
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Imagine jet-setting from Tokyo to Paris, enjoying first-class travel, a four-course dinner and a city tour-all without leaving the ground. This is the future of air travel according to Japanese company First Airlines, which has used the power of virtual reality to create dream vacations.

    Passengers avoid the costly airport transfer, the baggage fees or busy airport terminal(航站楼)-and instead enjoy the privileges of business or first-class travel and an expensive tour of Paris-all while remaining motionless in Tokyo. As well as Paris, First Airlines also offers the virtual destinations of New York, Rome and Hawaii.

    After boarding, guests can settle down for the two-hour flight on their advanced Airbus seat-surrounded by decoration that is modeled on the inside of an aircraft, for maximum realism. There is flight service and VR, foods, music for every destination. Passengers will be served a delicious meal by air stewards, alongside drinks and other desserts. The menu depends on the destination of choice-Manhattan clam chowder and cheesecake for New York and salmon tartar and onion soup for Paris. After landing at the destination, guests can enjoy a 360-degree tour of the destination-all thanks to projection(投影)mapping and video.

    It makes for a supposedly stress-free vacation, perfect for those whose ability to travel abroad is limited by cost or health. Virtual reality is becoming increasingly present everywhere at all times in the world of travel-allowing travelers to appreciate the wonders of the world, all without leaving their house.

    At just 4,980 yen($ 46)for business class and 5,980 yen($ 56)for first class-these two- hour flights are far more affordable than their real-life flights. Tokyo citizens eager to experience First Airlines can book a trip on the website, with reservations currently being taken until May 2018.

(1)、What can we learn about the future of air travel from Tokyo to Paris?
A、It is high-flying. B、It is money-saving. C、It is power-wasting. D、It is time-consuming.
(2)、When can passengers enjoy the beauty of the destination?
A、Upon arrival. B、During the flight. C、After boarding the plane. D、On getting off the plane.
(3)、The flight is perfect for travelers who       .
A、do little physical exercise B、work under great pressure C、desire to travel a long distance D、have health or money troubles
(4)、What can be the best title for the text?
A、A Scientific Fantasy B、The Power of Virtual Reality C、Japan's Virtual Air Travel Abroad D、Appreciation of the Global Wonders

    It seems the more time we have, the longer we put off living the life we see in our heads, because we feel like we've got some time to kill.

    I know where you think I'm going with this, and I also know you've heard it all before: seize the day, make the most of it, live life to its fullest, and so on. But that's the problem. You've heard it all before. These ideas have their impact and have become a cliché. Luckily, that's not my thing.

    The real answers wake something up inside you. They make you think. That's what I want to give you today, the story of Bobby Darin, which wakes you up to the truth.

    If you haven't heard of the man, I know you've heard his songs. Among his many hits are Mack the Knife, Beyond the Sea, Dream Lover, and Splish Splash.

    If seven years, Darin had several top ten hit songs, was nominated(提名) for four Grammy Awards (winning two), nominated for four Golden Globes (winning one), and even nominated for an Oscar.

    So what was his secret?

    All his life, Darin had a heart condition that developed from a childhood illness. The doctors at the time said he would be lucky to live to 16. In other words, his time was limited. And this was secret. He knew the truth. He knew that we all have such a hard time accepting: Life is short. You can't just say it; you can't just hear it. You have to know it, believe it, and feel it. Because Darin knew his time was limited, he packed as much life as he could into the time he had. But he had an unfair advantage. He knew, without a doubt, his time was limited.

    There was no fooling himself, no putting it off. It was now or never.


    One of the problems with passwords (密码) is that users forget them. In an effort to remember them, people use simple things like their dog's names and their birth dates — anything that will give them a clue to remember what their passwords are. But for a hacker(黑客), this is the same as locking your door and leaving the key under the doormat(门口地垫).

    To create a safe password that is easy to remember, follow these simple steps:

    You should never use personal information as part of your password. It is very easy for someone to guess things like your last name and your pet's name.

    With the help of today's computing power, it doesn't take long to try every word in the dictionary and find your password, so you'd better not use real words for your password.

    You can make a password much safer by mixing different types of characters. Use some capital letters along with small letters, numbers and even special characters such as & and %.

    In order not to create a password using different character types that is hard to remember or using a word from the dictionary, you can use a "passphrase(代码)". Think of a sentence from a song or a poem that you like and create a password using the first letters from each word. For example, instead of just setting a password like "yr$1Hes", you can take a sentence such as "I like to read the about.com Internet network security website" and make it a password like "il2rta!nsw" by using the number "2" for the word "to" and using "!" in place of "Internet". You can use many characters types and create a safe password that is hard to guess, but much easier for you to remember.


    Fourth-grade teacher Tori Nelson allowed one of her students to shave her head in the schoolyard, after bullies(仗势欺人者) teased him about his own buzz cut. Ms. Nelson got the idea after noticing that Matthew Finney, a shy boy from her homeroom at Winlock Miller Elementary School in Washington State, was standing outside his classroom crying and wearing a winter hat.

    Ms. Nelson could see the back of his neck had been shaved, and since Matthew usually had very thick curly brown hair, she realized that he'd had a haircut over the weekend. She asked him what was wrong, and he said he'd gotten a buzz cut for the summer. But this morning, a fifth grader on the bus made fun of him, and he didn't want to come to class and get laughed at by other kids. Ms. Nelson tried to convince Matthew to come inside, but since school rules banned kids from wearing hats indoors he refused—explaining that he was afraid of showing his haircut to the other children in case they also made fun of him.

    "Finally I said, 'If you take your hat off and come to class, I'll let you give me a buzz cut too,' Ms. Nelson told Yahoo Parenting." I figured it's just hair, and mine is already short anyway. I might as well get it shorter in time for the warm weather.

    Matthew excitedly took her up on the offer, and Ms Nelson and another teacher gathered all the fourth graders together during break time. A school employee brought in scissors, which Matthew used to the cheers of his classmates, excitedly watching as their teacher's hair fell away onto the ground in the schoolyard.

    "It was a lot of fun for the kids, and it helped Matthew feel better about himself." said Ms Nelson." You have to do what it takes to reach children. Teaching isn't just about reading and writing: it's about self-worth and accepting differences.


    It started during a yoga class. She felt a strange pull on her neck, a feeling completely foreign to her. Her friend suggested she rush to the emergency room. It turned out that she was having a heart attack.

    She didn't share similar symptoms with someone who was likely to have a heart attack. She exercised, watched her plate and did not smoke. But on reviewing her medical history, I found that her cholesterol (胆固醇) level was sky-high. She had been prescribed a cholesterol-lowering statin (他汀) medication, but she never picked up the prescription because of the scary things she had read about statins on the Internet. She was the victim of fake medical news.

    While misinformation has been the object of great attention in politics, medical misinformation might lead to an increase in deaths. As is true with fake news in general, medical lies tend to spread further than truths on the Internet—and they have very real bad consequences.

    False medical information can also lead to patients experiencing greater side effects through the "nocebo effect (反安慰剂效应) ". Sometimes patients benefit from an intervention (干预) simply because they believe they will—that's the placebo effect (安慰剂效应). The nocebo effect is the opposite. Patients can experience harmful effects because they anticipate them. This is very true of statins. In blinded trials, patients who get statins are no more likely to report feeling muscle aches than patients who get a placebo. Yet, in clinical practice, according to one study, almost a fifth of patients taking statins report side effects, leading many to discontinue the drugs.

    What else is on the fake news hit list? As always, vaccines (疫苗) . False concerns that the vaccine may cause side effects have greatly reduced coverage rates.

    Cancer is another big target for pushers of medical misinformation—many of whom refuse alternative therapies. "Though most people think cancer tumors are bad, they're actually the way your body attempts to contain the harmful cells," one fake news story reads. It warns that prescription medications lead to the uncontrolled cell mutations (变异) .

    Silicon Valley needs to face this problem. I am not a free-speech lawyer, but when human health is at risk, perhaps search engines, social media platforms and websites should be held responsible for promoting or hosting fake information. Meanwhile, journalists should do a better job of spreading accurate information.

