
修改时间:2022-04-21 浏览次数:71 类型:单元试卷 编辑

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  • 1. 判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音
    (1) shape     shirt       ship
    (2) who       what     where
    (3) chick      school     watch
    (4) where     white      why




  • 12. 选择适当的词语填空,完成对话

    Is...high;     Are...or;     ls... like;     How… taste;     rises in

    (1) A: The sun the morning.

    B: Yes, it goes down in the evening.

    (2) A: does it ?

    B: It's sweet and a little sour.

    (3) A: you thirsty hungry?

    B: I'm so thirsty.

    (4) A: the moon in the sky at night?

    B: Yes, it is.

    (5) A: an elephant's leg a wall?

    B: No, it isn't.


  • 13. 给下列句子选择相应的图片

    A. B. C. D.

    (1) The pillow is soft.
    (2) The wood is hard.
    (3) The grapes are sour.
    (4) The watermelons are sweet.


  • 14. 选择符合图片的句子,将序号写在横线上
    A. Henry the dog sees a black shape behind him.
    B. Henry is afraid.
    C. Henry runs. The black shape runs too.
    D. Henry stops. The black shape stops.
    E. Henry likes his new friend. Let's play together!


  • 15. 根据问句选择合适的答句。
    A. It's hard.
    B. It's strawberry juice.
    C. Twenty yuan.
    D. They're painting.
    E. Yes, I can.
    (1) —What are they doing?

    (2) —Can you swim?

    (3) —How does it feel?

    (4) —How much is the toy?

    (5) —Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?


  • 16. 从所给的句子中选出合适的完成对话,并将其字母编号写在横线上。

    A. Yes, it is.

    B. How does it feel?

    C. How does it taste?

    D. I'm fine, thanks.

    E. Nice to see you.

    A: Hi, Jim.

    B: Nice to see you, too.

    A: How are you?



    B: It is hard.


    B: It is sweet.

    A: Is it watermelon juice?

    B: Have some, please!


  • 17. 根据所给单词,练成完整的句子。

    (1) can, I, see, dog, a(.) 

    (2) smell, with, can, I, my, nose(.)

    (3) high, in, sun, the, is, sky, the(.)

    (4) in, a, dog, the, morning, takes, walk, the(.)

    (5) does, how, window, the, feel(?)


  • 18. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。

        This is the sun. It is as tar. It is a big thing in the sky. In the morning it rises in the east(东方). It is red and big and it is not hot.

        At noon, the sun is small but it is hot and bright. We must not look at it. It is bad for our eyes.

        At night we can't see the sun. But we can see the moon and stars.

        In the evening the sun goes down in the west(西方). We can't see it. And the

    weather is dark(暗了). We all need the sun. Animals and plants both need the sun, too. Because it can give us light and heat.

    (1) The sun is ______________ in the sky in the day.
    A . big B . bright C . A and B
    (2) The sun rises ______________.
    A . in the morning B . in the east C . A and B
    (3) At night we can see ______________.
    A . the sun B . the moon C . nothing
    (4) The sun goes down______________.
    A . in the evening B . in the east C . in the sky
    (5) The sun can give us ______________.
    A . water B . light and heat C . food

