
试题 试卷


题型:听力题 题类:模拟题 难易度:容易


Questions are based on the following passage.
(1)、How long did the man think he could keep the book?
A、For a couple of weeks. B、For a whole month. C、For an academic year. D、For as long as he needs it.
(2)、Which of the following statements is True according to the conversation?
A、The man is writing his graduation paper. B、The man hasn't signed up for extended borrowing duration. C、The woman allows the man to keep the book. D、One professor has recalled the book the man is keeping.
(3)、What does the woman suggest that the man should do?
A、Renew the book right now. B、Have part of the book photocopied. C、Sign up for another borrowing duration. D、Buy a new copy at a campus bookstore.
