
修改时间:2021-12-11 浏览次数:94 类型:一轮复习 编辑

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  • 1. —____ was it ____ Franklin proved that lightning is a form of electricity.

    —By flying a kite with a metal key attached to the string.

    A . What, that B . How, that C . When, that D . Where, that
  • 2. It was the training ______he had as a young man__________ made him such a good engineer.
    A . what, that B . that, what C . that, which D . which, that
  • 3. It was the man________ had once been put into prison________ stole the money.
    A . who; where B . that; how C . who; that D . that; which
  • 4. Where was __________ you met with the famous scientist?
    A . it that B . it C . the place D . there
  • 5. It was his nervousness in the interview ______ probably lost him the job.
    A . which B . since C . that D . what
  • 6. It was what he meant rather than what he said ______ annoyed me.
    A . which B . as C . what D . that
  • 7. It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you come from or what you are.
    A . one B . that C . what D . it
  • 8. It is the ability to do the job ____ matters not where you come from or what you are.
    A . one B . that C . what D . it
  • 9. Who was it _____ saved the drowning girl?
    A . since B . as C . that D . he
  • 10. What is it _____ his daughter needs most?
    A . what B . which C . that D . if
  • 11. It was the boy _____ had been in prison _____ stole the money.
    A . who, where B . that, how C . who, that D . that, which
  • 12. If you don't go to his birthday party next Friday,_________.
    A . so do I B . so will I C . nor do I D . nor will I
  • 13. It was in New Zealand       Elizabeth first met Carl.
    A . what B . that C . where D . /
  • 14. It was almost five years later _______ he brought back some happy memories.
    A . since B . when C . that D . before
  • 15. It was not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them _______ the value of life lies.
    A . when B . where C . that D . how
  • 16. It was in the forest _____ they found the lost cow.
    A . where B . that C . when D . as
  • 17. It was when the private company successfully launched astronauts into space __________I knew it would open up more opportunities in the space industry.
    A . which B . how C . where D . that
  • 18. Fanny asked ________ made that odd­looking little cat so popular.
    A . what was it that B . what was that C . what it was that D . what that was
  • 19. It was two days after he arrived at the mountain village______ he found the villagers faced with a severe shortage of clean drinking water.
    A . when B . since C . where D . that
  • 20. —Were all the articles of clothing for the models carried to the fashion show?

    —No, _______only some of them.

    A . it is B . it was C . they are D . they were
  • 21. I'm really into your hairstyle. I've been meaning to ask you _______ that you got your hair cut.
    A . what it was B . it is what C . where it was D . it is where
  • 22. Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century __________ his musical gift was fully recognized.
    A . when B . which C . that D . how
  • 23. At that moment I had a hint of the truth: it is by growing our hearts with love      we find our happiness.
    A . that B . what C . how D . when
  • 24. It was ten years ago __________ that republic was ___________.
    A . when; set up B . that; came into being C . when; founded D . that; founded
  • 25. It was in the garden of his old house ______ he grew up ______ he dug up a pot of gold.
    A . that; that B . where; where C . that; where D . where; that
  • 26. — Were all the villagers inspected for the suspected disease?

    —No. _______ only 10 people who were exposed to the animals infected by the virus.

    A . There were B . There are C . It were D . It was
  • 27. Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons      they were fond of       influenced their whole lives.
    A . which; that B . that; which C . which; which D . that; that

