
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:容易

牛津版(深圳•广州)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级上册 Unit 1 Making friends 第4课时 Listening & Speaking


    Bill is an American boy, but he lives with his parents in Shenzhen now. Today he is very happy, because he is going to a Chinese school for the first time. He gets up at 6: 30 a. m. After having breakfast with his parents, he takes a bus to school. He meets a boy called Wang Ming on the bus. He is happy to learn that they are in the same class. They talk a lot and become good friends.

    Bill loves his new school, because all his classmates and teachers are friendly to him.

(1)、Where are Bill's parents?
A、In the US. B、In the UK. C、In China. D、In Canada.
(2)、Bill gets up at ________ today.
A、six o'clock B、half past six C、a quarter past six D、seven o'clock
(3)、How does Bill go to school today?
A、By bus. B、On foot. C、By bike. D、By car.
(4)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A、Bill feels nervous (紧张的) before going to a new school. B、Bill goes to school with his mum today. C、Bill and his new friend are in different classes. D、Everyone in Bill's class is friendly to him.

Gao Xinyi, 14, No 1 Middle School Affliated in CCNU Chao Yang School, Beijing

I was once asked to give a speech in English in front of several native speakers at an organization last summer. I was asked to talk about my experience. At the beginning, I explained to the organizers that I was afraid to speak without preparation. But they told me that I had better get over it. When I first stood up in front of the crowd, my mind went completely blank. But then I began to talk about my story and used some gestures and facial expressions. Although I didn't speak very well, I still did it.

Ye Tong, 14, Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School, Zhejiang

    To be honest, I wasn't a brave girl. I still slept with my mother until I was a sixth-grader, because I didn't dare to sleep alone. Last year, one evening after I came back from school, my mom asked me to sleep in my own room. I thought I had grown up, so I should learn to be independent. Though I was frightened at first, I slept in my own room for the first time. I did it. I'm really proud of myself! This is the bravest thing I have ever done.

Zhang Yiyi, 14, Taiyuan Foreign Language School, Shanxi

I didn't dare to ride the roller coaster all the time. I thought it was a terrible thing. However, my friend asked me to try it when we were in Disneyland, in Hong Kong last year. I decided to take a try. It took off so fast. It was a cool feeling, like you were flying! That was extremely good fun. Someone once said, "Life is a roller coaster ride, tighten your seat belts, enjoy the journey, remember the up always has a down." That is right. I have fallen in love with the roller coaster.


    "All right, everyone, listen up!" said Rey." I have something important to say."

    Rey had always had something important to say since the first day of primary school. "This is really a big project," said Rey. "Trust me. As long as I'm in charge, we'll have the most wonderful project ever!"

    "It seems like Rey is always in charge," murmured(小声说)Jake.

    It was true. Rey always seemed to be in charge of everything. He wanted everything to be as perfect as possible, and he just believed that he was the only person who could make that happen.

    This time, Rey decided to do a play about the Wright brothers and the first airplane flight. He announced that he would be the director, and he had also decided on the role that everyone would play. He would play the part of Orville Wright. He even had made the costumes, which Hannah would like to do.

    The next day, Rey announced he was going to play Wilbur Wright.

    "How can you play both of the Wright brothers?" asked Hannah.

    "I'll just put on different hats for each one," said Rey.

    The next afternoon, no one showed up at the rehearsal (排练) except Rey. An hour had passed, and he still hadn't heard from others.

    Finally, Rey called Stephen. "I quit the play," said Stephen. "In fact, we all quit. We're going to do something else."

    Rey spent the rest of the afternoon working on the play. Moving the set himself took too long, and running around to change costumes left him out of breath. Worst of all, half the airplane dragged on the ground as Rey pulled it across the stage. Rey felt upset and confused.

    He knew now that he couldn't do the play alone. He needed his friends' help if it was going to work at all.

    The next day at school, Rey had a talk with his friends, "I'm going to change. I promise I will listen to you. What do you want to do?

    "Hannah thought the play should he shorter and Jake wanted to make a new airplane that would be easier to handle. Stephen thought everyone should get a chance to play a real part like Wilbur Wright. Fern wanted to be able to act her part the way she wanted.

    "You are probably right," Rey said. "Let's try it your way.

    "Everyone smiled.

