenos Aires.

    When farmer Jose first found an odd scene in his farmland, he began to dig at the object. However, he quickly found himself running to tell his wife. Jose needed more support if he was going to investigate this strange thing.

    Even the dog was hesitant to investigate. Unfamiliar with the object, man's best friend was not about to jump at it with little concern. Therefore, they chose to call in somebody who has a better idea of what to do.

    When the police first showed up, they were just as stumped as Jose. They knew this object was something out of the ordinary. It might even be something extraordinary, so more questions appeared.

    It quickly became apparent, it was time to call in the big guys. That's right; when you find something that appears to be out-of-this-world, it's time to call in those who study the mysteries of the old world.

    Authorities called in archaeologists who jumped at the chance to study the object. They quickly determined one thing was for certain: the ancient big one that left this behind was absolutely massive! The group was unable to move the shell, as it weighed nearly two tons!

    Clearly, this massive beast was not the only of its kind existing in the modem-day world. Similar fossils had been found in the surrounding areas and had even made their way to museums. But what was the ancient beast?


    The British are known for their sense of humor. However, it is often difficult for foreigners to understand their jokes. The main point to remember is that the British often use understatement.

    Understatement means saying less than you think or feel. For example, if someone gets very wet in a shower of rain, he might say, "It's a little damp (潮湿的) outside." Or, if someone is very impolite and shouts at another person, someone else might say, "She isn't exactly friendly." Understatement is often used in unpleasant situation or to make another person look silly. Understatement plays an important part in British humor.

    Another key to understanding British humor is that the British like to make fun of themselves as well as others. They often laugh about the silly and unpleasant things that happen to our everyday life when someone accidentally falls over in the street. They also like to make jokes about people from different classes of society. They like to make jokes about their accents, the way they dress and the way they behave. What's more, the British love to watch comedies (喜剧) about people who do not know how to behave in society. The comedies series Mr. Bean is a good example of this kind of humor.

    Mr. Bean is the character created by British actor Rowan Atkinson in 1990. Mr. Bean doesn't talk often, and instead he uses his body movement and facial expressions to make people laugh. Perhaps what makes Mr. Bean so funny is that he does things that adults in the real world cannot do. Mr. Bean is popular in many countries around the world because you do not have to speak English to understand the humor. Because of this, many people have become familiar with the British sense of humor.


    Exercise could not only benefit your body, but also imp rove your memory, researchers found recently. In their paper published on Monday, researchers from the University of California, Irvine in the United States and the University of Tsukuba in Japan introduced their experiment and conclusion.

    Scientists invited 36 volunteers who were in their early 20s to do 10 minutes of light exercise before taking a memory test in which they were shown pictures like broccoli(西兰花)or picnic baskets and asked to recall them later. The same experiment was repeated with the same group of volunteers without exercising. "The memory task was really quite challenging ,said Michael Yassa, co-author of the study and a neuroscientist (神经科学家)at the University of California, Irvine. "We used very tricky similar items to see if they would remember whether it was this exact picnic basket versus (对抗)that picnic basket. "

    Researchers also scanned brains of some of the participants during the experiment. They found strengthened communication between regions involved in the storage and recollection of memories in brains of those who had exercised. This suggested that just 10 minutes of light exercise like walking, yoga or Tai Chi might increase memory power.

    As all the volunteers in the experiment were relatively young, researchers are still working to look at the effects of light exercise on older people. " Our future goal is to try to develop an exercise prescription (处方)that can be used by older adults who might have disabilities or mobility impairments, but can still adopt very simple exercise rules of life and be able to, perhaps, delay cognitive decline temporarily," said Yassa.


    Although I had wanted to quit smoking, I never made up my mind until New Year's Day last year. I was having a terrible headache. I knew it was time to quit.

    Searching for methods to quit smoking on the Internet is like searching for weight loss tips — there are thousands of different ways that are said to be the best, but not all are right for you. One approach that did draw my interest was apps. Along with cigarettes (烟), my phone was the only other thing I couldn't leave my apartment without.

    There are hundreds of apps for quitting smoking. I downloaded an app called QuitIt because it was said to be good. It was free and didn't cost much time as some others. You input the amount of cigarettes you smoke, the cost per pack and the time you decide to quit smoking. The app does the math and then gives you information based on the information given by you. It tracks the amount of time since you decided to quit, the money you've saved, and the danger you've avoided. The app also includes a number of health goals.

    Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Like most stories of quitting, I did get a little sick and I felt terrible, but the most difficult part was the empty feeling I was left with. Any time I felt like a cigarette, I would open the app and track the progress I had made. If I wanted to smoke while I was on the computer, I'd immediately go to stop smoking to read a success story, or to offer support to someone else having a harder time than me.

    I quit smoking 1 year 2 months and 27 days ago. I did not smoke 6,771 cigarettes and saved $4,062.84.

