
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The girl is from Zhongshan. Her name is Zhang Hong. She is six years old. She is short and thin. She has long black hair. She has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She is in black. This Sunday morning, she can't find her way home in the zoo. She got lost (迷路的). I am her mother. Please help me find her. My telephone number is 11477026916. Thank you!

Information Card

Come from

Full name



short and thin,  black hair, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth


This    morning

Telephone number is 11477026916.


   "What Would You Do?" is a TV program. The program which is hosted by the news reporter John Quinounes who is popular with many people. It tests what people will do when they see someone is in trouble so as to remind us to stand up for the people in need Here is last week's program.

    In a cake shop, two actors acted as a blind woman named Pamela and a man clerk who looked down upon the blind woman. Hidden cameras were recording what was happening. The blind woman came into the shop and bought a box of twelve cakes. The clerk treated the woman badly at first. Then he cheated(欺骗) her when he gave her the change. He only gave her 6 dollars instead of 34 dollars.

    Would someone be brave enough to stand up for the blind woman? Yes! A customer the cake shop stopped the clerk from cheating the blind woman and treating her badly. And other customers joined in soon. John appeared in the end and interviewed the first customer who helped Pamela out. She said it was necessary to give a hand to the people in need. "A psychology (心理学)professor once said, " she said, " it's difficult to take the first step to stand up. It needs courage."

Information card

The name of the TY program


The purpose(目的) of the TV program


The place the blind woman was in


The person who treated the blind woman badly


Something we need to stand up for the people in need


   {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Brian, a 7-year-old boy, likes to have meals while watching TV. He doesn't pay attention to his food. Sometimes he forgets how full he is and eats too much.
{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Paul is an engineer. He is so busy that he always eats in a rush. For him, eating is like a task rather than something enjoyable.
{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Ben's parents work late at night and they can't get up early to cook breakfast for him. He sometimes goes to school without breakfast.
{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Mr. Black has a habit of having an extra meal before going bed. He thinks it helps him sleep well at night.
{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Carla doesn't like drinking water. She likes coke instead. She drinks at least five bottles a day.

A.In general, kids and teens that eat breakfast have more energy and do better in school. Without breakfast, people can get tired. So, try to make time for your breakfast.

B.Some drinks like coke and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can cause weight problems. Besides, they may also bring you bad teeth. Stay away from them and drink water instead.

C.It is important to have good habits of having meals, especially for children. A bad eating habit may cause serious health problem. For example, eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.

D.Drink water in a healthy way. The water you drink helps get rid of the waste of your body. But too much is as bad as too little. Stop drinking water 30 minutes before a meal and wait for 2 hours after a meal.

E. Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry and need more food. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food. Stop eating before you feel full.

F. Busy people always rush through their meals, forgetting to enjoy the food and feel the taste of what is in their mouths. Take time to chew(咀嚼) your food and enjoy mealtimes.

G. Don't eat too much before going to bed. Your body needs a long rest at night, including your stomach. Don't give it too much burden(负担).


    On June 2, 1886, a German captain threw a message in a bottle into the water while his ship crossed the Indian Ocean. Around 132 years later in January, the bottle was found on the Australian coast{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    The bottle was thrown into the water to track ocean currents (洋流). Between 1864 and 1933, German sailors threw thousands of bottles into the sea.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    But throwing messages in bottles into the ocean is not just for scientists. People send out such messages for many reasons. Some people write information about themselves in the hopes of finding a pen pal{#blank#}3{#/blank#} And still other people just write down some jokes, song lyrics or anything else they think might be fun.

    There are even online messages in bottles. People can send the messages through WeChat or QQ.

    The reasons and ways might be different, but the goal is always the same: to reach out and try to connect with someone{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In 1988, the British band The Police wrote a song called Message in A Bottle that describes this feeling.

    As the song's lyrics say, we are “a hundred billion castaways(被抛弃者) looking for a home”. When will you feel relieved (释然的) ? “A hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Others write down secrets, hoping that the waves will wash them away.

B. This kind of shared feeling might be why this tradition has remained popular for so long.

C. making it the oldest-known message in a bottle in the world.

D. Seems I'm not alone at being alone.

E. Some 663 of those messages were found later.


    I have a cold. I feel very tired. My throat is sore, I have a cough and my head hurts. Last night, {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. The fever made my body feel hot. I really don't like being sick, because I can't go to school. And my friends can't visit me, either. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    There is no cure(治疗)for the common cold. Below are three ways to help stop a cold spreading and to feel better again.

    First, wash your hands. Washing your hands is the most important way to stop the spread of colds. Cold germs(细菌)are spread by touch. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. So if we wash hands carefully using soap and hot water. We won't get the cold easily.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} There is a saying that "coughs and sneezes spread illness". Always use a handkerchief(手帕) or napkin to cover your mouth when coughing and your nose when sneezing. That way, the germs won't get onto your hands and spread to things you touch such as doors, cups or plates.

    Finally, clean your house and take care of yourself. We can use a robot cleaner to clean our house on time. Be sure to use only your own toothbrush and cup……

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}, but if you get worse, you should see a doctor at once. Eat healthy simple foods such as soup or rice. Get enough rest and sleep. Stay in bed, read a book, do your schoolwork or practice your English!

    Remember that a common cold only lasts a few days. You'll feel better soon.

A. Next, cover your nose and mouth

B. The germs(细菌) get on to your hands and from there into your eyes, nose and mouth

C. We should stay away from all kinds of colds

D. I also had a fever so I didn't sleep very well

E. Because if one of you gets a cold, often all of you get it

F. Some cold medicines can help stop fever and aches

G. I hope all of you'll get better soon

