
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

浙江新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级下册单元测试卷(一)(含听力音频)


    One day an American went to a small town in South America for his holidays. Few people went there because it was far away from the cities. He fell ill(生病) and wanted very much to see a doctor.

    The American went to find out how he could find a fine doctor there. A man told him, "That's very easy. If there is a patient(病人) that a doctor can't cure(治愈), the doctor has to put a balloon over his clinic(诊所). "

    The American thought, "The fewer balloons are, the finer the doctor is." He began to look for the finest doctor along the street. First he found a clinic. There were 20 balloons. After a few minutes he found another one-30 balloons. He thought neither doctor was fine.

    At last he found the third clinic. Only 5 balloons were there. He was very happy and went in.

    "Wait a minute," said the doctor. "I'm too busy, you know. This clinic opened only yesterday." The American was very much surprised(感到吃惊的) and said to himself, "Where can I find the finest doctor?"

(1)、         went to the small town for their holidays.
A、Many people B、No one C、Everyone D、Few people
(2)、The American wanted to see a doctor because          .
A、he didn't feel well B、he was very happy C、he was very tired D、his leg was hurt
(3)、The doctor in the third clinic was            .
A、a new doctor B、an old doctor C、the finest D、better than the first one
(4)、How long was the third clinic over there?
A、For a week. B、For two days. C、For a month. D、For a day.

      Campbell Remess, a 12-year-old boy from Tasmania, has an unusual hobby—sewing(缝纫). He makes teddy bears, and gives them to children at the local hospital. “If Campbell could be on that sewing machine for 24 hours, he would,” said his mother, Sonia.

      Campbell is one of nine children, so when he had the idea of giving Christmas presents to kids in hospital, the only choice was to make them himself. “First, I took a lot of practice,” said Campbell. “ I haven't sewn anything before.” He downloaded patterns from the Internet and learned by trial and error (反复试验). At first, a bear took him five hours to make, but now it only takes him an hour to make a bear.

      Campbell visits the hospital every Thursday, giving out new bears and visiting kids whom he's given gifts before. “He looks at sadness and tries to turn it upside down,” Said Sonia.

      There has been sadness in his family, too. Five years age, his father Nathan had cancer. Even though he received the medical treatment, there was still an 80-percent recurrence rate(复发率). “When we discovered Dad had cancer, we all felt very upset.,” said Campbell. “As a result, the cancer got worse with stress. So I made my first bear, hoping that Dad could be free from cancer.

      Since Nathan got the bear,   ▲    It's the longest period he has been free from cancer.“ there's a little magic in it,” said Nattan. “ A lot of magic in Campbell though.”

      Campbell explained his project with this: “ I think being kind will change the world.”


    “Get up, get up, Jim. It's time to get up!” My mother said while she was pushing me. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. “Oh dear! It's a quarter past eight already.” I'll be late for school again,” I thought. I jumped out of the bed, washed my face, and then hurried to the bus stop without breakfast. As soon as I   got on the bus, it started running. “I'm sure I can get to school in time,” I said to myself. Suddenly the bus stopped. The bus driver got off the bus, then got on the bus again and said, “I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen. There's something wrong with the bus. Please get off the bus and wait for another one.” “I couldn't wait. The school isn't far. I'd better run to school,” I thought, and then I began to run. But before I got to school, it began to rain hard.

    I reached the classroom but I was wet shivering with cold. The math teacher had already begun his lesson. It was Mr. Smith. He was very strict with his students and the students were a little afraid of him and so was I. I liked neither him nor his math lessons. I hesitated (犹豫) for a moment, and then I opened the door. “I'm very sorry, Mr. Smith. I'm late again,” I said with a red face.

    “It's you again, Jim,” Mr. Smith said angrily, “I've told you not to be late, but you...” he suddenly stopped and looked at my wet clothes. He turned to   the class and said, “I'm very sorry, boys and girls. ” With these words he quickly took off his own jacket and handed it to me. “Now, take off your wet coat and put on this one or you'll catch cold,” he said kindly.

    I went to my seat with Mr. Smith's jacket on. It was a bit larger for me but I felt very warm in it. I found, for the first time, math was so interesting and how well I could understand it!



    My father died when I was five. It was hard on us all. My brother, who is eight years older than me, began to take care of my mother and me.

    He took on more responsibilities than expected. I remember he made sure the rubbish was taken out, and the yard was cleaned. He did on his own, without being told to do so.

    Because of my father's death, mom had to get a full time job. Brother would get me up for school and make me breakfast. While I was eating, he would lay out my clothes, make my bed, and gather my school books up.

    Hand in hand we would walk to the bus stop. As we waited, he would play games my father used to play with me. When we returned from school, we were alone for about half an hour, until mom was home from work. Before I did my homework, he would sit me down with three cookies and a glass of milk. Then he would prepare something for mom to cook dinner.

    Mom would greet us with a hug and kiss. This was our time to have some fun outside. This was my brother's time to be a kid.

    One Saturday in June several years later, my mother and I were at a store where the Father's Day cards were sold. I stared at the cards. Mom said," Cindy, I know this is hard time for you."

   "No, mom. That's not it. Why don't they have Brother's Day cards?"

    She smiled," You're right, your brother has exactly been a father to you. Go ahead to choose a card."

    I did so, and on Father's Day, my mother and I sat my brother down and gave him the card.

    As he read it, I saw the tears in his eyes. Mom said," Son, your father is proud of you, seeing that he raised a good man, and that you do your best to fill his shoes. We love you and thank you."

