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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Course Advisor 1 Education Sales Executive

    Would you be interested in joining a supportive and friendly team with a shared passion for selling their exciting portfolio of courses?

    The Organization:

    It is an international network that offers a wide variety of programs, including bachelor's degree programs, master's degree programs, professional training, English Language training and corporate & executive education.

    When someone chooses to study at one of their institutions—whether on campus in Europe, North America, or even in their own home they're joining a network of over 50,000 students worldwide.

    The Role:

    Course advisers are responsible for promoting the Company's program portfolio to potential students over the phone and via e-mail, forming a vital and integral part of the sales team. You will have a natural gift for sales and relationship-building, and a hunger to exceed (超出) targets and expectations.


    The Company offers excellent opportunities for fast track career progression which is entirely performance driven. They reward top performers giving you the opportunity to earn as well as progress.


    Please click on the APPLY button to send your CV and Cover Letter for this role. The Company is an equal opportunities employer and positively encourages applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, or religion or belief. No record of crime is a must.

    (1) What is one of the benefits of the courses mentioned in the passage?
    A . They are totally free of charge. B . They have optional campuses. C . They require high intelligence. D . They can be easily promoted.
    (2) Top performers of the Company may have ________.
    A . a high salary B . a free tour abroad C . a holiday as a bonus D . a flat as a reward
    (3) Who is the text intended for?
    A . Those who want to polish their English. B . Those who try to develop their programs. C . Those who need to advance their degrees. D . Those who are good at promoting products.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    La-Pierre had flown from Boston to Chicago, sleeping in O'Hare Airport to save money. Early on the morning of October 13, he boarded the city's Blue Line to head for the Chicago Marathon.

    The train was full of energized marathoners. La-Pierre took a seat next to a fellow runner and began chatting. Before long, La-Pierre noticed a man who seemed to be homeless moving from passenger to passenger, asking for spare change. His behavior struck La-Pierre as" really weird", especially the way he stared down anyone he felt hadn't given him enough.

    At the Cumberland station, several stops before the one for the marathon, most of the passengers suddenly fled the car. La-Pierre shocked, rushed out to see what was going on, only to hear panicked people shouting that the man asking for money was, in fact, an armed and robbing guy.

    Just then, the armed man himself exited the train car and hopped onto the next one. La-Pierre followed him." I could not walk away knowing there were innocent children and people just trying to get to a race. " he said.

    The man was standing in the middle of the car when he turned and saw La-Pierre. La-Pierre crashed into the younger man, pinning him against the closed doors. The two men fought for the gun—and their lives.

    "You don't move!" La-Pierre shouted, leaning into the armed man with his left side. The man tried shoving past him, but La-Pierre muscled him back against the door, grabbing the gun and handing it to a passenger, who quickly walked it off the train.

    But La-Pierre wasn't in the clear. The man had accomplices (同伙) who now surrounded La-Pierre and began to threaten him. He knew he had only one chance to save himself, so La-Pierre growled (怒吼), " I'm a boxer. I'll break your head in one punch! " Then the police swarmed (聚集) around the train, and La-Pierre let them take over. He had a marathon to run.

    This was not the first time La-Pierre has jumped into the fray (打斗). La-Pierre knew there was more to why he's become a serial good guy than that." I've lived a hard life" , he said" But I believe change starts within yourself. For the last 25 years, I've tried to make myself into a good man."

    (1) What impressed La-Pierre most after boarding the train?
    A . The passengers' generosity. B . The beggar's strange behaviour. C . The marathoners' enthusiasm. D . The fellow runner's information.
    (2) Why did La-Pierre follow the armed man?
    A . He wanted to protect the innocent people. B . He meant to follow in the guy's footsteps. C . He felt he had greater power than the man. D . He decided to grab the gun from the man.
    (3) How did La-Pierre save himself from the danger?
    A . He beat off the bad guys by boxing. B . The policemen arrived there in time. C . Some passengers came to his rescue. D . He scared the bad guys into giving in.
    (4) What can we infer from the passage?
    A . La-Pierre must have been a very successful boxer. B . La-Pierre might be living a well-off and happy life. C . La-Pierre might well miss the Chicago Marathon. D . La-Pierre must have done heroic deeds many times.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    It should be one of the main goals in today's society to reduce plastic consumption. Though many believe recycling will solve the problem, and continue using plastic, it's actually the opposite. In 2013, 254 million tonnes of trash was produced in the U.S. alone, and only around 30% was recycled. This means the rest ended up in a landfill and will stay there for up to 1000 years.

    Now Asian countries, including Vietnam and Thailand, are looking for new ideas to avoid plastic. One of those ideas was a new, eco-friendly way to pack their goods by avoiding plastic packaging. One of Perfect Homes Chiangmai's team members noticed a creative way to reduce plastic that a supermarket called Rimping Supermarket was using. Little did he know that people all around the world would absolutely love this idea. "I just popped in to get a few items while we were waiting to sign some contracts with our lawyer, who was delayed. When I noticed the vegetables wrapped in banana leaves and simply liked the idea. So I took a few pictures and posted them online, he said.

    With more than 3.5 million views and over 17 thousand shares, the idea became something people can encourage more supermarkets to implement (实施).

    Some have noticed that not everything on the shelves is completely plastic-free to which the supermarket responded that they are taking one step at a time, but it's not that easy. Many products come to the supermarkets pre-packaged and many companies are interested in wrapping their produce in plastic since it is the cheapest and the easiest option.

    It's now up to the shoppers to show the supermarket which they prefer. If everyone opts for the banana leaf packaging, they will probably stop stocking the items in plastic.

    (1) What can we infer about recycling from Para. 1?
    A . The author thinks highly of recycling. B . The US did a great job in recycling in 2013. C . Recycling has failed to solve the plastic problem. D . Recycling helps a lot in reducing plastic consumption.
    (2) Why did the man go to Rimping Supermarket?
    A . To purchase some items. B . To look for new ideas there. C . To take photos of their shelves. D . To sign a contract with a lawyer.
    (3) Which might be one of the influential factors in encouraging leaf packaging?
    A . The Internet. B . The companies'interest. C . The contract. D . The plastic-free shelves.
    (4) According to the passage, we can learn that ________.
    A . people tend to prefer farm produce wrapped in plastic B . promoting leaf packaging requires people's joint effort C . China used to export part of its waste to other Countries D . it's easy for supermarkets to change the way of packaging
  • 4. 阅读理解

    If you've ever watched Planet Earth, you know the ocean is a wild place to live. The water is full of different ecosystems and organisms varying in complexity from an erudite octopus to a sea star. Unexpectedly, it is the sea star, a simple organism characterized by a decentralized (分散的) nervous system, that offers insights into advanced adaptation to hydrodynamic forces — the forces created by water pressure and flow.

    Researchers found that sea stars effectively stay attached to surfaces under extreme hydrodynamic loads by altering their shape. Sea stars create a "downforce" due to their shape. This mean that instead of being lifted by the flow forces, the sea stars are pushed downward toward the rock or floor surface they are on.

    "Sea stars are incredibly adaptive," said Luhar, assistant professor. "When there is high wave activity and high water forces, sea stars will grow skinnier and take on a lower profile (姿态). When the sea star is transported to a sheltered environment with lower hydrodynamic forces, they pop up a bit and their cross sections get bigger."

    Understanding such shape shifting could help design underwater robots that can similarly adapt to extreme hydrodynamic environments, Luhar said.

    The researchers tested this understanding of sea star shape and its impact on force in the water with both computational and 3-D printed models. "Right away what we noticed," Luhar said, "is that instead of the sea stars being pulled away from the surfaces they were on, they were being pushed down- simply because of their shape."

    Luhar said the researchers saw this downforce effect as key to how the sea star- and in the future, an underwater robot could stay attched to a sea bed or a rock as opposed to being lifted up away from it, even in the most extreme conditions.

    (1) According to the first paragraph, what impresses us most about a sea star?
    A . Its simple organism. B . Its great adaptation. C . Its nervous system. D . Is physical appearance.
    (2) How does a sea star manage to stay where it is under extreme water flow?
    A . By creating upward force. B . By shifting its shape. C . By lifting itself upward. D . By expanding its size.
    (3) What is the real value of the findings about the sea star?
    A . We can develop 3-D printed models. B . We can attach sea stars to the sea bed. C . We can make technological advances. D . We can change the extreme conditions.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . Can we make a robot adaptive underwater? B . Are sea stars incredibly advanced creatures? C . Are scientists able to design underwater robot? D . Can we transform sea stars' shape very flexibly?


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Throwing away unwanted food has become a big issue in the developed world. However, people in other parts of world face food shortages and are starving.  The actual figure is 1.3 billion tons of food, which is enough to feed a billion hungry people.

     After all, they do get rid of stuff that's past its sell-by-date and they often refuse to sell vegetables or fruit that are the wrong shape or look damaged. They've also been criticized for encouraging customers to buy more than they need through promotions such as 'buy one get one free'.

     In Europe an incredible 53% of food waste comes from households, which results in 88 million tons of food waste a year. So instead of fling our bellies our food is filling up landfill site — it's buried and left to rot. Unfortunately this causes greenhouse gases which eventually leads to global warming and climate change.

    In Denmark, a woman called Selina Juul has been working hard to handle this problem. She found that people were buying more than they needed and throwing too much away. She convinced some supermarkets to stop selling their items in bulk (大量) so that people bought only what they needed. She produced a leftovers cookbook and she's now set up an education programme in schools.

    Clearly we need to think twice when we put something in our shopping trolley and when were alt home we should make the most of the food we have — using recipes that use up our leftovers.

    A. But the biggest wrongdoer for creating food waste is us.

    B. This has helped create a significant 25% reduction in food waste.

    C. We can even share our leftover food with our friends and neighbors.

    D. It's a shocking fact that a third of the world's food is wasted each year.

    E. Ten million people are short of food and suffer from starvation every year.

    F. You may think supermarkets are the main contributors to this mountain of food.

    G. Or maybe, you're shopping more efficiently, only buying what you need every day.


  • 6. 完形填空

    My grandmother was from a town in Michigan. I was from the city and 1 the small town they lived in. People knew everyone. The 2 with them continued to grow as I got older.

    Grandma was always using her 3 for something exciting ... She would make little sandwiches, she'd plant flowers and carefully 4 them. I remember the small thimble(顶针) she would use while doing her needle work.

    A few years ago, when Grandma 5, I bid farewell to a loving Grandmother ... How quickly our lives can change. I missed her very much, but I 6 it mostly on a birthday, 7 there was no card from Grandma. She'd never forgotten my birthday!

    On one particular birthday, something happened to make me feel like she was 8 that special day with me. I was 9 some colorful pillows that she had made, and 10 I felt something inside one pillow. I moved the object to a seam(接缝) that I carefully opened, and to my 11 out came a tiny silver thimble!

    How happy I was to find something that had been a part of her. I carefully laid the thimble along side the others I've 12 over the years, where I could continue to see the 13 God chose to reveal to me.

    What a 14 memory of a very special lady who somehow, I knew, was laughing in delight at 15 her thimble inside my pillow.

    A . approached B . loved C . influenced D . respected
    A . bond B . habit C . business D . concern
    A . needles B . minds C . hands D . tools
    A . tend B . move C . change D . examine
    A . turned out B . turned away C . passed out D . passed away
    A . expected B . noticed C . suspected D . recalled
    A . though B . before C . unless D . as
    A . sharing B . preparing C . remembering D . discussing
    A . producing B . exchanging C . arranging D . perceiving
    A . gradually B . suddenly C . frequently D . immediately
    A . shock B . delight C . embarrassment D . regret
    A . missed B . collected C . touched D . covered
    A . luck B . lesson C . gift D . chance
    A . curious B . serious C . delicious D . precious
    A . sewing B . sticking C . packing D . mixing


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    With the summer season gradually fading out of our life, schools and universities are preparing to open. While China (overcome) the worst of this wave of the pandemic (大流行) so far, and most schools are fully prepared (open) with in-person classes, Canada is still facing new cases here and there every day. Most of the schools are planning to deliver both  (limit) in-person classes and online classes.

    There are quite a few challenges for universities when making residence(policy) in the midst of COVID-19. Limitingnumber of people, I think, is undoubtedly the most important one This means the social life of students will be (strong) affected. For example, the orientation sessions (迎新会),normally take place during the first few weeks of school and include hundreds of students getting together to visit the campus, socialize and play games, have to be cancelled and done onlinein a completely different way.

    Moreover, many schools are putting more staff in their mental health centers. Statistics show that the number of students who suffer from psychological illness like(depress) and stress has increasedthe start of the pandemic.


  • 8. 假如你是李华,全球中学生校园健美操大赛将于今年五月在英国伦敦举行。你想申请参加志愿服务活动。请你用英语给主办方负责人George先生写封信,内容包括:







    3)参考词汇:校园健美操大赛—campus aerobics competition。

    Dear George,



    Li Hua


  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I have forgotten the name of an old lady who was a customer on my paper run when Iwas a twelve- year-old boy. Yet it seems like just yesterday that she taught me a lesson in forgiveness that I can only hope to pass on to someone else someday.

    On a Saturday afternoon, a friend and I were throwing rocks onto the roof of the old lady's house from a spot in her backyard. The object of our play was to observe how the rocks changed to missiles (导弹) as they rolled to the roof edge and shot out into the yard like comets (彗星) falling from the sky.

    I found myself a perfectly smooth rock. The stone was too smooth, however, so it slipped from my hand as I let it go and headed straight for a small window on the old lady's back porch. At the sound of glass being broken, we too off from the old lady's yard faster than any of our missiles flew off her roof. I was too scared about getting caught that first night.

    However, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn't been discovered, I started to feel guilty for her misfortune. She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper, but I was no longer able to act comfortable in her presence. I made up my mind that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I calculated would cover the cost of her window.




    Para 1

    I put the money in an envelope with a note and headed for the old lady's house.

    Para 2

    The next day, I handed the old lady her paper, pretending nothing had happened.
