
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    What I should keep in mind:

    Everybody doesn't have to love me. I don't necessarily like everybody I know, so why should everybody else like me? I enjoy being liked and being loved, but if someone doesn't like me, I will still be okay and still feel like I am an okay person.  I don't need approval all the time. If someone does not approve of me, I will still be okay.

    I don't have to control things. I will survive if things are different than what I want them to be. I can accept things the way they are, accept people the way they are, and accept myself the way I am. There is no reason to get upset if I can't change things to fit my idea of how they ought to be. There is no reason why I have to like everything.

    I am responsible for my day. I am responsible for how I feel and what I do. Nobody can make me feel anything. If I have a rotten day, I am the one who allowed it to be that way. If I have a great day, I am the one who deserves credit for being positive. It is not the responsibility of other people to change so that I can feel better.

    It is important to try. I can. Even though I may be faced with difficult tasks, it is better to try than to avoid them. Avoiding a task does not give me any opportunities for success or joy, but trying does.  I might not be able to do everything, but I can do something.

    I can be flexible.  More than one person has good ideas that will work. Everybody has ideas that are worthwhile. Some may make more sense to me than others, but everyone's ideas are worthwhile, and everyone has something worthwhile to contribute.

A. I can get along well with them.

B. Even if I don't like it, I can live with it.

C. I can deal with it when things go wrong.

D. I am the one who is in charge of my life.

E. Things worth having are worth the effort.

F. There is more than one way to do something.

G. I cannot make somebody like me just like someone cannot get me to like them.


      High school can be quite the stressful time for any student. There are numerous stresses to deal with and the pressure can be more intense as you enter your senior year.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}The answer is as follows.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Adjust your approach to your specific situation. For instance, if you're active in your community and your school and have a large family, you may feel depressed by having all these people involved in your life on a daily basis.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}You just may need a moment to be alone and collect your thoughts before moving on to the challenges that face you.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} If your stress persists and you can't figure out a way to handle it, you may want to try speaking to your school counselor(顾问). If you don't feel comfortable speaking to your counselor, try getting some other types of counseling.

       Realize your limits, and plan around them. Don't take on more than you can handle. If you take on too many things, you will be spread too thin and won't be able to perform at your best in anything. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} You will definitely feel more at ease!

A. Seek professional counseling.

B. Why does the stress come into being?

C. Try thinking of alternative ways to deal withstress.

D. When you feel relieved, you can have a happier life.

E. Taking some time out to be alone may be the best way to handle such stress.

F. But how on earth can you reduce some of the stress?

G. Evaluate what tasks and activities are most important and leave others behind.


    Every single human being on this planet has a path and purpose to fulfill, whether they realize it or not. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    List what you love and connect the dots. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}It may not make sense at first, but all of the things you enjoy doing are part of your path in one form or another, so grab a pen and a piece of paper and start writing. Once you have your list, take a step back and see how all these brilliant pieces might connect to the work you are meant to do.

    Identify what you do with ease. Often our passion and purpose are staring us right in the face, but it's so natural to us that we don't think anything about it. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Just because they are easy for you doesn't mean that's the case for everyone else. By identifying what comes naturally to you, you have the ability to build on your strengths and help others in ways you never thought possible.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Finding your passion is directly related to doing the things that light you up and set your soul on fire. If you love to teach, run, and host live events, then please, do them all! Who says your life purpose has to be just one thing? You are meant to experience life and all that it has offered.

    Ask others to help. If you are still feeling stuck in finding your passion and purpose in life, it might be time to ask others for help. It can be difficult for you to see where you truly shine because you are simply too close to connecting the dots on your own. Friends, family members and professionals have a view that you don't. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Do what makes you happy.

B. Find what you do with ease.

C. Don't overlook the things that are easy for you.

D. They can help you to see things within yourself.

E. You cannot count on others to help you completely.

F. Here are ways to find your passion and purpose from now on.

G. Identifying the things you love is the best way to find your passion and purpose.


    Do you know people who have learned English earn twice as much as people who don't? If you speak English better, you will find more good jobs. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}: Children go to their parents when they need help with school. If you speak better English, you can help your children with homework and you can also talk to teachers and other parents.

    Think of your family: Most doctors in the United States only speak English, and if you can explain what the problem is and understand what the doctor is saying, you will get better, sooner!

    Think of yourself: With a little more English, you might be able to take your high school diploma (GED), learn a profession or even go to college! {#blank#}3{#/blank#}It is never too late!

    Think of your pocket: If you understand what people tell you at the bank, a store or a lawyer's office, nobody will be able to cheat you!{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Here you can find out how you can get started. Don't you want to save your cash?

    And remember, with the Beehive you can practice your English and find help to get a good job, open a bank account or find a doctor!

    The Beehive is written with a very clear language so you can learn all the important words at the same time as you find all the important information you need to make your life better.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Just a simple click here!

A. Think of your future.

B. You can talk about your illness with doctors in the United States if you go to hospital.

C. Or you can get a promotion and earn more money.

D. Many people are doing it!

E. With more English, you can save more, send more money to your family and even start your own business.

F. Think of your children.

G. Find out what type of education is right for you, and how to do it.


    Small talk is the short conversations we have at parties, while we wait in line at the store, at family events or work. Sometimes we make small talk with people we already know but not well. Often we have to make small talk with complete strangers.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here are some tips to improve your small-talking ability.


    If you have seen a really good movie or have read a really good book, you can talk about that.

    When you are sharing the same experience with someone, it's easy to start a conversation. You simply notice and comment on what's going on around you. For example, if you are at a party and a song comes on that you like or that reminds you of something, you can talk about that.

    ⒉Ask open-ended questions

    These types of questions require more thought and more than a simple one-word answer.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} the conversation will go on longer.

    ⒊Become a student

    Nobody knows everything. So,as someone is answering one of your open-ended questions, they bring up something about which you know nothing. So, tell them! This lets the other person become the teacher.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} It's a win-win situation.

    Like anything, getting good at making small talk takes practice.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}you might become happier. If you are making small talk using English, you will most definitely improve your speaking and listening skills.

A. Have some conversation starters ready

B. If you make small talk in your native language

C. However, some people are not good at small talk

D. If you ask questions that need more details to answer

E. You can talk about something that you recently learned

F. Many people find these small conversations about random topics easy

G. They feel good about sharing their knowledge and you get to learn something


A. Also, don't accept packages from strangers.

B. Once your wallet is stolen, you can let them know.

C. Good preparations can always help you out as well.

D. You can show it to taxi drivers when asking for directions.

E. It will be easier for you to keep track of your bag from a distance.

F. Of course everyone wants his travels to be trouble-free and enjoyable.

G. Include the name of anyone who should be contacted in an emergency.

    Nowadays, there is a trend that more and more people spend their holidays in foreign countries. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} So read our travel tips that are simple and practical, and you can always enjoy your travels.

    On a business card, write down the emergency contact's information and place it in your wallet. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Give your emergency contact a copy of your travel plan, a passport data page, and the visa information. Give each piece of your luggage a unique look: tie a bright handkerchief to a handle or purchase a colored luggage tag. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}If you don't speak the local language, carry a matchbox, or a brochure with the name and address of your destination. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    To avoid being a target of crime, don't wear eye catching clothing: dress conservatively (保守地), and don't wear or carry obvious signs of wealth (gold watches, expensive jewelry and etc.) and don't carry more cash than necessary. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    To make sure of a safe journey and avoid some unnecessary trouble when traveling in foreign countries, you could never be too careful.


Helping people is the backbone (支柱) of a healthy society. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} This statement is true and the following are some of the major benefits of assisting other people.

 {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Researchers have done lots of work to prove that helping others does have a great effect on a person's happiness. Even though we usually feel the urge to compete with other people, taking time to assist others can be very beneficial to us. The key to internal joy and happiness is simply helping those in need.

Build trust. When people see that you have genuine intentions of assisting them, it is likely they are going to be very grateful. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Helping people is also a good way to create and develop trusty relationship, particularly if you never expect anything to be given to you in return.

Improve the community. The mentality of helping people is increasing in popularity since more people have realized that we do not need to fight for survival. A rising number of individuals now assist others without asking for anything back. This has resulted in the change in attitude and people are now more giving, more willing and also much readier to offer assistance.


Helping other people is important as it helps to connect many people together.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} The end result is an inspired community in general.

A. Increase happiness.

B. Improve mental health.

C. This improves the whole community and changes the atmosphere.

D. It is believed that helping others is basically helping yourself.

E. As a result, they see you as a caring person and begin to trust you.

F. If you often help others, you will become a more responsible person.

G. Those who offer help and get help come together and inspire one another.

