
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In the coming months, we are bringing together artists from all over the globe, to enjoy speaking Shakespeare's plays in their language, in our Globe, within the architecture Shakespeare wrote for. Please come and join us.

    National Theatre Of China  Beijing|Chinese

    This great occasion(盛会) will be the National Theatre of China's first visit to the UK. The company's productions show the new face of 21st century Chinese theatre. This production of Shakespeare's Richard III will be directed by the National's Associate Director, Wang Xiaoying.

    Date & Time: Saturday 28 April, 2.30 pm & Sunday 29 April, 1.30 pm & 6.30 pm

Marjanishvili Theatre  Tbilisi|Georgian

    One of the most famous theatres in Georgia, the Marjanishvili, founded in 1928, appears regularly at theatre festivals all over the world. This new production of As You Like It is helmed(指导) by the company's Artistic Director Levan Tsuladze.

    Date & Time: Friday 18 May, 2.30 pm & Saturday 19 May, 7.30 pm

    Deafinitely Theatre  London|British Sign Language(BSL)

    By translating the rich and humourous text of Love's Labour's Lost into the physical language of BSL, Deafinitely Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare's comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.

    Date & Time: Tuesday 22 May, 2.30 pm & Wednesday 23 May, 7.30 pm

    Habima National Theatre  Tel Aviv|Hebrew

    The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide. Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution, the company eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s. Since 1958, they have been recognized as the national theatre of Israel. This production of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.

    Date & Time: Monday 28 May, 7.30 & Tuesday 29 May, 7.30 pm

(1)、Which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China?
A、Richard Ⅲ. B、Lover's Labour's Lost. C、As You Like It. D、The Merchant of Venice.
(2)、What is special about Deafinitely Theatre?
A、It has two groups of actors. B、It is the leading theatre in London. C、It performs plays in BSL. D、It is good at producing comedies.
(3)、When can you see a play in Hebrew?
A、On Saturday 28 April. B、On Sunday 29 April. C、On Tuesday 22 May. D、On Tuesday 29 May.


Morgan Motor Company Factory Tour and Cream Tea for Two


    The Morgan Motor Company Factory is based in Malvern but is famous all over the world for their cars' character and charisma (魅力). Not only will you enjoy a guided tour of the only car maker in the world to still be run by the founding family after a century, you can also make the day complete with a cream tea for two.


    During this fascinating tour you will see how the cars are made from start to finish using a mixture of modern technology and traditional methods, as you visit the workshops. After the tour you will be able to view the museum at your leisure, take your time to discover the wonderful history of this automobile. You will also enjoy a cream tea in the Morgan Cafe to make it just a little bit more special for free.

    Participant guidelines

    Minimum age: 5 (under 16s must be accompanied by an adult).


    Available on weekdays only. The factory closes for one week at Easter, during July and at Christmas, please check with the factory for their closure dates.

    We advise booking at least four weeks in advance but during the summer months this increases to six weeks to ensure that dates are available. This is only a guideline and we advise you to book as early as possible to ensure that dates are available before the expiry date listed on your voucher. All bookings are subject to availability.

    Additional information

    The Visitor Centre Cafe is open daily and can cater for gluten-free(无谷蛋白) diets.

    The Morgan gift shop is open daily.

    The Morgan museum is open daily and free of charge to visit.

    There is a large visitor car park.

    All areas are wheelchairs friendly.

    Packaging and Delivery

    For information on our packaging and delivery, please click here.


    Castle Dale is a small town in central Utah. My grandpa's farm is a few miles to the north. I grew up there. Milking a cow, feeding the chickens and cutting firewood were daily routines. Grandpa had me carrying a broom to do snow cleaning when it was actually taller than I was. This was the work kids like me learned to do at a young age.

    I was tall, very tall at a really young age. My unusual height caused people to look, ask questions, laugh, tease, and sometimes even challenge me to fight. I was teased cruelly as a kid. It wasn't fair, I knew, but that was just the way it was. Luckily, I was taught at a very young age a very important lesson. I am different and that's Okay—I'm unique and I matter. No one could ever take that away from me. I knew this then, and I know this now. That alone helped me through the frustrations and heartaches of normal life.

    When I was in junior high school, I realized something else that helped me cope. Most teasing came from one of two places—people who were either jealous or ignorant (愚昧). I couldn't change the way they were, but I could change the way I felt. I was not going to feel bad because of their ignorance or jealousy. It wasn't worth it. Realizing this didn't stop them, or change the fact that these comments hurt. It did, however, give me a way to understand these people and deal with their treatment in a way that was okay for me.

    These things still happen today. It will probably happen the rest of my life. I will always be 7 feet, 6 inches (2.29 meters) tall. I wouldn't change that for anything. People will always look because it is not every day that you see someone that tall. I learned that at a young age and I now try to teach my own children that they are unique and they matter. That is the message I give to you. Regardless of your race, religion, background, or circumstances ... Being different is okay.


The True Story of a Young Man

When Reginald Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia in 1967, what he wanted most was not a job with a good salary, but a chance to be a member of Congress as a southern representative. After earning his degree at Harvard Law School in 1970, he returned to the South to practice law among the poor. "I want to help them understand what their rights are and to help them achieve them," he said. Then he ran for political office at the local and state level until he was ready to try for Congress.

Reg grew up in a low-income Negro section of Birmingham, Alabama. Brought up by his grandparents after his parents were divorced while he was very young, Reg had been living through a period of far-reaching progress in race relations. In the summer of 1968 Reg himself became a good example of this progress when he became the first Negro student appointed to a special new program. The program introduced bright young students to the workings of the Georgia State government and encouraged them to seek employment there after finishing their education. "I've been lucky," he said. "I seem to have been in the right place at the right time."

But luck was only part of Reg's story, for he made the most of opportunities that came his way. He learned to read in kindergarten and began visiting the public library regularly to borrow books. His grandparents encouraged him, though neither of them had much education, and they bought him a set of encyclopedias. "I loved those books," he remembered. "I used to come downstairs before breakfast and read short articles. I enjoyed reading about famous men, and then I would pretend to be one of them. I guess it was partly a childish game and partly an escape. It wasn't too much fun to be a Negro when I was a kid." While studying for his bachelor's degree at Morehouse College, Reg worked on several political campaigns helping candidates get elected to government offices. At the same time he maintained a "B" average while majoring in political science.

With just two more years to complete at Harvard Law School, which also gave him a scholarship, Reg made a good start on his professional career. He said, "The good life for me is the kind of life where I can find satisfaction in public service." Then in 1975 he was the Massachusetts state commissioner of public utilities and from 1993 to 2009 he was judge of the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts.


    Nowadays, most people have a device that features artificial intelligence (AI), with the likes of Siri always there to greet us with a friendly voice.

    But Microsoft's XiaoIce is different. Launched in 2014 for the Chinese market, "she" has a creative advantage over her competitors. While most AI assistants simply read out information they get online, XiaoIce has a "realness" that the others are short of. Indeed, if you asked nicely, she could read you a poem from the weekly column in China Daily.

    The newspaper has been printing XiaoIce's self-penned poetry each week since Aug 19, taken from her own book of poems, The Sunlight that Lost the Glass Window.

    To turn XiaoIce into a master of poetry, Microsoft scientists "fed" her the works of over 500 influential modern poets, reported China Daily.

    This led to her figuring out a writing style of her own and creating over 70,000 original poems. Most of the poems are so comparable to those written by humans that they cannot be easily distinguished, and XiaoIce's book even got good feedback from experts.

    "XiaoIce's work carries a strange taste. The more you chew on it, the more interesting it becomes," Scholar Zhang, a literature professor at the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, told China Daily.

    However, it seems not everyone is a fan. "The poems dissatisfied me with their slippery tone and rhythm. The sentences were aimless, lacking the inner logic for emotional expression," Yunnan-based poet Yu told China Youth Daily. This isn't the first AI to attempt poetry. Last year, Google's Parsey McParseface made some poems of its own, although they were branded "wrongly" by reviewers. While it seems like AI is becoming more "intelligent" and less "artificial" all the time, when it comes to creativity, perhaps this is one job that software should leave to us humans.

