
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Astronomers have taken the first ever image of a black hole, which is located in a distant galaxy (星系).The black hole is 500 million trillion km away and was photographed by a network of eight telescopes across the world. It was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).

    The announcement was made in Washington, Brussels, Santiago, Shanghai, Taipei and Tokyo. Details have been published today in Astrophysical Journal Letters.

    Prof Heino Falckc, of Radboud University in the Netherlands, who suggested the experiment, told BBC News that the black hole was found in a galaxy called M87. "What we see is larger than the size of our entire Solar System," he said. "It has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the Sun. And it is one of the heaviest black holes that we think exists. It is an absolute monster, the heavyweight champion of black holes in the Universe."

    The image shows an intensely bright "ring of fire", as Prof Falckc describes it, surrounding a perfectly circular dark hole. The bright halo is caused by very heated gas falling into the hole. The light is brighter than all the billions of other stars in the galaxy combined - which is why it can be seen at such distance from Earth. The edge of the dark circle at the center is the point at which the gas enters the black hole, which is an object that has such a large gravitational pull (万有引 力),not even light can escape.

    "It is remarkable that the image we observe is so similar to that which we get from our theoretical calculations. So far, it looks like Einstein is correct once again." said Dr Ziri Younsi, of University College London -who is part of the EHT cooperation.

    Chinese scientists were involved in the observation through a telescope in Hawaii. They were also highly involved in follow-up data processing and theoretical analysis, said Shen Zhiqiang, head of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Shanhai Astronomical Observatory and a member of the EHT international team.

    Shanghai and Taipei were selected as two of the cities to hold news conferences, together with Washington, Brussels, Santiago and Tokyo, a recognition of China's contribution.

    "In the fields of astronomy, radio astronomy, and space astrophysics, China has made a significant contribution to this global project," Falcke said.

(1)、What is the best title for the passage?
A、First Image of a Black Hole Taken B、How Einstein Discovered a Black Hole C、How a Black Hole Is Formed D、A Book about Black Holes
(2)、Who first got the idea for the project?
A、Shen Zhiqiang. B、Heino Falcke. C、Albert Einstein. D、Ziri Younsi.
(3)、Why are six cities selected for the announcement?
A、It was the first black hole ever discovered. B、It took eight telescopes to work together. C、It was a joint effort of many countries. D、It's the heaviest of black holes.
(4)、From the passage we know that in the experiment Chinese scientists      .
A、started the experiment B、led the experiment C、provided the equipment D、played an important role
(5)、What does Dr Ziri Younsi tell us about black holes in Paragraph 5?
A、Black holes can swallow up everything in the Universe. B、Scientists knew about black holes before they see them. C、Einstein has been proved wrong many times. D、Black holes might be some make-up stories.

    Here, sleep experts clear up some of the biggest misunderstandings about sleep they see with their patients, which could weaken your ability to have a night of good sleep.

Myth: {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    The latest research shows that the right amount of sleep may vary from person to person and should leave you feeling energized the next day. I'm a sleep doctor. Take myself for example. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

Myth: Don't fall asleep with the TV on.

    I've cured more people suffering from sleep problems than you can imagine by telling  people it's OK to fall asleep with the TV on. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Control the watching time so it doesn't affect your sleep later in the night.

Myth: You can catch up on lost sleep on the weekend.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} A Harvard study found that even if you sleep for an extra 10 hours on the weekend to make up for only sleeping six hours a night for two weeks, those extra hours won't improve  your reaction times or ability to focus. Plus, sleeping late throws off your biological clock, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Myth: Alcohol can help you rest easy.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Alcohol may relax you so you nod off quicker, but studies show you'll wake up more and get less of deep sleep you need to feel rested.

A. You need 8 hours' sleep a night.

B. A lack of sleep can cause anxiety.

C. We take unscheduled naps during the weekend.

D. I've been a 6.5-hour sleeper my entire adult life.

E. Many people can't turn off their brains, but watching TV helps.

F. People commonly use alcohol to fall asleep, but it doesn't work.

G. You can't make up for too little sleep by sleeping more at weekends.


    It's summer movie time again. And heroes are ready to try their strength and magic on the silver screen. Check out our list of four films that look most promising to young audience.

    Harry potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    Release Date:  June 4

    Story: It's the summer before Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A shadow is hanging over Hogwarts. A dangerous murderer, Sirius Black, has escaped the Wizards' Prison. And he broke out to fulfill one task to kill Harry Potter.

    Around the World in 80 Days

    Release Date:  June 16

    Story: This version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout (Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan), a Chinese thief who seeks refuge with a strange London adventurer, Phileas Fogg. Passepartout uses his martial arts skills to defend Fogg from danger as he travels around the world in 80 days to win a bet.

    Spider- Man 2

    Release Date: June 30

    Story :Peter Parker is still coming to terms with his dual  identity (双重身份)as the crime superhero Spider-Man. He wants to reveal his secret identity to Mary Jane: meanwhile, his aunt May has fallen on hard times. A new bad man, Dr Otto Octavius, has appeared to cause more troubles.

    King Arther

    Release Date: July 7

    Story: King Arthur is presented as a clever ruler who manages to unite all the knights(骑士) in Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire(帝国). Under the guidance of Merlin and the beautiful, brave Guinevere, Arthur will struggle to realize his dreams


    Two new studies suggest that modem running shoes could increase the risk of injuries to runners.

    One study involved sixty-eight healthy young women and men who ran at least twenty-four kilometers a week. The runners were observed on a treadmill machine (跑步机). Sometimes they wore running shoes. Other times they ran barefoot.

    Researchers from the JKM Technologies Company in Virginia, the University of Virginia and the University of Colorado did the study.

They found that running shoes create more stress that could damage knees, hips and ankle joints than running barefoot. They observed that the effect was even greater than the effect reported earlier for walking in high heels.

    The study appeared in the official scientific journal of the American Academy of Physical Medicine.

    The other study appeared in the journal Nature. It compared runners in the United States and Kenya. The researchers were from Harvard University in Massachusetts, Moi University in Kenya and the University of Glasgow in Scotland.

    They divided the runners into three groups. One group had always run shoeless. Another group had always run with shoes. And the third group had changed to shoeless running.

    Runners who wear shoes usually come down heel first. That puts great force on the back of the foot. But the study found that barefoot runners generally land on the front or middle of their foot. That way they ease into their landing and avoid striking their heel.

    Harvard's Daniel Lieberman led the study. He says the way most running shoes are designed may explain why those who wear them land on their heels. The heel of the shoe is bigger and heavier than other parts of the shoe, so it would seem more likely to come down first. Also, the heel generally has thick material under it to soften landings.

    But the researchers do not suggest that runners immediately start running barefoot. They say it takes some training. And there can be risks, like running when your feet are too cold to feel if you get injured.

    The study was partly supported by Vibram, which makes a kind of footwear that it says is like running barefoot. The findings have gotten a lot of attention. But the researchers say there are many problems in the way the press has reported in their paper. So they have tried to explain their findings on a Harvard Website.


    Following news of the potential for life on the recently-discovered TRAPPIST-1 system, there may be another competitor ready to take its place.

    With the help of the Cassini spacecraft, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) scientists have picked up the first evidence that chemical reactions are taking place deep below the surface of Enceladus, Saturn's (土星的) sixth-largest moon. This means that there could be life in Enceladus' warm underground seas.

    An early study found that liquid oceans exist miles below Enceladus' surface. But to reveal what is happening down there, scientists must rely on the plumes (股) of water that spray (喷射) through cracks in Enceladus' icy surface. In October 2015, NASA sent Cassini into a deep dive into one of the plumes.

    Cassini's findings, published on April 13 in the journal Science, showed that hydrogen (氢) not only exists on Enceladus, but is also responsible for a chemical reaction between hot rocks and water in the ocean beneath its surface.

    This same process on Earth provides energy for entire ecosystems around volcanic vents (火山口). There, tiny creatures are able to survive without sunlight, using hydrogen and carbon dioxide as fuel in a process known as “methanogenesis (甲烷生成)”.

    The discovery of this chemical energy source on Enceladus means it could be a very good candidate to host life.

    “Confirmation (确认) that the chemical energy for life exists within the ocean of a small moon of Saturn is an important milestone (里程碑) in our search for habitable (可居住的) worlds beyond Earth,” Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at NASA, told the Daily Mail.

    Alien life was once only thought possible on habitable planets within the “Goldilocks zone” – far enough from our sun not to be a fireball, but not so far as to be freezing.

    Research on Enceladus is still in its early stages, but the recent findings have important meanings for future exploration.

    “At present, we know of only one genesis (诞生) of life, the one that led to us,” David Rothery, professor of planetary geosciences (行星与地球科学) from the Open University in the UK, told The Telegraph.

    “If we knew that life had started independently in two places in our solar system, then we could be pretty confident that life also got started on some of the tens of billions of planets and moons around other stars in our galaxy,” he said.


    The booking notes of the play “Sherlock”

    Price: $10


    There are four easy ways to book seats for the performance:

    in person

    The Box Office is open from Monday to Saturday, 10 am—8pm

    by telephone

    Ring 01324976 to reserve your tickets or to pay by credit card (Visa and MasterCard).

    by post

    Simply complete the booking form and return it to Box Office.


    Complete the online booking form at www.Satanfiedtheatre.com.


    Saver: $2 off any seat booked any time in advance for performances from Monday to Thursday. Saver s are available for children up to 16 years old, over 60s and full-time students.

    Supersavers: half-price seats are available for people with disabilities and one companion. It is advisable to book in advance. There is a maximum of eight wheelchair spaces available and one wheelchair space will be held until an hour before the show.

    Standby: best available seats are on sale for $6 from one hour before the performance for people suitable for Saver and Supersaver discounts and thirty minutes before for all other customers.

    Group Booking: there is a ten percent discount for parties of twelve or more.

    School: school parties of ten or more can book $6 standby tickets and will get every tenth ticket free.

    Please note: we are unable to exchange tickets or refund money unless a performance is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.


    Many independent Chinese women like to earn their own bread, even if their husbands are already bringing home the bacon. But a recent survey suggests that such women find more joy from relationships, rather than successful careers.

    About 73 percent of the 7,000 women surveyed in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou said they would choose to work even if their husbands earned enough for the family. The survey also found that 77 percent define happiness as "enjoying a relationship".

    But striking a balance between career and family can bring challenges to the woman's career advancement.

    "In my company, women usually have an equal or even a higher starting salary than men," said Li Hua, general manager of Beijing Chuangjiashe Book Circulation Company. "However, as they begin to climb up the career ladder, women often meet problems along the way, while men can climb the ladder more easily."

    Both physical and emotional differences can prevent some women from taking tough positions, Li said. But family life is often the main difficulty for Chinese career women.

    Despite these challenges, however, some experts believe it's reasonable for some women to want to be breadwinners.

    "In this way, the roles of a family are decided by the parents' abilities rather than their gender(性别)," said Gu Donghui, a sociology professor at Fudan University.

    Gu says women should have the freedom to decide if they want to stay at home or work to support the family. "Everyone has a different interpretation(解释)of what it means to find self-worth".

    Wang Haibin, an economic expert from Renmin University shares that view: "Traditionally, we tend to regard the family as the cell unit of society. Some members have always been expected to make sacrifices for it. But, it really doesn't matter who earns more. Economic independence and personal choice is essential for both sexes in the family."

