
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The UNESCO has recognized the Chinese art of paper cutting on its Intangible Cultural Heritage List. But paper cutting is at the risk of disappearing.

    Voyo Woo, a Chinese immigrant, who loves paper cutting, worked hard to celebrate the ancient art form. With a keen interest in paper cutting, Ms Woo held a paper cutting exhibition at a shopping center near Washington. "I really love it. I get so much fun by doing it. So I'm just kind of hoping that more people will learn about this art which is about to disappear. I think it's time to take action. So I held it."

    Voyo Woo began to study paper cutting when she was a 14-year-old girl in southeastern China. Voyo Woo's teacher gave her extra training after class because Voyo Woo discovered a special love for it. Later, her beautiful paper cuttings won second prize in a national painting competition. "Paper is the easiest material that you can find. You can just turn it into beautiful art. I think it is like magic to me."

    Ms Woo came to the US after she finished college in 2008. She has been invited to show the art at a wide collection of events. She also has shown her skill and works at famous museums like the Smithsonian Institution's Freer and Sackler art galleries in Washington.

    "I saw so many people coming to me and asking me. They were amazed. I think it's important to introduce the art form to American people or anyone who is interested."

    Ms Woo placed examples of her art around her as she displayed paper cutting at the shopping center. Ann Russ, a shopper, was attracted by the nature of the work. She said it put her at ease. "I like to know about Chinese art, specifically because it's almost relaxing to put that much effort into it," Russ said.

(1)、The underlined word "keen" in paragraph 2 probably means                   .
A、strong B、strange C、similar D、simple
(2)、Why did Ms Woo hold a paper cutting show?
A、To make money for her further education. B、To keep and develop the ancient Chinese art. C、To show off her perfect skill in paper cutting. D、To explain paper cutting is a real art in China.
(3)、What can we know about Ms Woo according to the text?
A、She went to the US mainly to teach the art. B、She will come back to China to study the art. C、She once showed the art at several museums in Washington. D、She once held a competition for American paper cutting lovers.

    It is commonly believed that all over the world,boys and girls attend a mixed school,where they study together. But boys' schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as arty,dance and music.

    Always boys at single-sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressiveness,rather than feeling they had to correspond to(和…相符)the "boy code" of hiding their emotions to be a "real man".

    Surprisingly,the findings of the study go against received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls.

    George Car,headmaster of Eton,warned that boys were being failed by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls.He criticized teachers for failing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than girls.

    The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when girls do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.

    But in single-sex schools teachers can adjust lessons to boys' learning style,letting them move around the classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom,wrote the study's author,Abigail James,of the University of Virginia.

    Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with "boy-focused" approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them.Because boys generally have more acute vision,learn best through touch,and are physically more active,they need to be given"'hands-on" lessons where they are allowed to walk around."Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine(女性的)and prefer the modem genre(类型)in which violence and sexism are major themes,"James wrote.

    Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel that they had to be "masterful and in charge" in relationships."In mixed schools,boys feel forced to act like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means,"the study reported.


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    People who play computer games to train their brains might as well be playing Super Mario, new research suggests.

    In a six-week study, experts found people who played online games designed to improve their cognitive(认知的) skills didn't get any smarter.

    More than 8,600 people aged 18 to 60 were asked to play online brain games designed by the researchers to improve their memory, reasoning and other skills, for at least 10 minutes a day, three times a week.

    They were compared to more than 2,700 people who didn't play any brain games, but spent a similar amount of time surfing the Internet. All participants were given an "IQ test" before and after the experiment.

    Researchers said the people who did the brain training didn't do any better on the test after six weeks than people who had simply been on the Internet.

    "If you're(playing these games) because they're fun, that's absolutely fine," said Adrian Owen, assistant director at Britain's Medical Research Council. "But if you're expecting these games to improve your IQ, our data suggests this isn't the case."

    Computer games that are supposed to improve memory, reasoning and other cognitive skills are played by millions of people worldwide, though few studies have examined if the games work.

    "There is precious little evidence to suggest the skills used in these games transfer to the real world," said Art Kramer, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois, US.

    Instead of playing brain games, Kramer said people would be better off getting some exercise. He said physical activity can help produce new brain cells.

    Other experts said brain games might be useful, but only if they weren't fun.

    "If you set the level for these games to a very high level where you don't get the answers very often and it really annoys you, then it may be useful," said Philip Adey, a professor of psychology at King's College in London.

    If people are enjoying the brain games, Adey said they probably aren't being challenged and might as well be playing a regular video game.

    He said people should consider learning a new language or sport if they really want to improve their brain power. "To stimulate(激发) the intellect, you need a real challenge," Adey said, "Getting smart is hard work."


    Many leading AI researchers think that in a matter of decades, artificial intelligence will be able to do not merely some of our jobs, but all of our jobs, forever transforming life on Earth.

    The reason why many regard this as science fiction is that we've traditionally thought of intelligence as something mysterious that can only exist in biological organisms, especially humans. But such an idea is unscientific.

    From my point of view as a physicist and AI researcher, intelligence is simply a certain kind of information-processing performed by elementary particles (基本粒子) moving around, and there is no law of physics that says one can't build machines more intelligent than us in all ways. This suggests that we've only seen the tip of the intelligence iceberg and that there is an amazing potential to unlock the full intelligence that is potential in nature and use it to help humanity.

    If we get it right, the upside is huge. Since everything we love about civilization is the product of intelligence, amplifying (扩大) our own intelligence with AI has the potential to solve tomorrow's toughest problems. For example, why risk our loved ones dying in traffic accidents that self-driving cars could prevent or dying of cancers that AI might help us find cures for? Why not increase productivity through automation (自动化) and use AI to accelerate our research and development of affordable sustainable (可持续的) energy?

    I'm optimistic that we can develop rapidly with advanced AI as long as we win the race between the growing power of our technology and the knowledge with which we manage it. But this requires giving up our outdated concept of learning form mistakes. That helped us win the race with less powerful technology: We messed up with fire and then invented fire extinguishers (灭火器), and we messed up with cars and then invented seat belts. However, it's an awful idea for more powerful technologies, such as nuclear weapons or superintelligent AI—where even a single mistake is unacceptable and we need to get things right the first time.


    Volunteering abroad is a great way to help others, improve your skills and become a more confident, independent person. If you are interested in volunteering abroad, here are some places to go.


    If you seek a life on the beach, in a great climate with friendly people, Australia might be your best bet. With thousands of volunteers already signing up to leave for Australia during the holidays, it will be a very popular option.


    This vast country has some great opportunities on offer and is especially popular this year. A lot of volunteer work is available in Brazil centers on conservation and ecological projects. With the world's largest rainforest in Brazil, of which huge part is in danger, there are lots of different jobs you can do.


    Kenya is the destination for those seeking an African experience. Generally volunteers in Kenya work in orphanages (孤儿院) or with local children living in slums (贫民窟). There is a great demand for volunteers in Africa because many people live in poverty, so if you truly feel like making a difference to a community, Kenya should be at the top of your list.

    Costa Rica

    Golden sandy beaches, clear coastlines and beautiful cities are what Costa Rica is all about. Because of its small size, you can see a lot of the country in just a short time. You can really make the most of your time as a volunteer. A lot of work is needed with wildlife and ecological work, so if you want to look after turtles (海龟) on the beach, Costa Rica could be just the place for you.

