
修改时间:2021-09-22 浏览次数:112 类型:一轮复习 编辑

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  • 1. Speaking of adventure tourism, travelers can explore unusual or remote destinations, and________ risky activities.
    A . result in B . pick up C . engage in D . cheer up
  • 2. I have                   all my papers but I still can't find my notes.
    A . looked through B . looked for C . looked after D . looked out
  • 3. The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to                    its reality.
    A . make up B . figure out C . look through D . put off
  • 4. The school has very good teaching staff, but when it ____teaching facilities, it is poor.
    A . happens to B . occurs to C . comes to D . refers to
  • 5. He always        other's help       . His colleagues don't want to work with him.
    A . considers; seriously B . respects; thankfully C . takes; for granted D . needs; well
  • 6. It is a surprise that the small city has been ________ into a modern industrial center in recent years.
    A . transformed B . transported C . translated D . transferred
  • 7. When Rose was depressed, she __________ by going for a run.
    A . let off steam B . pulled her weight C . rose to her feet D . established the truth
  • 8. Used to ______ early now, Tom, who used to _____ late, can save lots of time used to ______ his body.
    A . get up, stay up, build up B . getting up, stay up, build up C . get up, stay up, building up D . getting up, staying up, build up
  • 9. Ben's been looking for a job for two months, but nothing good________.
    A . dressed up B . brought up C . turned up D . broke up
  • 10. The little boy came ________ the direction of his mom.
    A . running to B . ran towards C . running in D . to run towards
  • 11. You should take a break from time to time. Otherwise, you will soon ________ if you go on working like that.
    A . break down B . break out C . break off D . break away
  • 12. The movie we wanted to see was sold out so we ______________ seeing a different one.
    A . took up B . ended up C . picked up D . set up
  • 13. Our singing club Melody had to ______, because some members' health ______ under high study pressure, which was a pity.
    A . be broken down; broke up B . be broken up; broke down C . break down; broke up D . break up; broke down
  • 14. Football ______ walls and brings people together on and off the field.
    A . breaks off B . breaks up C . breaks down D . breaks out
  • 15. The Lei family________ many admirable Qing-dynasty-architectures, varying from grand buildings to public works.
    A . give away B . take up C . pass on D . leave behind
  • 16. Helen has been unable to concentrate on her lessons recently, which may ________ her poor result in the final exam.
    A . send for B . apply for C . call for D . account for
  • 17. The earthquake took away his parents but with a strong will he finally ________.
    A . carried out B . pulled through C . got across D . worked out
  • 18. —         for the glass!

    —It's OK. I'm wearing shoes.

    A . Look out B . Walk out C . Go out D . Set out
  • 19. Jack's business is not as good as before, so he has to ________ the expense of his company.
    A . cut off B . cut into C . cut out D . cut down
  • 20. The first set of rules on using gloves in boxing were ________ by the Marquis of Queensberry in 1860.
    A . sum up B . drawn up C . brought up D . finished up
  • 21. He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of ______at a hotel for the night
    A . putting down B . putting off C . putting on D . putting up
  • 22. Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may        the shocking ending.
    A . give out B . give off C . give up D . give away
  • 23. The company is     a period of great change, and no one knows if their job is safe.
    A . ending up B . taking up C . looking through D . going through
  • 24. He _______and wept when he heard the news.
    A . took down B . put down C . turned down D . broke down
  • 25. Since Tom is always _______his job, everyone in the office is tired of him.
    A . thinking about B . learning about C . complaining about D . arguing about
  • 26. —Is he reliable to finish the work on time?

    —Don't worry. I can promise he will ________what you have expected.

    A . get across B . live up to C . put on D . break down
  • 27. —Can you really make sense of what I mean, Cathy?

    —I'm sorry. Your meaning didn't really ________.

    A . get across B . live up to C . put on D . break down
  • 28. With great efforts of the peace-loving people all over the world, people of the country____ the war.
    A . survived B . survived from C . survival D . survived to
  • 29. The rich shouldn't ________their wealth. Instead, they should contribute more money to the poor.
    A . show off B . take off C . put off D . give off
  • 30.         , dear! Things won't be as bad as you think. There certainly will be chances for you.
    A . Hurry up B . Look up C . Cheer up D . Make up
