
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    It was quite a bad time for me. I was in low 1 and felt tired physically. Probably   2 this I hadn't shaved (剃须) for a few days 3 because I had been doing some repairs at my daughter's house, I was 4 quite scruffily (邋遢的). Boarding the 5 to go home, I saw it was almost 6 so I found a rail to rest against.

    That was when a young woman, siting with her child, stood up and 7 me her seat. “Wow!” I thought, surprised. Out loud I said, “Do I look that old and tired?” She 8 to me with; a smile. You look like you've had a tough day." I thanked her sincerely and stayed where I was standing.

    A moment later a man 9 from his seat at the back of the bus and made his way 10 towards me, walking past several people on the way. He told me that he had a serious alcohol addiction 11 and wanted to ask my advice. We 12 about life for a few minutes and then he went back to his seat.

    13 him go, I also looked at the bus-load of people 14 me and his seat. He hadn't 15 to talk to those strangers. He chose to talk to this stranger for whatever it 16 to him and whatever comfort it brought him. Why?

    That's when it 17 to me that he must have thought that I had been where he was. I probably 18 a man who would understand a difficult life. I was a little sad at first, but then I was inspired by the 19 that even when we are at our lowest we can still 20 others if we look like we might be able to meet them where they live or walk a while in their world.

A、situation B、strength C、spirits D、power
A、on account of B、in favor of C、consisting of D、instead of
A、However B、Also C、Anyhow D、But
A、dressed B、polluted C、decorated D、shown
A、plane B、train C、ship D、bus
A、large B、full C、late D、dark
A、pointed B、passed C、offered D、Led
A、signed B、responded C、reported D、turned
A、escaped B、raised C、hid D、rose
A、exactly B、directly C、seriously D、carefully
A、memory B、level C、problem D、condition
A、chatted B、learned C、complained D、doubted
A、Hearing B、Watching C、Letting D、Helping
A、among B、along C、beside D、between
A、determined B、demanded C、chosen D、refused
A、meant B、seemed C、appeared D、happened
A、referred B、occurred C、belonged D、adapted
A、looked for B、looked after C、looked at D、looked like
A、experience B、invitation C、realization D、description
A、accompany B、protect C、guide D、assist

    A boy named Nick dialed 911 this Thanksgiving. He just wanted to give 1 to his local police office. Nick asked the police officers to 2 him and his family for their holiday dinner at their home.

    "With all the 3 calls we take on a daily basis, this one was a welcomed happy call that made all of us 4," said Monica from the police office.

    The boy admitted that he'd 5 the number soon. "I had told him to do that for 6 only." The boy's mom, Mary Ann 7.

    When two officers 8 Nick's house to thank him for his 9 offer, she said her young son began crying because he thought he was 10.

    "The policemen had to 11 my son, so did I," Ann said.

    "The officers told Nick that it was 12 to know someone that young was still thinking about them over the holiday and that they were very proud of him, " she 13.

    The officers didn't 14 eating any of the family's turkey, but they did give the boy a badge(警徽) and let him take 15 inside their police car. While he now knows that the number 911 16 be used for non-emergencies, Nick also has his 17 set on becoming a policeman when he's older.

    "It just goes to show that policemen aren't just about 18 people and putting them in prison," Monica told the local media.

    "Nick's call 19 all of our days, and the officers' surprise visit gave Nick a sweet Thanksgiving 20 that will stay with him for the rest of his life. It is a special holiday for Nick and us."


    After suffering severe bums to her back and other pans of her body at the age of three, Sylvia, 49, had spent her life covering up her scars. Her confidence was destroyed by years of1comments. At her lowest she had considered2her own life.

    "I didn't really know what3was. I didn't realize my mental health was being affected﹣I4thought this was a5thing."

    The accident that left her6happened during a7game of hide and seek with her sister. Afterward, a life of8herself up and hiding from attention followed, until a turning point in July last year.

    Sylvia was on holiday with her mother when she9a man's camera phone following her around the hotel pool. She and her mother left for the beach, but she was struck by the10the encounter had on her mother.

    "I could see her11at my scars. She just looked so sad," Sylvia recalled.

So she started to12, calling out to her mum to make her smile.

    "I had been in such a bad place before. I was so13. I was in such a horrible place for so many years. I looked back and felt like I'd destroyed my family s lives and I thought, now is the time for me to stop."

    Sylvia felt it was time not just to make a14for herself, but to help others with disfigurements(外形的损毁)and to raise awareness.

    She15a Facebook group, Love Disfigure, and now runs swimming sessions at High bury pool in Islinton, north London, with the aim of helping increase the16of people with disfigurements or17and health conditions.

    For Sylvia, last year has been18. Having19her body, and had depression, anxiety and post﹣traumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍)she now hopes her story will20others.

