
试题 试卷


题型:语法填空(语篇) 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

牛津版(深圳•广州)2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上册Module 3 Unit 6 Ancient stories 第6课时Integration


The Trojan War

    A Greek king once had a beautiful wife  (call). Helen. One day, a prince from Troy, called Paris, stole Helen away and brought her to Troy with him.

    The Greeks sent  (thousand) of ships to attack Troy. Troy, however, was powerful and well protected. The war lasted  many years. The Greeks had a soldier called Achilles(阿喀琉斯). He was the greatest  (fight) in the world. When he was born, his mother put him in a magic river. Every part of his body that touched the water became immortal(不朽的). But she had to hold his heel(脚后跟), so that part became his great weakness.

    Achilles killed many  (enemy) He was strong and cruel. He killed the greatest prince Troy, called Hector. He then dragged(拖) Hector' s body around the city to mock(嘲笑)the Trojan people.

    The Greeks had still not won, though. They made a plan. They decided  (give) a gift to the city of Troy: a giant wooden horse.

    Late one evening, the Greeks pushed the wooden horse to the gates of Troy. The Trojans seeing the gift, thought the Greeks had given up  (happy), they received the gift.

    That night, they celebrated and drank wine But as they slept, the horse was opened up and ropes(绳子) came down. It was a trick— the horse was filled  Greek soldiers. They opened the gates,  (burn) the city and killed most of the Trojans as they slept.

    The Greeks won the war. Achilles, though was hit by  arrow (箭)in the final battle. It hit his heel, the only weak part of his body, and he died.

