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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Journalists are the professionals(专业人士) that are responsible for bringing all up-to-date information to readers from every comer of the world. By delivering their voice, many famous journalists have earned worldwide fame.

    Joseph Pulitzer

    According to Joseph Pulitzer, if a nation can be seen as a large ship at sea, the journalists are its watchkeepers who report hidden dangers to make sure the safe journey of the ship. He worked for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and The World. He is known to the world as the "Grandfather of Modern Journalism".

    Margaret Bourke White

    Margaret Bourke-White is known as the first female war journalist and a skilled photo-journalist. She did some outstanding work by creating a photographic record of World War and the Great Depression. She was the only photo-journalist who was permitted to work in combat zone by the US army to report the war.

    Carl Bernstein

    Carl Bernstein is one of the most famous American investigative journalist, and he has proved the saying, " The pen is more powerful than sword". Carl worked with another great journalist Bob Woodward at The Washington Post. They brought about a revolution in the US by working together on the Watergate scandal(丑闻), which led to President Richard Nixon's resignation. This let The Washington Post receive a Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in1973.

    Anna Quindlen

    Anna Quindlen's love for journalism gave her a kick-start from her high school where she worked for her high school paper. Later, she went on to write interesting and in demand columns(专栏)like" Hers", " Public and Private" and many more for The New York Times, which won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1992. This is the reason why she is known as the" Voice of the Baby Boomers".

    (1) Who has contributed most to modern journalism?
    A . Joseph Pulitzer. B . Margaret Bourke-White. C . Carl Bernstein. D . Anna Quindlen.
    (2) How many female journalists does the text mention in all?
    A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    (3) In which section of a newspaper may this passage appear?
    A . Science. B . Entertainment. C . Figure. D . Service.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    My first year of teaching was an emotionally(情感上) exhausting job with few payoffs. I was young, inexperienced, and had class after class of twenty kids just waiting for me to make a mistake.

    After a particularly long night of marking papers and thinking about how many weeks I had left until I could breathe, I had some of those mornings when I began to question my job choice. I'd become a teacher to help kids. Instead, I felt like I couldn't even help myself anymore. It was just Mother's Day, and as I sat at my desk surrounded by lesson plans, I wondered how I'd ever have enough energy to have children of my own, much less continue teaching.

    That was when I heard a knock at my door. One of my students came in-the country boy who was no great shakes at school. He handed me a large flower that probably came from his family's farm. He had stuck a bird feather in it.

    "I got you a Mother's Day gift" he said. Most middle school and high school teachers don't receive presents. Lots of festivals had already come and gone with any gifts. I was so shocked that I just stared. Embarrassed by my silence, he said, "You know…since you're like a mother to us and all that, I thought you should get a present, too."

    I smiled and told him he was the sweetest person in the whole world, and I just loved it. Based on his smile, I knew I'd done enough work of making him feel quite proud of himself. What drove that twelve-year-old to bring me a homemade present? I'll never know. Once he left the room, I locked the door. And I cried. From then on, I knew what this job meant to me.

    (1) What do we know about the author from Paragraph1?
    A . She was short of confidence. B . She was hard on her kids. C . She was eager for a high pay. D . She was skilled at teaching.
    (2) How did the author feel about her life according to Paragraph 2?
    A . Shameful. B . Regretful. C . Puzzled. D . Lonely.
    (3) Why did the boy send the author a large flower?
    A . To express thanks to her. B . To show off his flowers. C . To say sorry for his behaviors. D . To draw her attention.
    (4) What would the author probably do next?
    A . Say goodbye to her students. B . Praise the boy in front of the class. C . Raise her own children patiently. D . Devote herself to teaching positively.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    This isn't just a social expectation. One study found that women cry greatly more than men do-five times as often, on average, and almost twice as long each time. So it's perhaps surprising to learn that the sex gap in crying seems to be a recent development. Historically, men regularly cried, and no one saw it as shameful. For example, in the early stories, men cried purely because they missed their girlfriends. There's n mention of the men in these stories pretending(假装)1o have. something in their eyes or making an excuse to leave the room. Instead, they cried in a crowded hall with their heads held high and nobody made fin of them.

    So where did all the male tears go? There was no anti-crying movement. No leaders of church or state discouraged them. Possibly this change took place as we moved to an industrial society. In the Middle Ages, most people spent their lives among those they had known since birth. Most of them related by blood or marriage. If men cried, they did so with people who would feel and understand the same way. But from the 18th to 20th centuries, people were living among thousands of strangers. Furthermore, changes in the economy required men to work in factories or offices where emotional expression was discouraged as time wasting.

    Yet there's reason to believe that holding back tears can be harmful to your well-being. Research has suggested a relationship between stress-related illnesses and inadequate(不足的)crying. Men holding back tears are less likely than women to get help when they're suffering from unhappiness, which, in turn, results in higher self-killing rates as well as higher rates of alcoholism(酗酒)and drug addiction.

    It's time to open the floodgates. When bad luck strikes, let us all, men and women, join together and cry until our sleeves are wet through.

    (1) What can we say about the men crying in the early stories?
    A . It was surprising. B . It was natural. C . It was a secret. D . It was an excuse.
    (2) The underlined word" they" in Paragraph 2 most probably refers to___.
    A . church leaders B . strangers C . distant relatives D . familiar people
    (3) What might lead to alcoholism according to the text?
    A . Ordinary illnesses. B . Helpless situations. C . Enough crying. D . Drug addition.
    (4) What does the author seem to suggest men do?
    A . Hold back tears. B . Follow bad luck. C . Cry uncontrollably. D . Cry in a low voice.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Navigation(导航)in unfamiliar places is a major problem in large cities. Therefore, the popularity of mobile GPS facilities has greatly risen. However, it is sometimes difficult for users to understand where to go. In addition, they have to regularly look at the screen to follow the route, thus increasing risks on the road.

    Luckily, preuniversity students from the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI in Moscow have created sneakers that can give directions, count a person's steps and measure the calories burned. The smart sneakers can lead users to their destination. The idea is simple. When moving towards a turn, the right or left shoe vibrates(震动)according to the directions.

    "We've developed a facility that goes well with a special mobile app via Bluetooth and receives information about a route. The facility performs all the necessary functions without affecting walking and can be joined to the laces(鞋带)of ordinary sneakers. The user only needs to run the app once, and then puts the phone away and enjoys the walk. In addition to navigation, the system can also keep track of the distance traveled. This information can be found in the mobile app," said Alexander Pinchuk and Maxim Levkin, the authors of the project.

    The team plans to continue developing the project because the smart clothing market is growing every year. According to the creators, it is likely that in a few years, smart sneakers will become popular like smart watches.

    This is not the first original project of preuniversity students from the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Valentin Klimov, deputy director of the Institute of Cyber Intelligent Systems of MEPhI, says, "Our preuniversity students have created rather original projects before. For example, last year, our students developed a useful system for people with poor eyesight and won an international children's competition;then they won the Junior competition and took part in the largest international competition:Intel ISEF. Now these guys are our first year students, and this shows the high level of our applicants."

    (1) In what way do the newly created sneakers give directions to users?
    A . By following their routes. B . By vibrating their shoes. C . By burning their calories. D . By reducing their road risks.
    (2) What can be learned about the facility while working according to Paragraph3?
    A . It must be put in special sneakers B . It has a little effect on users' walking. C . It can record where users have traveled. D . It works with the help of an app via Bluetooth.
    (3) What can be inferred about these preuniversity students?
    A . They are about to graduate. B . They are ready to go for jobs. C . They are creative and fruitful. D . They are lucky and wealthy.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . Sneakers for Navigation on the Way B . Ways of Navigation in Large Cities C . Ordinary Navigation Is out of Date D . Preuniversity Students Win Competitions


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Have you ever considered volunteering? And do you want to know how to volunteer? If so, please follow the three steps before you enjoy it.

    ◆Pick an organization.  You're likely to be happier and volunteer longer at an organization that supports a cause (事业) you care about. For example, if you're interested in animal welfare, maybe you want to volunteer at an animal shelter. Much like job search sites, you can also use volunteer websites like Volunteer Match or Serve. gov to help you find volunteer opportunities in your area. If you still can't narrow down where you want to volunteer, start asking people you know where they volunteer.

    ◆Know what you can offer. First identify your sill. For example, you could volunteer to write something for local nonprofits (非营利组织) if writing is your style. You need to be sure how much time you can give to an organization based on your other arrangements. If you try to do too much, you're more likely to give up.

    Treat the application (申请) like a job. Spend some time preparing for the interview, much as you would go for a job interview. It is also a time for you to measure whether the organization is suitable for you. Ask what's expected of volunteers.  Start volunteering slowly. That is, it's better to try just a little bit of time at first to see if you like volunteering at the organization.

    A. Apply and get started.

    B. Be willing to improve your own ability.

    C. Then do remember to go over your weekly schedule.

    D. You should focus on the causes that make you interested in.

    E. You may find one of them has the perfect opportunity for you.

    F. First search for the best organization nearby, and then decide what to offer.

    G. For example, volunteers at a museum may be expected to learn parts of the galleries.


  • 6. 完形填空

    Days ago I visited my grandfather in hospital. He has Alzheimer's-a1that usually starts slowly and gets worse over time. I thought I was prepared to see him. I knew chances were small that he'd2me.

    In fact, he had no idea that he3had grandchildren. But he was excited that somebody came to visit him. I tried to4who I was, but failed. And my heart broke into a million little5

    I was tired of explaining things. So I just6 He smiled back. Like a long time ago, when he'd take me7the hand and made this big world feel a little bit less scary for8Now I have to take his hand.

    We sat in9for a little while, before he told me to call my grandma. This was the first time I had tried so hard to10tears. He forgot she died four years ago and thought she was on her way to11him up.

    My grandpa used to be the person I12when I needed my car fixed, or something like that. 13, that man left this world a long time ago, and left behind a14that is lost and scared.

    I15his hand, and every once in a while I told him how good he looked and how much I liked the16of his shirt and how it brought out the blue in his eyes. I told him that my17was on the way whenever he asked about her, and I18the glass in his hand was always filled with water.

    I can't take away his19. I can't help him remember. I can't make the disease go away. All I can do is hold on to the20-hold on for both of us.

    A . virus B . disease C . system D . structure
    A . recognize B . understand C . accept D . greet
    A . already B . even C . recently D . finally
    A . stress B . question C . declare D . explain
    A . pieces B . holes C . wishes D . regrets
    A . smiled B . nodded C . observed D . stared
    A . from B . by C . into D . across
    A . it B . him C . me D . us
    A . surprise B . secret C . silence D . doubt
    A . wipe off B . dry up C . let out D . keep back
    A . call B . pick C . wake D . cheer
    A . turned to B . replied to C . argued with D . dealt with
    A . Ridiculously B . Hurriedly C . Surprisingly D . Sadly
    A . partner B . friend C . man D . baby
    A . tied B . lifted C . pushed D . held
    A . size B . colour C . design D . style
    A . car B . visit C . grandma D . family
    A . pointed out B . found out C . made sure D . made sense
    A . pain B . breath C . choice D . belief
    A . patience B . communication C . friendships D . memories


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    I wanted to buy a pair of sports shoes for a long time. I had spent months(save) up the money for them and finally I had enough. Last Sunday my friend Jake and I decided to go shopping together.

    We took the bus into town and it was very(crowd), so we had to stand all the way. Jake and I(talk) when I suddenly noticed that my purse had gone! The bus had just stopped and there was a boy near me who was going(quick) towards the door. We thought he had stolen my money so we got off the busfollowed him. The boy started running and then Jake ran after him, shouting "Stop! Thief". policeman saw what was going on and managed to catch the boy.

    The(embarrass) thing was when the policeman searched the boy, he didn't have my purse!

    The boy said we had made a mistake. His(explain) was that he had only started running because he was latea meeting with friends. The policeman allowed him to go and I felt rally stupid. I wish I hadn't been so careless and had kept an eye on(I) bag!


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。




    I know that you are learning Chinese in your school and ask me for suggestion. Here are some for you. First, you should listen to our Chinese teacher carefully in class and practise so often as possible after class. As we know, mastering a language required a lot of practice. Second, you are supposed to reading some Chinese story books, what helps you enlarge your vocabulary. Third, it's a good idea to communicate Chinese native speakers. Last but not at least, watching Chinese movies and listening to Chinese songs is useful ways to learn Chinese idioms. I hope my advice will be of greatly help to you.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,本周末你们班将参观一家油纸伞伞厂。请你用英语写封邮件,邀请外教Mr. Smith一同前往。内容包括:1)写信目的;2)出发时间与地点;3)参观点活动安排。


    参考词汇:油纸伞oiled paper umbrella
