
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级上册Unit 10自主检测


A. If you drink water when you exercise, you'll get headaches and feel tired.

B. Evening is the best time to exercise as it's always cool.

C. Exercising the same body part every day is the fastest way to improve strength.

D. A plate of chicken is a good meal before games because it has much energy.

E Girls who do strength training will make their muscles big.

F. The best time to exercise is early in the morning.

    Today, people are paying more and more attention to improving their health through sports and exercise. But some of them have some wrong ideas about it.

    In fact, the best meal before games should have carbohydrates(碳水化合物). Foods like potatoes, bread, bananas are rich in it, but chicken and meat are not. Carbohydrates are the best and most easily used form of energy. The energy that you get for today's game is from what you ate yesterday!

    No. Morning is a good time to exercise, but it may not be suitable for you. If an afternoon or evening period suits you, and you enjoy the feeling of getting healthier, you can choose any time to exercise. There is no fixed time for you to exercise.

    The fact is that you must have some water during breaks when you exercise. And after exercising, you must have enough water. If you don't drink enough water, then you'll probably get headaches and feel tired.

    False. Exercising the same body part every day is the fastest way to cause problems. To improve strength, you want to work your muscles(肌肉) hard, but then you need to give those muscles a day of rest. Too much exercise can cause serious problems to muscles.

    Wrong. We usually connect those big muscles with bodybuilders(健美运动员), but girls don't have enough male hormone(雄性激素) to make their muscles big like men. Strength training is a good way to make their muscles strong for girls.


 The story took place in a small town in winter. One day a man met an old lady standing by an expensive car. It was clear that her car broke down. So he stopped his old truck and got out. Although he was smiling, the old lady was worried. “Is he going to hurt me?”

The man could see that she was frightened, so in his friendliest voice he said, “I'm here to help you, madam. Why don't you wait in the car to get warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.” It took Bryan about fifty minutes to fix the car. The lady felt quite thankful and she asked how much she should pay him.

 But Bryan wanted no money. ①对他来说,帮助别人很正常。He said, “If you want to repay me, next time you see someone in need, just give out your friendly hand.”

 After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road till she reached a small café. She stopped for something to eat. As the pretty waitress stood next to her, the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant (怀孕). ②Although she looked tired, she still served the customers with a smile on her face. As the old lady was going to pay the $10 bill, she remembered Bryan's words.

The old lady paid one hundred-dollar bill. But when the waitress returned with the change, the lady was gone. On the table she saw a small note. Her eyes were filled with tears when she read it, “Somebody once helped me the way I'm helping you. If you want to pay me back, continue being kind to others. ” Under the note were nine more $100 bills.

 Was the old lady an angel? The waitress was so excited that she called her husband to tell the story. “Bryan…Bryan Anderson my dear… you're not going to believe what has happened… ”

 Love needs to be passed on. Everyone can be an angel.


    It is necessary for children to help their parents with housework. But most parents may find it difficult to get their children to help with it, because children usually enjoy playing games instead of doing housework. However, I have some good ways to get my children to do housework. Here is an example.

    "Mum, what's next week's housework? Let Kitty and me choose the cards. I can't wait. It's interesting!"

    When my son, 7-year-old Tommy shouted, I began to put all the cards on the sofa. On the cards, I wrote some words like these, "wash the car, take out the rubbish, make the bed, do the dishes, clean the living room, sweep the floor, wash the clothes, take the dog for walks, water the flowers" and so on.

    Kitty and Tommy chose two cards for each day from Monday to Friday. Then they wrote them down on their notebooks. Tommy likes to take the dog for walks best while Kitty enjoys cleaning the living room. Soon the two kids had fun taking away all the cards. And I didn't need to worry about the housework again. Of course, on weekends, I usually do the housework myself and set the children free.

The thing that children usually enjoy


The age of Tommy


The place where the writer wrote the housework


The thing that Kitty enjoys


The time that the writer usually does the housework herself


