
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



    I used to think courtesy (礼貌) was a thing of the past. However, I changed my mind when I met a courteous man.

    Last Saturday, I went to a cafe with my daughters. It was crowded with the usual loud crowd and we had to climb up the stairs to find an empty table. After enjoying coffee and snacks, we were ready to come down the stairs, where the narrow space made climbing down only possible in a single line, with hardly any space for another person to either climb up or come down.

    Just as I was in the middle of my descent (下去), a man got to the main entrance (入口) of the cafe which was right in front of the staircase. I was sure I would be pushed by the man who would want to go up in a hurry. Anyway, I kept coming down as fast as I could. My daughters were already down, looking up at me worriedly, hoping I would get down before the stranger went up the stairs.

    Nearly getting down, I noticed the man still standing near the door. Later, I passed him at the entrance door which he kept holding open. I looked back thinking he was still at the door, deciding whether to go in or find another less crowded place. However, I saw him going up the stairs, two at a time.

    I told my daughters about it and all of us felt bad for we did not even thank the courteous gentleman.

(1)、What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A、The writer seldom goes to the cafe. B、Few people go to the cafe on weekends. C、The writer didn't like the coffee. D、The cafe is often crowded and noisy.
(2)、How did the daughters feel when they saw their mum going down the stairs?
A、Sad. B、Worried. C、Excited. D、Proud.
(3)、The writer felt sorry for not saying "_________" to the man.
A、Hello B、Goodbye C、Sorry D、Thanks
(4)、According to the passage, we can learn _______.
A、the man went to another cafe at last B、the writer opened the door for the man C、the man didn't push the writer D、the man is the writer's old friend
(5)、Which of the following is the RIGHT order?

①The writer had snacks.

②The man went up the stairs.

③The writer came down the stairs.

A、①②③ B、①③② C、③①② D、③②①

    Sometime ago I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didn't think there would be any difficulty in getting it repaired, as there are a lot of antique (古董) shops near my home. So I left home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception.  I was quite wrong. The man wouldn't even look at my chair.

    The second shop, though a little more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth. I realized that my approach must be wrong so I decided to try another way. I entered the fifth shop with a plan in my mind.  I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper, "Would you like to buy a chair? Twenty pounds," I said. "OK. I'll give you twenty pounds for it,"he said. "It's got a slightly broken leg," I added. "Yes, I saw that.  It's nothing," the shopkeeper replied.

    Everything was going according to the plan and I was getting excited. "What will you do with it?" I asked. "Oh, it will be easy to sell after the repair is done.""I'll buy it," I said.  "What do you mean? You've just sold it to me," the man asked in surprise.  "Yes, I know. But I've changed my mind.  I am sorry. I'll give you twenty-seven pounds for it." "You must be crazy," he said. Then, suddenly the penny dropped. He shouted, "I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair." "You're right,"I said, "And what would you have said if I had walked in and asked you to repair my chair?" "I wouldn't have agreed to do it. We don't do repairs, not enough money in it and too much trouble.  But I'll repair this for you.  Five pounds will be the cost,"the man answered. He was a very nice man and was greatly amused by the whole thing.


A. How to get on well with others

B. How to greet(问候,打招呼)

C. When to arrive

D. How to get on with our parents

E. What to bring

{#blank#}1{#/blank#} ⑴The first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you over, you need to arrive on time. If your friend tells you to come "around 3:00", that means you can turn up a little bit after 3:00. But usually it is a good idea to arrive at the right time.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} ⑵Often it is also nice to bring something to your friend's house. This could be a box of chocolate for you two to share, or maybe a movie that you can watch together. You can also bring some flowers. A little gift is a nice way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his house.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} ⑶When you visit your friend's house, you may also meet his parents. You should tell them who you are and they may tell you their names, and then they may tell you to call them by their first names. Another way to show respect is to call them Madam or Sir.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} ⑷As we all know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But in what ways? First of all, we should respect others. Everyone has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to communicate with each other. What's more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} ⑸Everybody has his parents. But not everybody gets on well with his parents. Well, first, we should respect our parents because they bring us up and care for us all the time. Second, we are supposed to do some housework at home. We should help clean the room, cook meals and so on. Third, we should care for them, have a talk with them about their work.

阅读短文,从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A mother was not ready to go on a hike, so her two little girls decided to go themselves. Then they went missing in the 1 .

It all started on a Friday afternoon when 8-year-old Laura Brown and her sister Caroline Brown asked their mom if they could go on a 2 . The family usually goes on weekend camping trips and hike, 3 it was nothing unusual. But things took a turn when the sisters 4 walked too far.

The girls then realized that they were lost.

Though Caroline and Laura were 5 , they remembered all the survival (生存) 6 that they learned while they were in the local youth club.

As it was very cold during their first night in the wild, the girls hugged together under a huckleberry bush (丛林) for 7 . They drank fresh water from huckleberry leaves and Laura 8 her younger sister to think happy thoughts about their family.

At the same time  their parents became 9 and afraid when their children failed to return home before dark. They called the police and a team of 250 people soon started to search 10 the girls.

The two girls spent another 11 in their "huckleberry home" as they waited for people to find them. Both nights, Laura kept watching for wild animals while her younger sister was sleeping.

12 , on Sunday afternoon, the girls heard people calling their names and shouted back. 

13 was happy to find that the girls were safe.

"I am trying not to 14 them." their mother, Misty Brown said. "They saved each other. I'm the 15 mom. They are superheroes."

