
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津版(深圳·广州)2018-2019学年初中英语八年级下册Unit 2 自主检测


    People use different ways to communicate. We communicate with each other not only through 1 but through body language. Because body language is so2 , you have to know what yours is saying and what other people's is saying. Here are some 3 of body language and its meanings in North America

    If you drop down heavily and your head is down, this could 4that you are sad or not happy. If you sit with a smiling face and look 5 , you are expressing friendliness.

    A smile is a way of expressing friendliness and interest. But people 6smile just to be polite.

    Friendliness and interest are expressed when a person's eyes. 7yours especially when you're the one who's talking. A person who doesn't8 you is expressing that he is not interested or is shy.

    Hand gestures can mean a person is interested in the conversation. But 9 movements, like hitting a pencil lightly against something again and again, often mean the person is nervous or not patient. 10 someone who points at you while talking with you—that person might be angry at you or feel better than you.

A、actions B、gestures C、words
A、important B、difficult C、easy
A、suggestions B、examples C、answers
A、mean B、know C、find
A、worried B、surprised C、relaxed
A、sometimes B、never C、hardly
A、see B、avoid C、meet
A、believe B、care about C、look at
A、excited B、repeated C、crazy
A、Look forward to B、Stand close to C、Stay away from

    The red star over China is shining brightly on its sixty- fifth birthday. And why is that? There are many reasons. First of all, there is peace and prosperity(繁荣) in China. The country isn't at war and 1 Chinese are living better and more comfortable lives than at 2 in history. And things will get even better in the future.

    The Chinese economy is a world wonder — grow so quickly, so many buildings and so many new businesses. China is now the 3 economic country in the world only next to America. Some believe that China will be Number One 4 the year 2030. What amazing 5! And what does that mean for you? It means that there will be lots of chances for you to do good jobs and to use all of your talents.

    The rest of the world has started to take a closer 6 at China and they like what they see. In recent world wide survey, almost seventy percent of the people said they had a "positive image" of China. They thought China is beautiful and they are 7 in what is happening in China.

    And it is not only because of economy, 8 Chinese culture. Zhang Ziyi and Gongli are famous all over the world, as well as the movie director Ang Lee. Writers like Gao Xingjian and Ba jin have won international awards. And painters, such as Wu Zuoren are selling their works for record high prices. This 9 China seem pretty cool and it really is!

    So happy birthday, China! We are 10 you!


    People of all ages, especially young children, follow comic strips in newspapers, magazines and the movies. Who is your favourite superhero-SPIDER-Spiderman? Wonder Woman? These heroes have been around for a long time. Comics came out even earlier. In ancient times, people made funny drawings of animals1paper.

    Comic strips first came out during the 1800s and remain much the same style today. These comics are drawn in connected boxes. The HENIFILMT IDE boxes usually show a dramatic2. Some comic strips are printed in newspapers, which often continues from day to day. Some people even read the comics before they read the front page.

    The comic books first3during the 1930s. It seemed that everyone wanted to read comic books. They loved reading about the adventures of the Man of Steel and Batman. During the 1940s, the nation was at war and some comic book characters, such as Captain America, reflected(反映) the times. Others, such as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, made people laugh during this4time in history.

    After the war, people became5interested in old comic book characters, so new superheroes had to be made. The new superheroes, such as Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Spiderman, talked and acted more like real people. As time went on, comic books had to6TV because TV has offered a lot of fun to people.

    Comic strips are usually good for a laugh or at least a smile. But they have held a place in history. They take people away from their daily lives into another world. In this world, the hero always wins, and failure only comes to the bad guys.

