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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the man trying to find?
    A . A market. B . An online store. C . A pair of shoes.
    (2) When can the man increase the offer if it's unaccepted?
    A . After one day. B . After two days. C . After three days.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Why does the wedding have to be delayed?
    A . There's bad weather. B . The minister can't make it. C . The field is occupied by other people.
    (2) How can the man be described?
    A . Generous. B . Flexible. C . Knowledgeable.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Travel partners. B . Father and daughter. C . Agent and customer.
    (2) What is the woman's main wish?
    A . To work abroad. B . To start her own business. C . To spend years traveling around the world.
    (3) What does the man recommend to the woman?
    A . Working in Australia. B . Relaxing on a beach in Bali. C . Climbing a mountain in Nepal.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where are the speakers probably?
    A . On a city street. B . In a grocery store. C . In the woman's apartment.
    (2) Why does the man move to a new city?
    A . To attend university. B . To try to make a lot of money. C . To work for his dream company.
    (3) How long has the woman most likely lived in the apartment?
    A . For one year. B . For two years. C . For four years.
    (4) What does the man request from the woman?
    A . Staying quiet at night. B . Asking other roommates to leave him alone. C . Allowing him to keep his pet in the apartment.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) When is the deadline for all contest applicants?
    A . March 31st. B . April 5th. C . April 10th.
    (2) What is the speaker's position?
    A . A classroom teacher. B . A high school headmaster. C . A school's art department leader.
    (3) What will take place on April 5th?
    A . A photography competition. B . An art fair. C . An reopening of the arts group.
    (4) Who will give the next announcement?
    A . The head of the theater department. B . The leader of the photography club. C . The coach of the school football team.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    As a nation, we are getting bigger and eating more. But there are effective ways to control your appetite and eat only as much as you need.

    Keep away from low-nutrition snacks

    That means ice cream, sweets, chips biscuits, cakes and any other salty or sugary snacks you eat between meals. Although we have a tendency to eat them, you can learn to live without these unhealthy-and-fattening-additions to your diet. Try to make it a habit to eat them only when offered at social events or as a special treat.

    Leave half an hour between main course and dessert

    Having a break between courses gives your brain time to receive the fullness signal and make you more likely to refuse the sweet stuff. And, in fact, as soon as you feel the first signals of fullness, remove your plate from the table. That will tell your brain that food time is over.

    Make yours a small helping

    Put an end to super-sized portions. You won't be missing out—today's small was the medium or large of a few decade ago. Select or serve yourself a modest portion and eat it slowly, enjoying the flavors. Before you know it, small will feel just right. What's more, ordering the smaller size leads to wearing the smaller size.

    Distract yourself

    When you find yourself hunting down food, even though you're even hungry, do something else for 20 minutes. Drink a large glass of water as thirst is often confused with a desire for food. Choose something that engages your brain as well as your hands, such as writing a letter or listening to a song. You could also go for a short walk or do something that you enjoy. If you think you really are hungry, set an alarm for 20 minutes'time and if you still want to eat when it rings, fine. If not, the urge will have passed.

    (1) Which way suits you better if you tend to order a large portion of food?
    A . Distract yourself. B . Make yours a small helping. C . Keep away from low-nutrition snacks. D . Leave half an hour between main course and dessert.
    (2) Why should you have a break between main course and dessert?
    A . To give people time to chat. B . To have a good appetite for sweet stuff. C . To reduce appetite for dessert. D . To give the host time to remove your plate.
    (3) When you find yourself pursuing for food, what should you do?
    A . Eat some biscuits. B . Eat some sugary snacks. C . Have some soft drinks. D . Listen to a lovely melody.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    To stay healthy and fit, Chinese students do group exercises every day at school. Most of you probably do the same set of exercises. But some school exercises have grown popular online due to their local and innovative designs.

    Singing in Sichuan dialects with energetic movements and unique mask-changing is not just a Sichuan Opera performance. It's the routine exercise for students of Mianyang Foreign Languages Experimental School in Sichuan province.

    "Sichuan Opera is a local opera, and it is now facing a gap in inheritance (传承). Therefore, we cooperated with Mianyang Intangible Cultural Heritage Center to create a simple and easy-to-learn Sichuan Opera exercise," said Shen Junhua, who is in charge of organizing the school's exercise between classes.

    According to Shen, this new type of exercise has been practiced since 2017 and has been popular among students. When students enroll (入学), they will spend several weeks practicing it. At present, almost all of the students and teachers have mastered it.

    "In fact, we had hardly heard of Sichuan Opera before teachers taught us how to do the Sichuan Opera exercise," said Li Yangwenwen, 14, an eighth grade student who also joined the school's Sichuan Opera club out of interest. "It's very different from normal exercises. After practicing it, we found it very beautiful and became interested in it. Now, almost all of the students look forward to our daily exercise time and feel excited to do it."

    "By combining opera with daily exercise, the daily class activity allows students to perceive and understand Sichuan Opera's culture", Shen said. "After years of continuous effort to spread the seeds of traditional culture, the younger generation is finally catching on."

    (1) What do students in Shen's school do during the group exercise?
    A . They do normal exercise. B . They sing pop songs in Sichuan dialects. C . They do mask-changing in a Sichuan Opera performance. D . They combine group exercise with Sichuan Opera.
    (2) Why do they adopt the new type of exercise?
    A . To attract new students to the school. B . To inherit local culture. C . To create an easy-to-learn exercise. D . To make the school's group exercise popular.
    (3) How do teachers and students react to the group exercise?
    A . Calm. B . Indifferent. C . Enthusiastic. D . Uninterested.
    (4) What can we learn from the last paragraph?
    A . Shen's continuous effort is highly praised. B . The younger generation will have a stronger body. C . The students can better understand their local culture. D . Students help to spread the seeds of traditional culture to younger generation.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    After almost an entire year of not going shopping and vacationing, you find the numbers reflected by your bank account meet your heart's desire.

    Now the most important question comes, what to do with the earnings? Should you fulfill dreams of the present, invest in preserving the future or perhaps keep saving it for a rainy day?

    Our elders always try to teach us the value of money and its moral weakness. One may be on a winning streak (连续成功) now, but it will not always be so. One will have days when there will be no sunshine but only rain, and their luck will hide behind those thick grey clouds. Save for those rainy days, they say. Do not spend too much, live within a budget, refrain from credit no matter how small and save for the future.

    Since the very first time we earn our own money from a summer job or earning our first salary, the lessons start. In fact, the pocket money that we receive when we are children begins the process of learning how to best manage one's money.

    People often think like this — one day when I have enough money, I will travel the world. Then, once we do earn enough money, tomorrow's plans start shadowing our present ones. However, is it wise to keep living for that future? Will we still enjoy or even be able to backpack in our 50s? How will we ever enjoy our present if we are constantly living for the future?

    Good questions, aren't they? I say travel but don't let yourself run dry, treat yourself to some luxuries but also keep enough for your necessities, and enjoy your present but with a plan for the foreseeable future. Life is for the living, so live it sensibly.

    (1) Why do elders teach us to save money?
    A . Because there are more rainy days in life. B . Because no one can win streak. C . Because good days may end. D . Because money can't buy everything.
    (2) What does the underlined phrase "refrain from" mean in Paragraph 3?
    A . select from B . hold back C . rely on D . prefer to
    (3) Which of the following opinions would the author agree?
    A . To enjoy yourself in the right time. B . To wait to travel until we have enough money. C . To go backpacking in our 50s. D . To live for the future.
    (4) What should we do with the earnings according to the author?
    A . We should save all for rainy days. B . We should fulfill our dreams. C . We should entertain ourselves. D . We should live the present wisely.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Understanding the link between a clean environment and human life is not a new concept. In fact, it was noticed as early as ancient Rome. Today we see how green living has infiluenced our everyday lives. There is a growing community of people who embrace a zero waste lifestyle and make changes to the way they live to reduce their carbon footprint.

    Living a zero waste lifestyle means doing one's best to achieve the aim of not sending anything to a landfill. People who adopt this lifestyle ultimately cut down on their waste by reducing what they need and want. They reuse what they own, sending few things to be recycled.

    Many people who adopt the zero waste lifestyle claim to be frustrated by the many harmful chemical substances found in beauty and cleaning products. They also find the uses of disposable items and excessive packaging. For example, how many times have we had to peel away layers of plastic wrap and cardboard before finally taking out the item which we had bought? Instead of buying pre-packed food and goods, those who identify with the zero waste philosophy tend to shop in stores that allow them to make purchases and bring their own cloth bags and glass jars to store their purchases.

    Many people may have the misconception that it is easier to live a zero waste lifestyle in the West. Nevertheless, Malaysian environmental journalist, Ms. Aurora Tin, has proven that a zero waste lifestyle is possible even in the Asian context. Instead of going to the supermarket to buy pre-packaged foods, Ms. Tin now visits the wet market and brings her own bags for vegetables. She has even stopped using store-bought toothpaste and makes her own toothpaste from coconut oil and baking soda. This lifestyle may be too big a change for the average person, but we could follow her suit to make gradual changes to our own lives.

    (1) Which of the following is a zero waste lifestyle?
    A . Bringing a resuable container to take away food. B . Choosing appliances that cost less money. C . Turning off a device to stop using power. D . Classifying the garbage before throwing it away.
    (2) What may disappoint a person who adopts a zero waste lifestyle?
    A . Recycable carboard. B . Excessive packaging. C . Glass jars to store purchases. D . Natural substances in cleaning products.
    (3) What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
    A . How do people live a zero waste lifestyle. B . Why Ms. Tin chooses to live a zero waste lifestyle. C . We can also practice a zero waste lifestyle in Asia. D . It is easy to live a zero waste lifestyle in the West.
    (4) What is the best title of the passage?
    A . Living a zero waste lifestyle. B . Going green is more than a fashion. C . A zero waste lifetyle is easy to achieve. D . Making environmentally-conscious decisions.


  • 15. 任务型阅读

    Fear of missing out or FOMO is characterized by "a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing".

    Researchers have found that FOMO leads us to check social media more frequently, leading to a negative cycle that can be hard to break.  Your mood will be easily influenced by others and your life starts to be controlled by the outside world. However, the situation can be improved if you take the following advice.

     Try to reduce our screen time, focus on building your own path to success and do what you like. Live in the moment, you will find nothing is missing out in our life!

    It is common to post on social media to keep a record of the fun things you do.  If this is the case, you may try to keep a personal journal of your best memories, either online or on paper. Keeping a journal can help you to shift your focus from public approval to private appreciation of the things that make your life great.

    You may find yourself seeking a greater connection when you are feeling depressed or anxious, and this is healthy. Feelings of loneliness are actually our brain's way of telling us that we want to seek out greater connections with others and increase our sense of belonging. Talking with families, making plans with a good friend, or creating a group outing that can help you to shake that feeling that you are missing out.

    A. You actually can't miss anything.

    B. Especially the young are addicted to the social media.

    C. Rather than focusing on what you lack, try noticing what you have.

    D. This shift can sometimes help you to get out of the cycle of FOMO.

    E.As a result, it will lead to feelings of depression, loneliness, and boredom.

    F. However, you may find yourself noticing too much about people's opinion on your experiences online.

    G. Rather than connect with people on social media, why not arrange to meet up with someone in person?


  • 16. 完形填空

    On a freezing January evening, Ashley Austrew sat in her car in an Omaha parking lot. She was working up the 1 to go into a comedy improv (即兴表演) class. For 20 minutes, the 33-year-old journalist and mom of two sat with thoughts of 2: "I can't do this. I'll be the worst one." Then she turned off the engine, took a few deep breaths, and went 3.

    For Austrew, 4 improv was the first small step to improve her self-esteem. She lacked confidence and didn't have the courage to try anything 5. So she made a list of all the things she was afraid to 6 and then asked herself, “What if I didn't let my excuses win?” Improv was her biggest 7.

    Her fear 8 as soon as she walked into the class. Her classmates were also 9, and she discovered that she was 10 capable of earning a few laughs and making new friends. Over the next two years, Austrew went on to deal with other what-ifs, including writing a book. "Self-esteem is like a muscle--you have to 11 it constantly," she says.

    Some people are 12 with a seemingly unshakable positivity, but most of us need to learn how to 13 ourselves up by our own hands. Thankfully, like Austrew, we can learn to feel 14 about ourselves and 15 our feelings of hope.

    A . courage B . project C . preparation D . solution
    A . self-esteem B . self-confidence C . self-doubt D . self-reflection
    A . inside B . ahead C . home D . out
    A . acting B . trying C . building D . getting
    A . important B . different C . special D . new
    A . abandon B . attempt C . absorb D . account
    A . confidence B . guarantee C . surprise D . target
    A . dissolved B . arose C . appeared D . changed
    A . helpers B . strangers C . supporters D . beginners
    A . barely B . perfectly C . slightly D . widely
    A . work B . break C . catch D . take
    A . connected B . burdened C . blessed D . tired
    A . bring B . put C . pick D . pull
    A . better B . simpler C . smaller D . smarter
    A . forget B . strengthen C . spread D . hide


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Listening to happy music at work can help you complete tasks more quickly, especially if you're doing something repetitive such as checking e-mail or  (file) documents. A recent study also found that the accuracy and  (efficient) of surgeons improved when they worked their music in the background.

    Music decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol just as well as massage therapy does. Scientists (random) assigned anxious patients to listen to music either during massage therapy or while lying in a dim room. After three months, those who just (listen) to music experienced the same drop in anxiety as those who also got massages.

    Listening to music before surgery has been shown to ease anxiety and limit the need for sedatives. After surgery, it helps reduce pain. analysis of 73 studies (publish) in the Lancet in 2015 confirmed that listening to music before, during, or after surgery improves anxiety and pain levels,  in turn means less pain medication.

    People come up with more creative  (solution) when they listen to happy music than when they sit in silence, according to researchers from the Netherlands and Australia. It may be because music improves your brain's flexibility or it relaxes you enough for the creative juices to flow. But don't play the music too loudly.


  • 18. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Robin想到中国留学,但对中国大学的情况了解很少,于是寻求你的帮助。请你给他回一封电子邮件,内容包括:







  • 19. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    "What's this? — Ben Caruthers is trying out for Mr. Zuckerman?" My ears burned at hearing my name. It was Lindsey Stanton, the most popular eighth-grader in Bellworth Middle School, talking to her friends.

    I held my breath. She obviously had no clue that my locker was next to Mrs. Stevens's room, where the tryout schedule for Charlotte's Web was posted. It sounded that they were worrying that I would ruin the whole play, because I had never acted before. My stomach tightened into a big knot.

    Who was I kidding? Lindsey was right. I'd never been in a play. At lunch I told Trevor, my best friend, that I'd changed my mind. I'd join the technical crew instead. That fit my quiet-kid image better anyway. Trevor was surprised to my descision. He was keen on acting and expected my company in the play. He shook his head, but he didn't try to change my mind. It wouldn't have made a difference anyway — I was starting to look forward to being on the tech crew.

    On Friday I checked the final cast list, just for fun. Trevor was Templeton, and Lindsey Stanton was Mrs. Zuckerman.

    Rehearsals (排练) started, and I spent Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at school. It was fun to learn all the technical stuff and to watch the actors from backstage. By the third week I'd memorized everyone's lines. Trevor and I talked all about the play and the rehearsals during our lunch time.

    And then, only a week before the performance, everything fell apart. The eighth-grader who was supposed to play Mr. Zuckerman, crashed his bike and broke his leg. Then his understudy (替角) came down with the flu. Things like this weren't supposed to happen in real life.

    Mrs. Stevens called the cast together. She told us we couldn't get someone else ready by the next week and that we would have to postpone the play. She frowned and continued, "If the auditorium (礼堂) is booked for later, we may even have to cancel." For once the cast was silent.




    Then I heard Trevor's voice. "Ben Caruthers can do it. He knows all the lines."


    When the rehearsal began, I spew (喷出) my lines too quickly and I trembled my body.
