
试题 试卷


题型:阅读还原 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    We have always been interested in the Moon. 2,000 years ago, people already knew it moves around the Earth and where it would be in the sky at different times of the year.

    When scientists could use telescopes to study the Moon more closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the Moon was made of rocks.  And they believed the Moon had once been a planet. It was caught in Earth's gravity millions of years ago.

    In 1969, Moon rocks were finally brought to the Earth by astronauts.  To their surprise, scientists found that the Moon and the Earth are made of the same things except for water.

    After years of study, some scientists think that the Moon was once part of the Earth. They believe maybe 4 million years ago, something hit the Earth. These rocks slowly joined together and after many years became the Moon.

    In the future, even though our ideas about the Moon may change again, we will still be interested in it.

A. They thought Moon rocks would be different from those on Earth.

B. This sent billions of rocks into space around our planet.

C. Then the rocks were studied by scientists.

D. But everything about it was learnt by watching it carefully at that time.

E. So more scientific research was done for the information.

    What's your favorite sweet? Perhaps there is nothing like chocolate. It is popular all over the world.
    Chocolate comes from a civilization (文明) called the Maya. They had a special food called cocoa.  {#blank#}1{#/blank#}About five hundred years ago, the Europeans found the Mayans. They used cocoa to make chocolate.
     {#blank#}3{#/blank#}For centuries, only the rich could enjoy chocolate.   {#blank#}2{#/blank#}All this changed when European companies started to make chocolate bars in the 19th century.
     {#blank#}4{#/blank#}White, dark and milk chocolate are what people often eat. The biggest chocolate bar ever was made in Italy in 2011. It weighed almost 6 tons ! That's as big as an elephant.
     {#blank#}5{#/blank#}People often take them as holiday gifts. Chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on Easter, chocolate coins are common on Christmas, and chocolate hearts are great gifts for Valentine's Day. In certain parties and wedding ceremonies (结婚典礼), chocolate fountains (喷泉) always surprise people.
    Not necessarily so! Scientists now say it is good for people's heart and can make people feel good. But don't eat too much of it.
A. Chocolate comes in different colors and sizes.
B. There are also different shapes of chocolate.
C. The word cocoa means "gift from God".
D. Lots of people say chocolate is bad for your health.
E. Normal people could not get hold of it.

    Have you ever been so worried about something that you have a headache or even can't sleep at night? Then you cannot pay enough attention during a test or in your study. If so, then you know that is stress. You are worried too much about something. The bad feeling in your mind can make you angry, sad, or scared, and can even give you a stomachache or a headache.

    However, some kind of stress is good. You might feel excited when you are called to give a speech at school. You feel nervous but excited. This kind of stress can help you to get things well done. And you may do a better job in your test if the stress pushes you to prepare more beforehand(提前).

    On the other hand, bad stress can last long if you are unable to come over your problems. You may not feel well, if your parents are having a quarrel, if a family member is badly ill, if you're doing poorly at school, or if anything else makes you unhappy. That kind of stress isn't going to help you. And it can actually let you do worse in your daily life.

    The best way to fight the stress is to have a balanced life. Make sure you get enough sleep and eat properly. Have some regular exercise. You should take some time for fun. Get advice from your parents, teachers and friends. Soon after that, you'll probably get away with your stress.

Title:  Face the {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Meaning of stress

Stress is a feeling if you {#blank#}2{#/blank#} too much about something that you cannot solve.

Possible effect

You may feel {#blank#}3{#/blank#} in your mind and body.



Good stress

•You might feel {#blank#}4{#/blank#} when you speak in public.

•You will do the job well.

•It makes you {#blank#}5{#/blank#} more  before doing an important job.

 {#blank#}6{#/blank#} stress

Stress can last long if you are {#blank#}7{#/blank#} to come over your problems. It can actually let you do {#blank#}8{#/blank#}  in your daily life.

How to keep stress away

Keep a {#blank#}9{#/blank#} life in mind. They are sleep, {#blank#}10{#/blank#} , exercise, time for fun and talk with others.


    Steve visits the nursing home near his house two afternoons each week. On one of those days, he reads to his friend Martin. On the other afternoon, he plays cards and talks with Mrs. Johnson. Steve enjoys spending his extra time this way. He is a volunteer. A volunteer is a person who helps another person or has a job for which he or she does not get paid. A volunteer donates his or her time for free.

    Everyone else in Steve's family is also a volunteer. Steve's mother Mary volunteers one afternoon each week at the local hospital. She talks to patients, delivers flowers, and helps the nurses with odd jobs. Steve's sister Gina volunteers two afternoons at the museum. She welcomes visitors and answers their questions. Steve's father David also is a volunteer. He is a volunteer fire fighter for the town in which they live.

    Steve's family thinks volunteering is very important. Steve's parents think being a volunteer helps to teach values. Steve and his sister learn how to be kind and respect other people.

    Steve's family does volunteer work to give something back to the community. They want to help people who are not as fortunate as they are.

    A family of volunteers



Time per week





Anytime necessary

Anywhere necessary




One afternoon

The local hospital

Talk to patients; Deliver flowers

Help nurses



Two afternoons


Read to Martin

Talk and play with Mrs. Johnson



Two afternoons

The museum

Welcome visitors

Answer questions


    Do you have any difficulties while studying? In fact, to learn with success is not a very difficult task if you follow some basic rules. I hope they will help you study successfully.

    All problems can be solved by working hard. It makes the fool wise, the poor rich, the weak strong. It makes a wonderful difference. In learning, a hard—working fool gets more than a lazy wise.

    To set our heart on one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts is also a good way. Those who often change their subjects will never succeed. For this reason, while you are learning one subject, don't consider learning another one in order to be successful.

    Constancy (持之以恒) makes a certain (必然). On the other hand, inconstancy often results failure(失败).If we study day after day, than is nothing that can not be achieved. We should remember a worthy saying "'Constant dropping of water wears away a nonce"

    Besides, to be on time is another rule. It helps to achieve your dream. The habit of keeping certain hours is of very importance to successful learning. Work while you wok; play while you play. Every man will certainly become strong and wise as long as we does so.

The title: {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Work hard

In learning, a lazy wise gets {#blank#}2{#/blank#} a hard-working fool.

Set our heart on one thing

While you are studying one subject, don't consider learning another one {#blank#}3{#/blank#} you can be successful.

Be constant

Useless we study day after day, nothing {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.


The habit of keeping certain hours makes you strong and wise.

