
修改时间:2021-09-23 浏览次数:157 类型:一轮复习 编辑

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  • 1. —Is Peter coming?

    —No, he       his mind after a phone call at the last minute.

    A . changed B . has changed C . had changed D . is changing
  • 2. Excuse me, Madam. Ellen, a journalist from the Daily Mail        all day. Could you speak to him now?
    A . was phoned B . has been phoned C . is phoning D . has been phoning
  • 3. Currently, about 35,000 works ________ in over 300 rooms in the Louvre, and it would take a lifetime to see everything.
    A . were displaying B . are displaying C . were being displayed D . are being displayed
  • 4. Only when he apologizes for his rudeness ____to him again.
    A . I will speak. B . will I speak. C . do I speak. D . I speak
  • 5. Mr. Copper ________ a huge amount of money by investing wisely in the past 10 years.
    A . accumulated B . has accumulated C . had accumulated D . was accumulating
  • 6. It is reported that 3D—printed cookers _______ to regular customers in some restaurants in London.
    A . have been serving B . have been served C . having served D . having been served
  • 7. Look, the book still ____ where I ____ it the other day.
    A . laid; lied B . lied; lay C . lies; laid D . lies; lay
  • 8. You rather than I ________ going to go camping.
    A . will be B . am C . is D . are
  • 9. The number of Chinese who escaped poverty ________ for more than percent of the world's impoverished people, measured by the poverty threshold set by the World Bank.
    A . accounted B . accounting C . were accounted D . having accounted
  • 10. We ________ quite enough work for the morning; now let's take a break.
    A . have done B . will do C . had done D . were doing
  • 11. —Do you remember the first time we met?

    —Yes. It happened at the airport and we _______to leave for Tianjin.

    A . had been waiting B . were waiting C . would wait D . waited
  • 12. The number of people in the world ______about 6 billion, and thus large quantities of waste ______each year.
    A . totals; has been produced B . total; is produced C . totals; are produced D . total; are being produced
  • 13. —You're so excited. What's up?

    —I ____as a volunteer in the coming Winter Olympic Games.

    A . had been accepted B . have been accepted C . had accepted D . have accepted
  • 14. After several hours of discussion, I ________ him in accepting the project.
    A . reasoned B . would have reasoned C . was reasoning D . had reasoned
  • 15. Professor Johnson, along with his students, ________ on the program day and night to meet the deadline nowadays.
    A . were working B . are working C . was working D . is working
  • 16. —You've done a good job.

    —Yes. It         us a whole month to finish it.

    A . takes B . has taken C . took D . was taking
  • 17. —Your job         open for your return.


    A . will be kept B . will keep C . had kept D . had been kept
  • 18. I could have finished my self-reflection last weekend, but the math classes and exercises _____ all my spare time.  
    A . take up B . had been taking up C . took up D . had taken up
  • 19. Although all of the dishes _________, none of them ________ good.
    A . have been tasted; taste B . have been tasted; are tasted
    C . have tasted; taste D . have tasted; are tasted
  • 20. —How was your weekend, Bella?

    —Awful! It was the first time I ________ alone at home, bored to death.

    A . has left B . had left C . has been left D . had been left
  • 21. One night, at about midnight, I ______ the sky for about an hour. The stars were shining like diamonds.
    A . have watched B . had watched C . watch D . watched
  • 22. A survey carried out last year showed that 80% of the middle-aged in this city _________ in favour of the proposal on health care reform.
    A . is B . are C . was D . were
  • 23. Nothing but several glasses ______bought by my father the day before yesterday.
    A . have been B . were C . was D . would be
  • 24. My brother took the pills for only three days before he fully recovered, so the medicine        very effective.
    A . proves B . is proved C . proved D . was proved
  • 25. —Nancy has worked in our company for three years. She speaks French very fluently.

    —She         French for four years in university

    A . studied B . had studied C . has studied D . study
  • 26. A wonderful performance ________ in the school gymnasium next month.
    A . is put on B . has been put on C . will be put on D . was put on
  • 27. —I'm going to attend your lecture at 9∶30 tomorrow morning.

    —I regret to tell you that. When you arrive, it will have ended and I ________ questions with my students.

    A . would discuss B . will discuss C . will be discussing D . am discussing
  • 28. Mary, along with two other boys in our school ________to New York to pick up the prizes the other day.
    A . are invited B . were invited C . was invited D . is invited
  • 29. The teacher won't tell the students the answer to the difficult problem until they _______on it for more than an hour.
    A . have been working B . will have worked C . will have been working D . had worked
  • 30. Before they ________ anything, children see the world with fresh eyes. Their responses are honest and imaginative.
    A . teach B . were taught C . taught D . are taught
  • 31. When the volcano _______, the farmers were working at the foot of the mountain.
    A . was erupted B . was broken out C . has broken out D . erupted
  • 32. They go to the supermarket before the food________.
    A . runs out B . is run out C . runs out of D . will run out
  • 33. If you _____ his wife's income ______ his own, the total of their income _______ 3, 000 yuan.
    A . add; to; will add up to B . add; to; adds to C . add up; for; adds up to D . will add; for; adds up
  • 34. I won't believe it until I _______ it with my own eyes.
    A . see B . has seen C . saw D . will see
  • 35. The football match will be put off if it _________.
    A . will rain B . rains C . rained D . is raining
  • 36. When the soldier came back to life, he did not know how long he________ there.
    A . had been lying B . has been lying C . was lying D . has lain
  • 37. The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor________ it a thought.
    A . does he give B . will he give C . he gives D . he will give
  • 38. It is reported that more than one new house________ at present in the disaster area.
    A . has been built B . have been built C . is being built D . are being built
  • 39. The young man insisted that he ____ nothing wrong and ___ free.
    A . did; set B . had done; should be set  C . should do; be set D . had done; must be set
  • 40. Her pale face suggested that she _____ seriously ill. To our surprise, she still suggested that she___ to Beijing on business.
    A . be; went B . was; would go C . was; could go D . was; go
