
试题 试卷


题型:短文填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Joe was over seventy years old. He lived alone in a small village after his wife died. His grandchildren often visited him during the holidays. That was the only fun time he had.

    Once, he the whole house to welcome his grandchildren. After he finished cleaning he barn (谷仓), he found he lost his watch. It was from his wife when their first child was born. Joe loved the watch very much, especially after his wife died. He was very upset about losing it. When his grandchildren came, they found their grandfather was very, they asked him what was wrong. Joe told them that hat he couldn't his watch. The children wanted to help him. They asked Joe when he had last seen his watch. Joe told them he lost it he was cleaning the barn. The children searched two hours, but couldn't find anything .Then, one of the children asked the others to leave and said he would find the watch by . Minutes later, the child brought he watch back. Joe and other children wanted to know how he did it. The boy said, "I sat in the barn . Then I heard a "tick—tick' sound and found watch." 'Joe hugged the little boy and thanked him. That is the power of quietness. If we stay quiet, we might find to solve problems more easily.


    Do you want to make homework simpler? Oxford Learning founder and C EO Dr. Nick Whitehead said," Homework might be an unavoidable(不可避免的)part in school, but it doesn't have to be that boring part. With the right skills in place, students can turn homework from headache-including to trouble-free." These steps will make an obvious d{#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Use your notebooks

    The brain is able to finish great works, but it is not a{#blank#}2{#/blank#} perfect. Students should never rely on it to remember all school details.When a teacher assigns homework,students should write the details in their notebooks.According to Whitehead,to make them effective,students n{#blank#}3{#/blank#} to remember to take the note books out of the school bags at night,open them up,and read over the night's list.

    Remove distractions(使注意力分散的事物)

    Computers on, music on, text messages receiving······Whitehead says if students aren't doing research,they should turn off all the above electronics,and focus on the task at hand for a set period of time.They'll find that it is e{#blank#}4{#/blank#} to concentrate and that homework takes less time.

    Think actively

    Getting homework done is the name of the game,but what happens if students are struggling with a question or  can't work out an answer?When facing difficulties, it is wise for the student to take a small break, then r{#blank#}5{#/blank#} to look at the problem again.

    Get organized

    Homework is often the most disorganized part.Whitehead recommends,"Students should keep all the homework-related things in a bin, so they don't waste time s{#blank#}6{#/blank#} for pens or rulers." He also recommends picking the same place to do homework every night, and (when possible)completing homework at a c{#blank#}7{#/blank#} time each day.

