
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    On the first day in her new house,Mouse wrote a letter to her old friend.

Dear Vole,

    My house is very comfortable, but none of my new neighbors will be as good a friend as you are.



    On the way to the post office, Mouse saw Beaver. He gave Mouse a big smile.

   "Perhaps I should say hello, "thought Mouse." Beaver's teeth are so long and sharp(锋利的). Beaver wouldn't make a good friend. Not like Vole, whose smile was kind." So Mouse left without saying hello.

    After lunch, Mouse heard a knock on her door. Then she peeked(偷看)out the window. It was Squirrel.

   "Perhaps I should invite her in for tea, "thought Mouse." But Squirrel talks a lot. Squirrel wouldn't make a good friend. Not like Vole, who always listened." So Mouse didn't open the door.

    That night, Mouse looked at a picture of herself and Vole. She thought back to the first time she met Vole. She remembered feeling afraid-afraid of Vole's eyes and Vole's large size.

    In fact, Vole had seemed so different that Mouse almost decided Vole wouldn't make a good friend.

    Mouse realized something." I made a mistake!" she cried.

    The next morning, Mouse made some cakes and put them in a basket.

    She went to Beaver's house first, and next to Squirrel's house.

    When Mouse returned home, she was smiling. She went to her desk and wrote a letter to Vole.

Dear Vole,

    Today, I visited my new neighbors. Beaver has strong teeth. He uses them to build homes. Squirrel knows lots of stories. She makes me laugh.

    I think Beaver and Squirrel will be my good friends like you are.



(1)、What did Mouse do right after Squirrel knocked on her door?
A、She visited Squirrel. B、She said hello to Squirrel. C、She peeked out the window. D、She invited Squirrel in for tea.
(2)、What did Mouse think of her old friend Vole?
A、He talked a lot. B、He knew lots of stories. C、He was kind and always listened. D、His teeth were too long and sharp.
(3)、When did Mouse realize she had made a mistake?
A、That night. B、The next morning. C、The next afternoon. D、The next evening.
(4)、From the last part of the passage, we can infer that        .
A、Mouse felt upset when she returned home B、Mouse's new neighbors didn't enjoy her cakes C、Mouse and her new neighbors would be good friends D、Vole would be unhappy after reading the second letter

    In life, there will always be some people or things that deeply touch you, or even change some of your ideas.

    On my way to school, I always see some people w{#blank#}1{#/blank#} in orange color and sweeping the street. They are city cleaners. People always d{#blank#}2{#/blank#} them as beauticians of the city. However, their work is really hard!

    Last week, our school carried out a social practice activity. I f{#blank#}3{#/blank#} a sanitation (环卫) worker Aunt Hu to experience. As we walked, we w{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Aunt Hu went to clean up the rubbish when she saw it. I also c{#blank#}5{#/blank#} some leaves and waste paper into a plastic bag. After five minutes, I felt a little tired. It was very hot. How I wanted to find a cool place to have a rest! But Aunt Hu didn't mean to stop even though there was much sweat (汗) p{#blank#}6{#/blank#} over her face. Just at this time, a banana peel fell on the ground. I looked up and saw that it was t{#blank#}7{#/blank#} by a fashionable girl! I was very angry, but Aunt Hu picked it up silently and put it in the dustbin. At this moment, I was touched d{#blank#}8{#/blank#}. She left the dirt and tiredness to herself and the tidiness to us, but the girl turned a blind eye to her job!

    City cleaners are worth our high regard. Thanks to them, the public environment has become clean and c{#blank#}9{#/blank#}. The news reports how the public respects the touching news of these lovely people. We are glad to see the public's a{#blank#}10{#/blank#} to the little people.

