
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Last Sunday, I was walking in a park. There was a mom and her three-year-old daughter walking before me. The little girl was holding a balloon (气球).

    Suddenly, a strong wind blew away the balloon from the little girl's hand. I got worried and began to wait for the girl to start crying.

    But no! When the little girl turned to watch her balloon fly away, she shouted out, "Wow!"

    I didn't realize it that moment, but that little girl really taught me something.

    Later that day, I got a phone call from a person with a problem. When I wanted to say "Oh, no. what should we do?" I remembered that little girl, then I found myself saying, "Wow, that's interesting! How can I help you?" Then things went well.

    So next time you meet something unexpected, remember that little girl and say "Wow". The "Wow" can really change your life.

(1)、Where did the story happen?
A、In the street B、In the park C、At school D、In a shop
(2)、The girl's balloon flew away ________.
A、because she didn't want it B、because she wasn't happy C、because of the strong wind D、because of her mother
(3)、What did the girl do when the balloon flew away?
A、She said "Wow". B、She began to cry. C、She became very upset. D、She asked her mother for help.
(4)、The underlined word "unexpected" in the passage means ________ in Chinese.
A、失落的 B、窘迫的 C、无所适从的 D、意想不到的
(5)、What can we learn from the passage?
A、We should smile at our life. B、Bad things usually happen in our life. C、We should say "Wow" at any time. D、we should take good care of our things.

Mother Tongue (语言)

    My name is Jiniku but everyone calls me Joey, including my parents. My father is American but my mother is not. My mother grew up in a country whose name I cannot pronounce correctly. She was educated in French and Latin, Spanish and German.

    My mother wrote all day, but never showed anyone what she wrote. She had notebooks she would write in, and a typewriter to straighten out (整理) the final copy.

    When she had typed (打字) pages, she put them in a box. This box was deep under the bed that she and my father shared.

    There were only two words that she ever said in the real voice, with her real accent (口音), real tongue. I heard her say them only three times in her life. She taught them to me one night as I lay on her legs, sweating (出汗) with fever.

    "Jiniku," she said in a low voice. "Jiniku." I focused (集 中) on her voice through my fever, realizing that something had changed. She was speaking from a part of her that she had not opened for a long time. She took my hand, and placed my palm (掌心) over her heart. "Juriszu." She stared out the window. There was a long silence. I could feel her heartbeat, which was calmer and slower than my own. "My name," she said at last, speaking once more in English, "means „dark ocean (海洋).‟ And you, Jiniku, my baby, yours means „life.‟" She looked out the window again. "„Ji‟ is the word for a happy birth. One where everyone lives and there is little pain. „Ni‟ is a tree that had its roots (根) spread far and whose branches (树枝) shelter (庇护) all. „Ku‟ is spirit. You have this all-encompassing (包罗万象的) life." She placed her hand on my heart. "The first and last letters of our names are the same," she said. "Don‟t forget that, Jiniku."

