
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津版(深圳•广州)2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册Unit 2 自主检测


    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer and pianist. Many people think he was one of the best composers of music of all time.

    Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. He was educated by his father, a very good violinist. His father started to give him piano lessons when he was 4 years old. When he was 6, he went on his first musical tour of Europe. Mozart also wrote music. When he was only about 5 years old, he started to compose music. At the age of 8, he composed his first real song. He grew up to write some of his most beautiful music ever heard. However, he died when he was only 35 years old.

(1)、What was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
A、A composer. B、A dancer. C、A doctor. D、A teacher.
(2)、How old was Mozart when he started to write music?
A、About 4 years old. B、About 5 years old. C、About 6 years old. D、About 8 years old.
(3)、How old was Mozart when he wrote his first real song?
A、6years old. B、8 years old. C、35years old. D、5 years old.
(4)、As he grew up, Mozart                .
A、wrote some beautiful music B、wrote some beautiful stories C、made some beautiful pianos D、made some beautiful violins

      I am 22. I used to work in a hotel. It was boring.

One day a guest and I had a conversation. She asked me, "Do you like your job?" I was sad because I knew the answer. "No".

     She was 74 and gave me the most beautiful advice that I remember in all my life:"You are too young to hate your job, young man. Go to get your passport and start your adventure(冒险 ). "

     So I did.

     Since I was a little kid I was dreaming to know Europe. So next day I had my passport. And one week later, my plane tickets.

     It was impossible to have a long holiday.  So I resigned(辞职).  My boss said I was crazy. My friends said that I was not responsible. I just paid no attention to those voices.

     It was Europe in winter. Not the best time to travel there. But Europe in winter is really cheap.

     I packed some books, a camera, 4 shirts, 2 pants, a coat, gloves, 2 pairs of walking shoes, candies and music to give away.

       I had little money.  I just walked and walked.  I went to high mountains and big cities. I saw some beautiful sunsets(日落). I heard some of the best musicians (for free). I discovered that there was still love in the world. I realized that sunrises are not always blue or yellow. Sometimes they mix.

      I spent 22 days and $1,500 (including the plane tickets). What I did to save money:

      1. Used CouchSur fing(沙发客 ).

      2. Ate 20-cents bread.

      3. Went to Burger King to get free potato chips and water.

      4. Learned to cook.

      5. Talked with local(当地的) people.  They always know where to do cool and cheap stuff(事儿).

      6. Only went to free museums (only in England).

      Until this point in my life, I never had a clear idea of how to deal with my life. Now I do. I want to be a photographer so that I can inspire(激励) people with my pictures. Thanks to this travel. Thanks to that lady.


From the Other Side

Lara and Tara are twins. They look like each other, but they are very different in everything else. For example, hot food is Lara's favorite, and Tara has a sweet choice.

However, this isn't the problem with the twin girls. They always argues that the opposite one was wrong. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, while Tara thought mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} To put an end to their fights, their parents decided to create a small drama. They wanted the girls to understand that they were both correct from their own point of view. Their parents covered the girl's eyes with black ribbons (带、条), and brought them to the dining room. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Lara was asked to stand on one side of the board and Tara on the other. They couldn't see the other side of it. When the ribbons were taken away, they were surprised to see a huge board between them.

Now, their father asked Lara, "What's the color of the board?" She replied, "It's black!" {#blank#}4{#/blank#} She replied, "It's white!" The two girls began to argue again. While Lara was confident it was black, Tara was sure it was white. Then, they were asked to exchange (交换) their places. They couldn't believe their eyes. Tara, who insisted (坚持) it was a white board, saw a black one. Similarly, Lara, who argued the board was black, was surprised to see a white one. They understood that each of them was right in her own view. Most of us are like Lara and Tara. We are right most times, but insist that others are wrong!

A. They have different ideas.

B. For years, their arguments continued.

C. Their mother asked Tara the same question.

D. In the room, a big board was placed in the middle.

E. Lara thought it was terrible to get up early in the morning.

 Passage D·

"Military-style" travel has become the latest fashion among Chinese college students, who spend as little money as possible to travel to as many places as they can during the weekend, hardly taking a break or even sleeping.

To save money, they usually catch a normal-speed train on a Friday night, arrive at the destination city on Saturday morning, travel around in the city, sleep at a 24-hour restaurant for a few hours on Saturday, then repeat the same busy schedule on Sunday before returning to their university in time for classes on Monday morning. These young travelersare less concerned with in-depth(深入详尽的) experiences and more focused on checking off popular tourist destinations on their schedule. 

Hu Die, a student at Inne r Mongolia University of Technology, is one such traveler. She put together a 10-day holiday during the recent May Day holiday period and traveled to six cities. 

On April 26, she took a high-speed train to Beijing and then from Beijing to Tai'an, Shandon g Province, to climb Mount Tai. To save money, she spent 4 hours climbing up to the mountaintop rather than using a cable car. After watching the sunrise from it on April 27, she visited Dai Temple at the foot of the mountain. She then went to Jinan in the afternoon, visited Daming Lake and Quancheng Square in the evening, and on the morning of April 28 went to Baotu Spring and Heihu Spring. She traveled to Zibo to enjoy the famous barbecue in the city, went to Yantai and Weihai before May 4, when she arrived in Luoyang, Henan Province. There, she visited the Longmen Grottoes and then returned to her school on May 5.

Most people can hardly imagine how she traveled extensively in only 10days. "We do not think we are doing something ‘crazy' or ‘amazing'. We are young and energetic enough to experience such a tight travel schedule, "she said. "Moreover, when you travel with your friends, you are happy and you do not feel tired. "

Videos of them taking such trips have been posted on social media platforms, such as TikTok, Red, with much praise for their energetic spirit and high ability to achieve their plans. Others, however, question whether such a busy schedule is healthy. 


We all know that family life is very important for a person. If a kid is well treated by his parents, he will grow up happily. Bob Courtright is a good example. Deeply committed to his family, Bob Courtright will be remembered as a loving and selfless man forever. Born with an optimistic personality, he was always the one to look on the bright side and made everyone he met feel comfortable. Equipped with a set of skills, an ability to please others, and a strong sense of adventure, Bob lived his life to the fullest. He left behind a rich collection of wonderful memories for his friends and family.

Bob's life story began in 1937 when the Golden Gate Bridge opened, which gave Americans renewed pride and faith in the economy after a hard period at that time. Having moved several times during his childhood, his family eventually settled on the south side of their city.

With a strong desire to make a living on his own, Bob eventually dropped out of school to pursue(追求)a career in painting, leading him to a lifetime of success as a master painter and tradesman. He also served as a doctor in the army. Besides, he took an interest in roller skating and enjoyed competing as a roller skating dancer. He made many friends along the way and enjoyed filling each of his days to the fullest.

As a father, Bob was patient and supportive. He enjoyed his role as a father and always encouraged his children to lead a life of honesty and service.

He also tried hard to be a strong role model in their lives. He and his wife worked together to teach their children the value of hard work and faith in life.

 根据语篇内容, 判断正误。

Once or twice, there was crying and sighing (叹息) from a little leaf, as leaves often do when the wind is blowing. The tree said, "What's the matter, little leaf ?"

"The wind, " said the leaf, "just told me that one day it would pull me off and throw me on the ground. "

" Don't be afraid, " the tree said. "Hold on , and you shall not go off until you are ready. "

So the leaf stopped sighing and went on singing. It grew all summer long until October. When the bright days of autumn came, the leaf saw all the leaves around growing very beautiful. Some were yellow, some were brown, and many were colorful. Then the leaf asked the tree what this meant (意味着).

The tree said, " All these leaves are getting ready to fly away, and they have put on these colors because of their joy (快乐). "

The little leaf started to want to go and grew colorful thinking of it. Then it saw that the branches (树枝) of the tree had no bright colors on them and asked why.

"We must keep on our working clothes because we don't finish our work, " said the tree, "but your clothes are for holidays because your work is now over. "

Just then, the wind came, and the leaf let go (放手) without thinking. The wind took it up and turned it over and over. Then it fell slowly down on the ground, among hundreds of leaves.

