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  • 1. 阅读理解

    International UN Volunteer Program 2021

    If you are interested and ready to become a UN volunteer, you can join a million volunteers to register and become an international volunteer through any of the available opportunities cutting across a wide range of professions. UN volunteer job is available to the volunteers from any part of the globe. You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the UN. This is an opportunity to create a positive impact and be a significant force for achieving peace and development.

    What it involves

    The International UN Volunteers promote peace and development in communities around the globe, while supporting the ideals and aspirations (抱负) of the United Nations.

    Volunteers come from 160 countries, representing many cultures and backgrounds. They bring a wide variety of perspectives (观点) and approaches.

    As a volunteer, you can learn about different cultures, expand your networks, study foreign languages and gain professional and life experiences.

    Requirements for becoming a UN volunteer

    *25 years old or older (no upper age limit).

    * University degree or higher technical diploma (文凭).

    *Two years of relevant volunteer experience in a professional background will gain the priority to be employed.

    * Good working knowledge of at least one of UNV's three working languages: English, French or Spanish.

    * Ability to work in a multicultural environment.

    * Willingness to work with people and local organizations to draw upon the synergies (协同作用) between expert solutions and local knowledge.

    * Ability to adjust in difficult living conditions and sometimes remote locations.

    * Strong interpersonal and organizational skills.

    (1) What benefit can an International UN volunteer enjoy?
    A . Expanded networks. B . A free high education opportunity. C . Working as a clerk in the UN later. D . Opportunities to travel in more than 160 countries.
    (2) What is required for the applicant?
    A . Good command of Russian. B . Excellent organizational skills. C . A high school diploma. D . At the age of 18 or older.
    (3) Who is most likely to get the volunteer opportunity?
    A . One with technical diploma. B . One with good cooperation ability. C . One with excellent spoken English. D . One with years of relevant volunteer experience.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Students at Summer Creek and Kingwood Park High schools have joined a project called "Students Helping Veterans (退伍军人) : Big Heroes, Tiny Homes" over the past school year.

    The high school's students and teachers partnered together to create a tiny home community in the Houston area, for homeless veterans. Generous local community donations helped fund the project. Besides, the schools collaborate with architects, engineers and other community partners in the local community to design and build homes expected to be 200 to 300 square feet in size. They eventually want to build a community where veterans can be surrounded by other veteran neighbors who understand and relate to their difficulties and issues when coming back to civilian life.

    As a team, the students attend regular meetings together to work on the design. They are motivated by the purpose behind the project which keeps them focusing on the tasks at hand. With every nail that goes in, they know that they are improving a veteran's life and providing him a secure home where he can spend his golden years. "The kids are doing something for someone without any reward except knowing they are doing it for someone," said Missy Tayler, their proud teacher.

    "They wanted to serve their country and protect us, and they came back but they didn't get the same treatment," said senior student Sarah Dalby, describing her motivation to help. She added that when she started the project, she barely knew how to use a saw but she is a fast learner and loves the work. "You have to appreciate the armed forces of our country for giving us the individual liberties that we enjoy," senior student, Nicolas Logan said when explaining his own motivation to participate in the project.

    (1) What does the underlined phrase "collaborate with" in paragraph 2 mean?
    A . Learn from. B . Team up with. C . Compete against. D . Make up with.
    (2) Who aided the project financially?
    A . High school students and teachers. B . Local architects and engineers. C . Citizens and organizations from local communities. D . Governments of Houston areas.
    (3) Which can best describe the students involved in the project?
    A . Caring and cooperative. B . Demanding and considerate. C . Humorous and determined. D . Independent and intelligent.
    (4) What's the purpose of the last paragraph?
    A . To express the teachers' feelings. B . To explain the secret of the project. C . To explain the students' motivation. D . To reveal a potential educational benefit.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Identical twins (同卵双胞胎) may not be exact copies at the DNA level after all. Normally, identical twins differ by 5. 2 genetic changes. Researchers shared their new finding in Nature Genetics.

    Identical twins are also called monozygotic twins (单卵双胞胎). They come from a single egg. That egg forms an embryo (胚胎). Then, it splits into two embryos. Each of these embryos will go on to become a baby.

    Identical twins have long been thought to have the exact same genes. That's why some scientific studies study these twins. Such studies try to determine whether particular features, diseases or conditions are due to genes or instead reflect environmental influences. Any differences in the health of identical twins were thought to be due to different environmental exposures. The new findings, though, suggest that genetic changes might also explain why identical twins aren't truly identical.

    Researchers in Iceland studied 381 pairs of identical twins. Then the scientists studied all the genes in each person carefully. Only 38 pairs of twins had all the same genes. Most twin pairs differed somewhat in their DNA. Those differences likely arose long before birth. It could have happened either just before one embryo split to form two or it could have happened shortly after the split. Some of the twins had many genetic differences. Thirty-nine pairs had more than 100 differences in their genes.

    Gene changes, or mutations (突变), seen in the newly studied twins suggest that embryos don't split neatly in half when twins form. Some twins may arise when a single cell or a small group of cells splits off from an embryo. How many cells each twin originates from may determine how genetically different they are. More uneven splits of the embryo may lead to a greater number of gene differences in the twins.

    (1) What does the author intend to do in paragraph 1?
    A . Make a comparison. B . Propose a definition. C . Present a conclusion. D . Raise an argument.
    (2) What may explain the reason why identical twins aren't the same?
    A . Some diseases. B . Education effects. C . The genetic origin. D . The changes of gene.
    (3) What does the research in Iceland show?
    A . Almost all the twins have no difference in genes. B . Half of twins have more than 100 differences in genes. C . About ten percent of twins share the same genes. D . Gene differences usually occur shortly after the split.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . Some Identical Twins Don't Have the Same DNA B . Many People Have the Exactly Similar Genes C . Not All the Identical Twins Look the Same D . Identical Twins Attract Many Researchers
  • 4. 阅读理解

    China's Chang'e 5 mission to the moon was completed in less than a month after blasting off (点火起飞). A capsule containing samples of lunar (月球的) rocks and soil collected from the surface of our natural satellite landed in Inner Mongolia, where it was taken back for study.

    Chinese broadcaster CGTN reported that the capsule had landed back to Earth just after 10am Dec. 16. Search crews were out in the freezing pre-dawn Hours looking to find back the capsule from the snowy grassland during temperatures well below zero. Aerial images (航拍影像) appeared to show the capsule safely resting on the ground.

    China's National Space Administration announced on Thursday, Dec. 3, that its ascent module (上升器) had blasted off from the top of the mission's lunar lander, carrying samples of rock and soil it dug from the lunar surface. It then met with an orbiter circling the moon. The pair made the return trip to Earth where the capsule carrying the samples was sent on its way for a hot and fast going down through our atmosphere only to land on the frozen ground.

    The mission lifted off from China on Nov. 23 and landed on the moon on Dec. l. Videos from Chinese media showed the lander's robotic arm hard at work during its short shift on another world. During its stay, Chang'e 5 also sent back images of a lunar plain of relatively young volcanic moon rock. The image shows both distant hills and how the feet of the lander dug into the soft surface of the moon as it touched down. Enlarging the foot of the lander in particular providers a real sense of the dry, desert-like lunar surface. When the samples were collected, they have been the first pieces of the moon to be returned to our planet since the 1970s.

    (1) What is the mission of Chang'e 5?
    A . Collecting samples of rocks and soil from the moon. B . Taking the samples from the earth to then moon. C . Sending a man-made satellite to orbit the moon. D . Sending a manned spaceship to make a lunar landing.
    (2) Which of the following was left on the moon according to the text?
    A . The capsule. B . The lunar lander. C . The ascent module. D . The orbiter.
    (3) What do the underlined words "another world" in paragraph 4 refer to?
    A . The Earth. B . A spaceship. C . Chang'e 5. D . The Moon
    (4) In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
    A . Entertainment. B . Science. C . Education. D . Health.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    People say that the eyes are a "window to the soul". Eyes can convey a lot of information about someone's mood and level of interest.

    People tend to blink (眨眼睛) rapidly when under some sort of stress. But this isn't always the case. Someone's blinking may speed up when they're working through a difficult problem, afraid or worried about something.

    Your pupils (瞳孔) will typically become bigger when you feel positive toward something or someone. Bigger pupils happen in response to the excitement of your nervous system.  When you don't like something, your pupils will usually get smaller.

    So tracking the movement of someone's gaze (凝视) can give you information about their mood. If you're talking to someone whose eyes keep wandering toward the buffet table, they might have more interest in eating than talking at the moment.

    Blocking includes things like: covering your eyes with a hand, or closing your eyes briefly. Blocking is generally unconscious, but it tends to suggest how you really feel. People often block their eyes when faced with something they don't particularly want to do. It can also suggest disagreement. You know the house needs a good cleaning, but your partner suggests taking a day for shopping.

    A. Eye blocking is another common body language.

    B. Your eyes tend to follow what you're interested in.

    C. You also express feelings with your body language.

    D. Your hand might go to your eyes before you realize it.

    E. Few things reflect our emotions as well or as rapidly as the eyes.

    F. So you may notice bigger pupils when someone is angry or afraid.

    G. You may have heard that rapid blinking often suggests dishonesty.


  • 6. 完形填空

    We found him at our front door, frightened and shaking. My mom said we'd take care of him until we found out who'd1him.

    I'd always wanted a dog, but we couldn't have one because my sister was2. Now at twelve years old, I still3a dog. So far, my wish had been4. But the little puppy gave me the 5 to play with, feed and care for a dog. I didn't 6 to think of him as my own, but when a whole day went by with nobody claiming (认领) him, I began to 7. I touched him all night, 8that I was his very owner. Another day went by. The puppy and I were becoming 9. However, I had to remind myself that somebody would claim him10

    In the evening, somebody 11 to ask about the puppy. My heart12. When she hung up the phone, my mom had a 13conversation with my dad. A few minutes later, they came out and told us that the puppy, called "Fuzzer", belonged to some other 14.They already had an older dog that didn't get along with Fuzzer. Their mom had never 15to keep Fuzzer and wanted to find him another16! My parents saw how well I'd17with and cared for Fuzzer, and they knew I had always wanted a dog.

    18, my sister had not had an allergic reaction to him. Mom told us that Fuzzer was19now.

    Fuzz and I grew up together and he was my true20throughout my teenage years.

    A . chosen B . lost C . hidden D . deserted
    A . fearful B . cruel C . impatient D . allergic
    A . longed for B . came across C . aimed at D . believed in
    A . fruitless B . secondary C . ridiculous D . secure
    A . stage B . standard C . chance D . choice
    A . need B . dare C . wish D . fail
    A . hope B . worry C . regret D . puzzle
    A . doubting B . dreaming C . admitting D . promising
    A . inseparable B . dynamic C . lonely D . depressed
    A . now and then B . over and over C . sooner or later D . back and forth
    A . visited B . indicated C . called D . guaranteed
    A . stopped B . beat C . bled D . sank
    A . comfortable B . direct C . endless D . private
    A . wanderers B . elders C . kids D . soldiers
    A . appealed B . agreed C . pretended D . refused
    A . home B . job C . friend D . cage
    A . struggled B . compared C . dealt D . bonded
    A . Clearly B . Casually C . Amazingly D . Temporarily
    A . theirs B . his C . hers D . ours
    A . defender B . companion C . toy D . possession


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, one third of the world's fisheries are being pushed beyond  (they) natural limits. Overfishing goes hand in hand with bycatch (副渔获物). Bycatch is that unwanted sea life (catch) along with the desired catch and then thrown away. Asresult, billions of fish along with seabirds, sea turtles and millions of sharks are lost. Bycatch is (probable) the most important threat to sea turtles now.

    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) (海洋管理委员会) has been working with scientists, fisheries and seafood(producer) for more than 20 years. They (develop) standards for sustainable fishing 20 years ago. Around 15 percent of wild-capture fisheries are now MSC certified. And Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPS) in many countries are working (increase) that percentage.

    What can you do? Look for MSC's bluefish label, appears on over 30, 000 products and menus in almost 100 countries. Buying a product with this label means you're supporting a fishery that is contributing to a (healthy) ocean than before. And that will help protect both the oceanthe fish for years to come.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删改或修改。






    Chopsticks, also know as kuai zi , are the most important eating tools in China. Chinese use it during each meal. Chopsticks can be made not only bamboo and also of many other materials. They use the theory of leverage to picking up various kinds of food easy. Manners are important where Chinese use chopsticks just like westerners use forks and knives. Chinese had been using kuai zi for at least 3,000 years. Chopsticks used in other Asian countries like Japan and ROK, too. The materials come from nature. They represent the wise of Chinese.


  • 9. 假如你是李华,是一名来自中国的交换生,现在正在美国的一所高中交流学习。为了让更多的学生了解中国文化,你希望在学校举办一次中国茶文化讲座,请给学生会主席David写封邮件,希望得到学生会的支持与帮助,内容包括:






