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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A . At the speakers' house. B . In a shoe store. C . In the cinema.
    (2) What does the man say about the dog?
    A . He likes to play with the toys. B . He likes to sleep on the shoes. C . He likes to take things under the furniture.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Why does the man make the phone call?
    A . To ask for an extra bed. B . To check the room rates. C . To change his reservation.
    (2) How much are the double rooms?
    A . From $180 to $240. B . From $180 to $280. C . From $280 to $340.
    (3) What is included in the price?
    A . Tax. B . Breakfast. C . Service charge.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the woman probably reading?
    A . A history book. B . A science book. C . An English book.
    (2) What does the man suggest the woman do?
    A . Be careful when reading. B . Find someone to help her. C . Start reading the books early.
    (3) Why does the woman read slowly?
    A . She is not interested in reading. B . She has trouble paying attention. C . She tries to remember everything.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A . Husband and wife. B . Boss and employee. C . Father and daughter.
    (2) Why hasn't the woman kept practicing magic tricks?
    A . She has been busy. B . She has lost interest. C . People don't like her performance.
    (3) What is the woman going to do this afternoon?
    A . Take a walk. B . Go shopping. C . Search on the Internet.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) Who might the speaker be?
    A . A student. B . A journalist. C . A professor.
    (2) What is the students' favorite form of entertainment?
    A . Playing sports. B . Listening to music. C . Going out with friends.
    (3) Which activity surprised the speaker?
    A . Shopping. B . Seeing films. C . Watching TV.
    (4) What's the purpose of the speaker?
    A . To recommend a radio station. B . To introduce the result of a survey. C . To provide advice for entertainment.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    CIEE Summer Language and Culture Program

    Bring your advanced Spanish language skills to the small city of Alcalá, located in the heart of Spain. The CIEE program provides courses in Spanish, across a range of academic areas, at our partner school, Universidad de Alcalá. Small class-sizes combined with co-curricular activities will advance your Spanish skills and give you in-depth insight into the region's history and culture.

    Language Requirements

    Before the start of the program, students must complete four semesters of college-level Spanish and have a 3.0 GPA in the most recently completed Spanish class.

    Unique Experiences

    ◆Explore historical treasures in nearby Cuenca, Segovia, and Toledo.

    ◆Stay with a Spanish family at their Alcalá home – and take in the language as you live like a local.

    ◆Take an overnight trip to Asturias-Cantabria or Valencia to get a sense of Spain's incredible geographical and cultural diversity.

    Dates & Fees

    You get more for every dollar when you study abroad with CIEE, because our high-quality programs include everything from tuition to insurance. But pay attention, cost of international airfare, local transportation, books and supplies, visas, and personal expenses are not included.





    Summer Session I

    Jun 1, 2021

    Jun 30, 2021


    Summer Session II

    Jul 1, 2021

    Jul 30, 2021


    Summer Session I and II

    Jun 1, 2021

    Jul 30, 2021


    For more information, please visit our website at https://www.ciee.org.

    (1) Who is the text probably intended for?
    A . Cultural tourists. B . Self-guided travelers. C . Spanish beginners. D . Advanced Spanish learners.
    (2) Which of the following experiences can participants get from the program?
    A . Staying with local residents. B . Taking an overnight trip to Cuenca. C . Attending some non-Spanish classes. D . Exploring all the historical treasures in Alcalá.
    (3) How much do you need to spend at least for a two-month session?
    A . $3,320. B . $4,150. C . $6,970. D . $7,470.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    In the delightful presence of adorable little things, it isn't uncommon to be conquered by a desire to shout "Kawaii". In Western culture, we've come to think of kawaii as a synonym for cute. In Japan, where the kawaii aesthetic (审美) has been its own pop culture phenomenon for decades, the word is a bit more complex.

    Nittono, a kawaii researcher, says the Japanese word kawaii was originally an affective adjective that expressed one's feelings toward an object. "In Japanese, we can say 'feel kawaii,'" he adds. Visually, kawaii is tied to what researchers call baby schema—a large head, round face, and big eyes—but kawaii involves the other senses too. In a paper published in the journal Universal Access, researchers reported that people also label certain sounds as cute, and those sounds tend to be high pitched, like the chirp (鸣叫) of a baby bird.

    Kawaii isn't always what we would traditionally describe as cute, either. Ugly or strange- looking things can also bring about kawaii feelings, a concept referred to as kimo-kawaii, or "gross cute."

    Put simply, Nittono says, kawaii is the "cute emotion" you experience in the presence of something that elicits that emotion.

    Kawaii doesn't just make us feel good — it changes our behavior. Kawaii is what causes you to pinch (捏) a baby's cheeks or snuggle (紧抱) a puppy. What's more, kawaii not only makes you want to physically embrace the cute thing, but also enables a natural need to protect it. Kawaii also influences our feelings and behavior in other ways. It has a calming and healing effect, for instance. It also makes us soft — more easily influenced and open to requests. "I think kawaii, or cute feelings, reminds us of human connection that we sometimes forget," says Nittono.

    (1) What is the author's main purpose in writing the text?
    A . To explain the word kawaii. B . To praise the effect of kawaii. C . To recommend a medical method. D . To argue about a culture phenomenon.
    (2) What do we know about Kawaii?
    A . It generally involves different senses. B . It often conveys human's negative feelings. C . It is merely aroused by cute or familiar-looking things. D . It is widely considered to originate from western cultures.
    (3) What does the underlined word "elicits" mean in Paragraph 4?
    A . Expresses. B . Inspires. C . Contains. D . Hides.
    (4) What's the main idea of Paragraph 5?
    A . Examples of cute feelings. B . Results of recent researches. C . Definitions of new concepts. D . Influences of kawaii on people.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    As COVID-19 hit and the world went into varying levels of lockdown (封锁), it became difficult for researchers to know what was happening in the ocean. But now, you can join the eOceans platform to help researchers gather data on oceans and ocean ecosystems in real-time.

    Downloading the eOceans app on your smartphone and logging what you see when you are on the coast or in the ocean, including any animals, people, pollution or even an empty beach, you can help researchers monitor the world's oceans. The app lets you note your observations as well as upload photos. This information is then linked to your geographical location and is made accessible to scientists studying that region. Using eOceans data, researchers can remotely monitor how oceans and coastal communities worldwide are happening, including in the context of the pandemic (疫情).

    In reality, observations recorded through eOceans are already providing valuable insights. During Australia's lockdown, for example, the largest group of turtles in the country's history was spotted by researchers using eOceans data. And in Hawaii, data from the app suggests that clearer waters are associated with a reduction in tourists during the pandemic.

    Negative impacts of the pandemic on the ocean have also been picked up through the app, including an increase in pollution from personal protective equipment, as well as pandemic-related interruptions to marine (海洋的) recovery following a 2019 oil leak in Brazilian waters. In future, data from eOceans could help enable early detection of hazards (危害), such as oil leaks, so that they can be dealt with sooner, says Christine Ward-Paige, founder and chief scientist at eOceans.

    "Till now, more than 1,000 people have already joined the eOceans platform," says Ward-Paige. "But more data on wild life spotted along coastlines, as well as information on how people are using these spaces, are still needed."

    (1) How can people help researchers monitor the ocean through the eOceans platform?
    A . By downloading and observing some data of hazards. B . By spotting and marking the previous marine recovery. C . By collecting and uploading timely oceanic information. D . By detecting and reporting your present geographical location.
    (2) Which discovery has been made based on the eOceans data?
    A . An oil leak occurring in Australian waters. B . The largest turtle found in Australia's history. C . A factor contributing to clearer waters in Hawaii. D . A boom of tourism appearing during the pandemic.
    (3) What is Ward-Paige's attitude towards the future of eOceans platform?
    A . Indifferent. B . Optimistic. C . Doubtful. D . Anxious.
    (4) What can be the best title for the text?
    A . Keeping an eye on the ocean. B . Caring about the ocean pollution. C . Showing love to coastal creatures. D . Monitoring the quality of seawater.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    One of life's great mysteries is how aged parents produce youthful children. Our cells show signs of age as a result of the accumulation of damage caused by the environment and the boAdy's metabolism (新陈代谢), and yet they can combine to produce a baby biologically younger than its parents. This has led biologists to suggest that the germline (生殖细胞) are immune to ageing, which could lead to ways of curing age-related diseases.

    But recent research shows that not only does the germline age, but that ageing starts even as embryos develop in the uterus (子宫), much sooner than we thought. "Then the question is, if ageing begins earlier, when does it actually begin?" says Vadim Gladyshev at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

    Gladyshev and his colleagues looked at the changes in cells and tissues from the start of mouse development. The team found that this measure of ageing began to decrease when the early embryo formed into a hollow ball and reached its lowest point after it had been fixed in the uterus. It then increased again as development progressed. The team also looked at data on human embryos, and found signs of a similar pattern at work, although ethical restrictions on growing human embryos beyond 14 days in the lab mean the team was unable to study every stage of development. The discovery points to a refreshing mechanism (机制) that rolls back ageing to a minimum point from which a new individual can begin life, says Gladyshev.

    Ageing can also be changed in adult cells by reprogramming them into more immature cells. However, this also makes the cells lose their specialised adult functions, making it less useful as a way to repair age-related damage. Gladyshev hopes that further study will help reveal whether it is possible to separate these two processes." This discovery is exciting, since it suggests a potential, naturally occurring refreshment that resets the biological time of germ cells during the first days of development," says Belmonte at the Salk Institute in California.

    (1) What contributes to signs of age according to Paragraph 1?
    A . Accumulation of age-related diseases. B . Combination of the germline and embryos. C . Ethical restrictions on growing human embryos. D . Harm from environment and metabolic process.
    (2) In which stage does the ageing process reach the slowest speed?
    A . The early embryo beyond 14 days. B . The early embryo fixed in the uterus. C . The early embryo with immature cells. D . The early embryo forming into a hollow ball.
    (3) The researchers draw the conclusion on the refreshing mechanism by______.
    A . telling stories B . giving examples C . classifying facts D . making comparisons
    (4) What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
    A . Recent study reveals two separate processes. B . Slowing ageing may be harmful to adults' health. C . Specialized adult functions make cells less useful. D . People can keep young by replacing immature cells.


  • 15. 任务型阅读

    Ways to Find Career Ideas

    Many high school students feel it necessary to have their careers planned out. However, that means a lot of pressure to take on. At this point, the best way for your career planning is to take some steps to get to know more about yourself.

      Think about three experiences that taught you something about yourself. Choose the one that gave you the greatest sense of satisfaction and write a sentence that explains why that was so. If you can pinpoint what makes you interested, you can aim toward a career that will provide those types of experiences.

    Create a self-portrait. Are you friendly, creative, impatient, funny, organized? Try writing down a list of 10 qualities you feel describe your personality. Ask your friends and family to name some of your qualities.  Add their suggestions to your list. Now think about what sort of career fits the person your list describes.

    Consider your strengths and weaknesses. Make a list of your five top strengths and weaknesses. What sorts of employers would be interested in your strengths? If you're a good public speaker, for example, explore what types of careers call for that skill.   You can either stay away from careers that require skills you're not confident about or work to improve weaknesses that may keep you from your goals.

    Remember, even if you know someone who has been planning to be a doctor since the age of seven, most young people don't know what they want to do or be.  You can have a period of indecision and find a career that suits you.

    A. Find your true interests.

    B. Experience your favorite job.

    C. It is important to make full use of your strengths.

    D. Sometimes other people see us more clearly than we see ourselves.

    E. The quick exercises below can help lead you in the right direction.

    F. Your shortcomings can also tell you a lot about where you might go.

    G. Many adults actually work in a few different jobs before selecting a career path.


  • 16. 完形填空

    A little boy with polio (小儿麻痹症) always thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world. He 1 played with his classmates; when asked to answer questions, he always 2 his head without a word.

    One spring, the boy's father told his children to plant a sapling (幼树) each in the 3, adding, "Whose seedling 4 best, he or she will win a gift." The boy also wanted to get his father's gift, but seeing brothers and sisters carrying water to water the trees 5, anyhow, he hit upon an idea that the tree he planted would die soon. So only watering it once or twice, he never 6 it.

    A few days later, he was 7 to find it grew some fresh leaves, and compared with other trees, his tree appeared greener and more vital. His father kept his 8, bought him his favorite gift and said, "From the tree you planted, you would become a(n) 9 botanist when you grow up."

    Since then, the little boy gradually became 10. One night, he suddenly 11 what the biology teacher once said — plants generally grow at night. He came to the courtyard on tiptoe and found his father 12 under his tree with a ladle (长柄勺). Suddenly, he understood his father had been 13 watering his small tree! Tears ran down his face without 14.

    Love is the best nourishment of life; even if it is just a ladle of clear water, it can make the tree of life 15.

    A . always B . merely C . rarely D . almost
    A . lowered B . nodded C . kept D . turned
    A . campus B . basement C . courtyard D . park
    A . improves B . grows C . rises D . increases
    A . actually B . personally C . naturally D . frequently
    A . looked into B . attended to C . got through D . came across
    A . surprised B . nervous C . scared D . amused
    A . task B . promise C . belief D . dream
    A . outstanding B . healthy C . anxious D . ordinary
    A . calm B . optimistic C . negative D . frightened
    A . realized B . supposed C . imagined D . recalled
    A . burying B . picking C . planting D . watering
    A . secretly B . strangely C . patiently D . eagerly
    A . logic B . enthusiasm C . comment D . control
    A . decline B . devote C . boom D . change


  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    With the whole COVID-19 epidemic, there's a very good combination of Chinese and Western medicines being used,  has aroused Western countries' interest in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

    TCM is based  (much) on experience than Western medicine through a history of thousands of years. Chinese herbal medicines have complex chemical make ups, and thus require a lot of effort to understand which components are  (effect), and how components interact with each other to contribute to easing certain symptoms.

    " (enhance) the global presence of Chinese medicine, the most important factors are strong science, consensus, quality, and investment in relevant clinical studies." said Michael Lai, general manager of a  (lead) pharmaceutical company at a recent forum on Chinese medicine internationalization. "Building science behind drug products  (be) very important, and we are generating more data for efficacy (药效)." Lai added.

    Lai also believes that with its uniqueness and advantages,  (especial) in preventing and treating chronic (慢性的) diseases, the role of Chinese medicine will increase." The internationalization of TCM will happen; it is just  matter of when."

    But Zhang Boli, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, was not that optimistic  widespread recognition of Chinese medicine. In his view, whether China has come a long way in regulating (规范) TCM plantation and marketing,  now relevant products have reached a qualification rate of over 80 percent, more work needs to be done.


  • 18. 假定你是李华,近期你将参加“Music, a universal language”英语演讲比赛。请给外教Ms Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改你的演讲稿。



    Dear Ms Jenkins,



    Li Hua


  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Everyone might be a kind person, but outside our family and friends, we don't often practice kindness. We work on being kind to our families, our friends, and hopefully ourselves , but being kind to a complete stranger is odd.

    Back in February of 2018, I decided that I wanted to invite complete strangers over for dinner for Valentine's day. On February 13, I went to Washington Square Park and began my quest. I was definitely nervous, but kept reminding myself that the worst that could happen was I'd get a bunch of no's. The world wouldn't stop spinning. I wouldn't lose a limb (上肢). I'd simply get a "no," and that would be it.

    Out of around 50 people that I asked, over 20 said yes and gave me their phone numbers. Later that day, I texted every single one of them. Fourteen didn't reply. Six said they couldn't make it. Two confirmed (and one of them was bringing his roommate, making it three definite yeses).

    Well, I was a little disappointed, as I expected more people to reply, but I couldn't complain. It's always easier to say yes in person and then refuse someone via text. Nevertheless, I wanted to try and get a few more people. I went on Instagram and started looking through my Instagram followers.

    I found a couple of people who were in their mid-20s, seemed sweet, and lived in New York. I directly messaged them and hoped for the best. One said she couldn't make it. Three people confirmed. Perhaps this wasn't going to be a failed mission after all — six people were coming over! Oh, and one cute pup too, as one of the girls whom I approached at Washington Square Park was bringing her dog.




    Paragraph 1:

    Finally the day came.

    Paragraph 2:

    When everyone had left, I sat down and processed what had just happened.
