
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:普通



There are some things that are almost impossible to say to our close friends — especially if we want (A) them to be our friends for life. Are you wondering what problems others have?

"I can't stand your other friends."

    (B)My best friend, Kate, sometimes hangs out with some people that I really don't like. I think they have a bad influence on her, and she only spends time with them because they are "cool". Could you tell me if I should bring the matter up with her, or if it would be better for me to keep quiet? I don't want to lose her as a friend.

— Linda

"I won't help you cheat."

    My closest friend, Kim, has lost interest in school and studying. He says he's bored with the whole thing, so he often asks me whether I'll let him copy my homework. By now I've said no, but he keeps asking me. I told him, "I think we'll get in trouble." but he just laughed and told me not to worry. I don't want to put my grades at risk, but I'm afraid to face my friend about this, so I just keep avoiding the topic. How can I get him to stop asking? I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions for dealing with my problem.

— Mike

"No, I CAN'T do that for you!"

    Anna is my best friend. We get along with each other well, but she is asking me to do things for her all the time. "Could you help me pick out some new clothes? Would you mind if I borrowed your bike? Can you look after my apartment while I'm away?" And these are just a few examples. I've said yes so many times that now I'm afraid I'll hurt her feelings if I say no. Any ideas?

 — Amy

(1)、从文中找出(A)处划线单词 them 所指代的内容。
(2)、从文中找出与 "I was thinking whether you could help me out with your suggestions." 意思相同或相近的句子。
(3)、将文中(B)处划线句子My closest friend, Kim, has lost interest in school and studying.翻译成汉语。

Kate only spends time with some people that Linda really doesn't like because.

(5)、回答问题。What does Kim often want to do?
(6)、完成任务。Please give Amy ONE idea.
信息归纳, 阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。

 In classes, your teachers will talk about topic that you are studying. The information they provide will be important for you to know when you take tests. So you must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.

Here are the three stages(阶段) of taking notes and what you should do during each stage.

1. Before Class Review your notes you have taken before you come to class. This will be good for remembering what was covered. Get you ready to understand new information your teacher will provide.

2. During Class Keep your attention on what your teacher is saying and „the signal words that tell you what your teacher is going to say and it is important to write in your notes. Examples of signal words are „The most important point…and „Remember that… Be sure to include in your notes information that your teacher repeats or writes on the blackboard. Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviations(缩写) such as med for medicine, using symbols such as % for percent, and writing short sentences.

3. After Class Rewrite your notes to make them more complete and accurate (准确的) by changing abbreviations into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences. Use them to answer your questions. If necessary, ask your teacher for help.

Taking notes


The information that is provided by the teachers about studying {#blank#}1{#/blank#} is useful for your tests, so it is necessary for you to take good notes.



* {#blank#}2{#/blank#} the notes you have taken to remember what was covered.

*  Prepare to understand new {#blank#}3{#/blank#} .



* Listen to your teacher carefully.

* Be sure to {#blank#}4{#/blank#} the important points.

* Write them down quickdy.



* Make you notes more complete and accurate to answer your questions.

* Ask for your {#blank#}5{#/blank#} help.


    An English gent leman always takes an umbrella and wears a hat. Why? In England, it rains often. The rain comes at any time, so an umbrella is necessary (必要的) in people's life. English gentlemen love to take a long black umbrella. It is useful when the rain comes. And it is also a style. The hat plays an important part in their life too. If two men meet in the street,  they take off (脱掉)  their hats to show their respect (尊重) to each other. If a man visits his friend, he takes off his hat frst when he gets into the room. If he goes to a party, he can only put the hat on his chair, but not on the table. You don't have the two things, but you can still (仍然) be a gentleman. Always be nice to others and be ready to help others. Show your respect and love to old people, women and children. Never shout. Never lose your temper (发脾气).


English gentlemen

Then have two things:

⒈An {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

●It is often {#blank#}2{#/blank#} in English.

●They usually take a {#blank#}3{#/blank#} black oine.

⒉A {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

●When two men meet in the street, they take off their hats.

●When a man visits his {#blank#}5{#/blank#}, he first takes off his hat after getting into the room.

●When he goes for a party, he has to put the hat on the {#blank#}6{#/blank#}.

How to be a gentleman


●Be {#blank#}7{#/blank#} to others.

●Be ready to {#blank#}8{#/blank#} others.

●Show respect and {#blank#}9{#/blank#} to others.

Should not:

● {#blank#}10{#/blank#}

●Lose one's temper.

根据短文内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确。

    A young man went to visit a wise man who lived deep in the mountain. He wanted to ask for wisdom of life.

    "Excuse me! {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Is it the day we were born or the day we die? Is it the day we fall in love or the day we are successful?" the young man asked.

    "None. The most important day in our lives is today." the wise man replied calmly.

    "Why?" the young man was very surprised. "{#blank#}2{#/blank#}"

    "No. Nothing has happened today."

    "So is it because of my visit?"

    "Even if nobody visited me today, today is still very important, because today is the only wealth we have. No matter how important yesterday is, it has gone by; {#blank#}3{#/blank#}No matter how ordinary and boring today is, it is in our hands."

The young man still wanted to ask something, but the wise man stopped him and said, "When we are talking about the importance of today, we have wasted a lot of it. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Having understood this, the young man nodded and then went down the mountain.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Therefore, what we should do now is to forget yesterday and tomorrow and catch hold of today!

A. Is it because there is some unusual event taking place today?

B. Actually today is the only wealth and chance we have.

C. No matter how wonderful tomorrow may be, it hasn't come.

D. Could you tell me what is the most important day in our lives?

E. That is to say, "part of 'today' has passed."

F. The young man didn't understand.


    Schools in the UK are quite different from those in China. In the UK, at the beginning of the term, students must select their courses and teachers first.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} So in the first term, don't select too many courses, or you'll feel nervous and it may influence your study. Then you have to ask for some teaching plans. There is some information about subjects, time arranging, marks and textbooks. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Different teachers have different teaching methods.

    If the teacher is called "killer" by the last grade, many students will give up choosing him, because this kind of teacher will leave too much homework, give too many exams and too low grades.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} How to buy textbooks makes each student feel hard. The textbooks in the UK are very expensive. Each copy is about $30 -50. In order to save money, many students buy some used textbooks. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    In class, discussing is very important. The teachers always encourage you to ask questions or show your own opinions freely. They don't usually ask you to sit well. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} They usually don't give you much homework to do. So in the schools in the UK you can learn knowledge and do exercises by yourself. You must do almost all things independently.

A. And some students usually borrow textbooks from the school library.

B. At the same time, you must select the teachers.

C. Selecting is very important for your grades in the UK.

D. Instead, they allow you to sit or stand everywhere you like.

E. There is another thing after you select the courses and the teachers.

