
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    If you find yourself checking your phone first thing in the morning, if you find you're text-messaging while driving, checking your phone instead of working on an important assignment—you are addicted.

    Don't worry. The new NoPhone might be just the thing you need. It looks and feels exactly like a smartphone, but it does nothing. It's just a piece of plastic that you can carry around in your hand to fool yourself.

    NoPhone is currently a prototype(手机模型) that will cost only $12 once it hits the market. Its makers are trying to raise $30,000 in order to cover the production and marketing costs.

    Dutch designer Ingmar Larsen, who helped create the NoPhone, said that he had the idea as a joke along with his friends Van Gould and Ben Langveld. To their great surprise, the idea received a lot of attention online and people from all over the world started placing requests for NoPhone of their own, so that's when the three friends decided to raise money for mass production.

    David H said," I used to sleep with my phone in my hand, but my night terrors would cause me to throw it across the room in an unconscious panic. With the NoPhone, I can still enjoy the comfort of holding a phone in my sleep, without waking up to a broken screen, thanks, NoPhone."

    If you're interested in NoPhone, but concerned about not being able to take selfies anymore, don't worry. The makers do have an update at no extra charge—the mirror sticker. That way, they say, you can enjoy "real-time" selfies with your friends when they're standing right behind you.

(1)、From the third paragraph we can infer that_______.
A、NoPhone is a device made of high technology B、the makers want to raise money to improve their technology C、NoPhone has not been on the market at present D、the users of NoPhone can stay away from the real world
(2)、What made the designers surprised was that________.
A、many people thought of the idea as a joke at first B、people in Dutch began to make NoPhone of their own C、people worldwide began to fund mass production D、people worldwide were interested in NoPhone on the net
(3)、According to David H, he often ______at night.
A、used his smartphone B、had nightmare C、became unconscious D、looked for his smartphone
(4)、What does the underlined phrases "take selfies" most probably mean?
A、take a photo of oneself B、get in touch with someone C、take the place of someone D、catch sight of someone

    My 16-year-old son, Anton, had gone to the local swimming hole. Most of the kids swim there, and there are plenty of rocks for them to use as safe harbors, so I had no fears for his safety.

    Still, the firefighter's first words "You need to come up here to the Stillwater River" made me catch my breath, and his follow-up words gave me relief: “Your son is OK.”

    When I got to the river, I immediately saw the firetruck, ambulance and Anton, wrapped with a towel about his shoulders, sitting quietly on a low platform of the fire engine.I hurried over to him. "You OK?"I asked.

    “Yeah,” was all he said. But my eyes begged for an explanation, I didn't get it from my son, however, who tends to play his cards close to his vest

    The story was this: A woman was being swept under water. Hearing the cries, Anton and his friend Tyler, without hesitation, swam out to her, and brought her safely to shore.

    In an age in which the word "hero" is broadcast with abandon and seemingly applied to anyone who makes it through the day, I realized the real thing in my son. The teens are stubborn and self-centered, but that didn't mean they have no desire to do good.

    Still shocked by my son's daring, I drove him home. Along the way, I tried to dig out some more information from him but he had precious little to say. The only words he said were, “What's for supper?”

    I spent some time alone that evening, thinking about the tragedy that might have been. The next morning, when Anton got up, I half expected him to tell me the story. But all he did was toast some bread, pull himself together, and head for the door to start a new day. Watching from the window, I was reminded that still water often runs deep.


    Children who often move house are more likely to suffer poor health, research suggests. Moving several times before the age of 18 can affect the health, psychological distress and increase the chance that a child may use illegal drugs.

    The study included information for 850 people, followed-up for a period of 20 years. Scientists found changing home several times could cause psychological distress in children.

    By the age of 18, 59 percent had moved house once or twice while one in five had moved at least three times. Some 20 percent had stayed in the same house during their childhood.

    Children of single parents or those with step-parents were more likely to move home, as were those with two or three brothers or sisters. Those with four or more brothers and sisters were more likely to stay in the same house.

    Experts found that people who moved at least once had an increased risk of poor health, some of this could be because of changing schools. Those who had moved three times or more were three times as likely to have had suicidal thoughts as those who stayed in the same house.

    Dr Denise Brown said, “For many people, moving house is a good experience as it may lead to improved family conditions. But for some family members, especially children, moving can be bad and may lead to poor health outcomes and behaviors in adulthood. The bad effect on health in adulthood appears to be somewhat accounted for by a high number of school moves.”


    International Robotics Forum(论坛)

    Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan, December 4-5

    The Robotics Society of Japan ( RSJ) , to provide opportunities for young robot lovers to learn more about industrial and service robots, is going to hold the International Robotics Forum that will cooperate with this year's International Robot Exhibition.

    The lectures and explanations throughout the Conference will be given in Japanese but will be interpreted into English at the same time. The Conference will offer a great opportunity for senior high school students from all around the world to communicate with each other through robots. Therefore, we look forward to your active participation.

    The event will take place two days. On the morning of Day One, Prof. Shin' ichi Yuta of the Shibaura Institute of Technology will give a lecture on basic mobile robotics and learning through robots.  This will be followed by a talk by Mr.  Kazuhiko Yokoyama of Yasukawa Electric Corporation who will explain the mechanism and control of robots and also point out the highlights(最精彩的部分)of the International Robot Exhibition.

    We will prepare a challenge for all the participants.  We will send you themes for robot research. You will study them in advance, and on the afternoon of Day One, you wi11 visit the Tokyo International Exhibition Center and investigate (详细研究)real robot . You will be able to experience fun and excitement of advanced robot technologies.  On the morning of Day Two, you will present your study and investigation results.

    On the afternoon of Day Two,as the final event, awards will be given by the RSJ to groups that have given outstanding presentations.

We hope that many future robot researchers and engineers will be born today.


    In China, there are more and more people leaving the countryside to hunt for jobs in the cities, because the countryside is much poorer than the city, and often there isn't much work there. Services such as hospital and transport are usually much better in the city than in the countryside. They hope that their lives will improve when they move to the city.

    But in the big cities of Europe like London or Paris, people are moving out of the city. These rich families want to live a quieter life. They are tired of the noise and the dirt of the city, and they are tired of the crowded streets, crowded trains and buses. They don't want to live in the cities any more. They want a house with a garden in the countryside, and breathe the fresh air there. So they move out of the cities. Some don't go very far, just a little way out of the city, to the towns near the cities. Other people move to the real countryside with sheep, cows and green fields. There they start new lives and try to make new friends.

    Not all those who move from the city to the countryside are happy. After two or three years, many people who have done this feel that it is a big mistake. They don't make so much money and there isn't much work to do. People in the countryside are different and aren't always very friendly. As a result, quite a lot of people who have moved to the countryside move back to the city. “It's wonderful to see crowds in the streets and cinema lights.” they say.


Earthworms don't move fast. But humans can accelerate the worms' spread. Fishermen often use invasive(蔓延性的) earthworms to catch fish. Many have introduced invasive earthworms to rivers, streams and lakes previously unexposed to these animals. Gardeners who use earthworms to make their soil rich may unknowingly introduce invasive ones. The worms even give rides in the mud on wheels, potted plants and road materials shipped around the nation.

But they're not everywhere yet. In the Great Lakes region, "20 percent of the land is earthworm-free," says Cindy Hale, a research biologist. Of the remaining 80 percent of land, half of the land has fewer than two earthworm species-meaning there isn't yet too much impact on the ecosystem, she explains. For these regions, she says, now is the time to take action. According to Hale, educating the public, especially fishermen, is one approach to stopping the spread of invasive earthworms. Identifying which lands are currently earthworm-free is another.

Ryan Huefimeier, a program coordinator for Great Lakes Wom Watch, has been working on a model that will help create large maps of areas with minimal(最小的) or no damage from earthworms. Ultimately, landowners can use it to identify earthworm activity on their property. once identified, lands with minimal or no earthworm damage should be protected.

But scientists suspect that once invasive earthworms arrive they can't be removed. And even if all could be, affected forests might never return to the way they were. "It's very much a story of learning to live with them," concludes Lee Frelich of the University of Minnesota's Center for Forest Ecology.

Forest ecologists have called earthworms "ecosystem engineers" because they can change or create habitats that otherwise would not be present. Whether this is a good thing depends on the situation.

"What the earthworms do and how we value it is what really matters." said Hale. "In one place-farm fields or gardens-we really like European earthworms and what they do, so we consider them good. In native hardwood forests, we really don't like what they do-so we consider them bad. You really have to understand how an organism(微生物) affects an ecosystem. Things aren't black and white."

