
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

浙江外研版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷(五)(含听力音频)


    Here is a story told an American general(将军)who was a very important figure in the American army during the First World War. Everybody in the United States knew him and many people wished to have a picture or something of his in their homes.

    Soon after the war, the general returned to Washington. One day he went to a dentist(牙医)and had six teeth pulled out. A week later the general heard that his teeth were being sold in curiosity shops at $5 each. On catch of the teeth there was a label(标签)with the name of the general and words, "Buy these teeth and show them to your friends at home. "The general got angry. He rushed to his office and ordered six officers to go around the city and buy all his teeth.

    The officers went out and visited every curiosity shop in the capital. They were away from the office all day. In the evening they returned and put on the table in front of the general the teeth they had bought. They had collected 175 teeth.

(1)、The general's teeth were sold in            .
A、the museum B、the special shops selling some rare and interesting things C、the department store D、the hospital
(2)、In the evening, the officers went back with all the teeth which cost          .
A、$785 B、$1, 050 C、$157 D、$875
(3)、There was the general's name on the label of each tooth. This shows that              .
A、the general's name was known by everyone in the world B、the shop-keeper wanted to have more customers buy the teeth C、the shop-keeper tried to make the general more popular D、Both A and C
(4)、The general ordered his men to          .
A、look for his teeth and buy all of them B、arrest the dentist at once C、make all the shops stop selling teeth D、buy all the teeth in all the shops
完成图表  根据短文内容,完成图表中所缺信息。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

Environmental protection is one of the hottest topics nowadays. It was also something that ancient Chinese paid great attention to. In fact, the world's earliest environmental protection idea, ministry (部门) and law were all born in China. How did the ancient Chinese protect the environment?

The world's earliest idea of "managing state affairs政事)through environmental protection"

Xunzi, a famous thinker in the Warring States Period, came up with the idea of "managing state affairs through environmental protection". He wrote in his book that vegetation(植被)should be protected well by humans.

Guan Zhong, a government officer 400 years ahead of Xunzi, was also an environmental protection expert. He said "a king who cannot protect his vegetation is not doing a good job".

The world's earliest environmental protection ministry"

Nine ministries set up by Shim, an ancient Chinese emperor, included "Yu"(虞) , an environmental protection ministry. Hie first " Yu'' leader was Boyi, an environmental protection expert. He invented wells so people could drink clean water. He knew a lot about animals and also called for animal protection.

The world's earliest "environmental protection law"

Over 4, 000 years ago, Dayu, an ancient Chinese water-control expert and also an emperor, made a rule, not allowing people to cut down trees in March or catch fish in June, because it was the time when they grew quickly.

Almost 3,000 years ago, Tianlv, the first environmental protection law, appeared in Qin. It recorded many ancient environmental protection rules. Two of them were interesting: firstly, rivers should not be blocked(堵塞); secondly, grass and trees should not be burned to be fertilizer (肥料)except for summer. The second one is inspiring even for today. It can help to keep air clean and fresh.

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