
试题 试卷


题型:书面表达 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



要求:①请使用括号内所给的全部单词(hit,promise,dress,appear, charge)创作故事,并在文中划线进行标注;




    I have a "strange­sounding" name. I always knew when the teacher got to my name on the attendance, because of the long pause.

    "Um…… Ooooozma?"

    "Is it…… Ahhhzzzma?"

    "Wait, I got this. Youz­ma, right?"

    The other kids, all named Carla, Melanie, Sammy and Geoff, would laugh secretly. I'd agree with whatever my teacher said, just to move past the annual, painful moment. It's totally fine, though. Whatever shames you in grade school turns you into a strong adult later, so it's all good.

    I was shocked to learn, many years later, that my first name—Uzma, pronounced exactly as it looks—is quite common in India and Pakistan. I even know a few Uzma's in Toronto. At least my teachers tried. When I was 12 my P.E. teacher called me "Ursula" because he couldn't pronounce my name. Every time he called me by my new nickname, I pictured the scary octopus from LittleMermaid. For the record, if I were to give myself a more user­friendly name, it would be Caroline. To 12­-year-­old me, it had a great sound.

    Many of my friends have similar stories. Amreena became "Am," Aqeela became "Angela" and—my personal favourite—Widad Ahmed somehow changed into "Woodward Anderson". One teacher took one look at a friend's name and threw up his hands. "I can't pronounce this!" he said. Her name is Ayesha.

    Every parent I know gives the "how will this be important in school?" attitude when giving a list of baby names. For instance, "Butt" is a common South Asian last name, but in Canada it is sure to have different meaning. My own last name, at four syllables and 10 letters, is difficult to read. I drive cashiers crazy when signing receipts, holding up lines for an extra five to 10 seconds while I carefully write.

    As a teacher, I pay attention to pronouncing names. "HAHSS­an?" I said with confidence. The class starts to laugh. "It's Has­saaan, miss," the students responded. No! It's not! I want to yell back. I know how your name is pronounced! Mispronunciations(误读)happen so often that the proper pronunciation sounds wrong.




3)续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好;

4)续写完成后, 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:Yet many people stick to traditional ethnic names when it comes to their own kids.

Paragraph 2:Do names really matter?

