
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The robin (知更鸟) stood on an old climbing plant, and sang his most beautiful song. Suddenly the wind made the plant move, and Mary saw something under the dark green leaves. The thick, heavy plant was covering a door. Mary's heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking as she pushed the leaves away and found the keyhole. She took the key out of her pocket, and it fit the hole. Using both hands, she managed to unlock the door. Then she turned round to see if anyone was watching. But there was no one, so she pushed the door, which opened, slowly, for the first time in ten years. She walked quickly in and closed the door behind her. At last she was inside the secret garden!

    It was the loveliest, most exciting place she had ever seen. There were old rose trees everywhere, and the walls were covered with climbing roses. She looked carefully at the grey branches (枝条). Were the roses still alive? Ben would know. She hoped they weren't all dead. But she was inside the wonderful garden, in a world of her own. It seemed very strange and silent, but she did not feel lonely at all. Then she noticed some small green shoots coming up through the grass. So something was growing in the garden after all! When she found a lot more shoots in different places, she decided they needed more air and light, so she began to pull out the thick grass around them. She worked away, clearing the ground, for two or three hours, and had to take her coat off because she got so hot. The robin hopped around, pleased to see someone gardening.

(1)、What did Mary see under dark green leaves?
A、a robin B、a door C、a key D、rose trees
(2)、How did Mary feel after walking in the secret garden?
A、excited B、sad C、angry D、calm
(3)、How many years has the garden been empty?
A、Never B、10 C、5 D、1
(4)、Why did Mary pull out the thick grass around the shoots?
A、Because the thick grass was ugly. B、Because she wanted to plant more rose trees. C、Because she wanted to give shoots more air and light. D、Because she felt hot in this secret garden.
    "Tammy! Come here, please! Mother needs your help in the kitchen." Her father called out to her.
    Tammy was in her room, getting ready to do her homework. "Yes, Daddy!" she replied. "I'll be right there."
    She hurried out of her bedroom and down the hallway. She was only nine years old. Her elder sister, Ella, had just moved away to go to a performing arts high school in another city. Her brother, Harry, was in middle school and always got home late. With Ella leaving home, Tammy was expected to do a lot more than she had ever done before, especially now, because her mother was ill.
    Her father was in the kitchen. "Tammy, I know you usually do your homework right now, but with things being different, we all have to change a little bit. I'll help you and Harry with your homework later on, OK?"
    Her father had an apron(围裙) on over his clothes, and he looked kind of funny. He was doing the dishes and he always splashed(溅出) water all over when he did that. After helping her father with the dishes, Tammy helped set the table.
    After supper, her father helped her and Harry with their homework, and then they played a board game so that their mother could lie down for a while.
    The next morning, Tammy got up early on her own because she wanted to help her mother with breakfast. She made orange juice and even put bread in the toaster and got out the butter so that her mother could sleep for a few more minutes.
    When her mother got up half an hour later, she was very surprised and moved to see the breakfast on the dining table. She gave Tammy a big hug.
    "Thank you, Tammy. You really are mother's little helper now, aren't you?"

