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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Beijing World Hotel


    Here we opened an excellent German bar. Guests will feel the atmosphere of a bar in Berlin, enjoy real German beers and meals. Nightly live band performance from 21:00 hours onwards.

    Location: Ground Level, West Wing Building, Beijing World Trade Center

    Operating hours: 12:00 to 03:00 hours Sun.—Thu.; 12:00 to 05:00 hours Fri.—Sat.


    You are the star at the Lost Horizon room. Over 7,000 selections of Mandarin» Japanese» Cantonese. Korean, Taiwanese and English songs are all for your singing pleasure.


    It is so simple to prepare a great meal at home now that you can buy the best meats, milk products, wines, breads, cakes and more... all under one roof.

    Location: Basement 1, Beijing World Trade Center

    Operating hours: 19:00 to 21:00 hours


    Immerse yourself in a stress-free world of arcade games, simulators and attractions at GameRoom. You'll find exciting games both classic and cutting edge where you can challenge your friends and test your own skill. And we provide you with 25 high-definition TVs. Our sports bar is also there, which is the perfect place to watch the big game.

    When you need a break, our restaurant on the same level features a wide selection of delicious food.

    When you're looking for a break from the ordinary, visit GameRoom and let the fun begin!

    Location: Top level, East Wing Building, Beijing World Trade Center

    Operating hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    (1) If your family is to have a big get-together, which of the following will you go?
    (2) When can you probably appreciate a live performance in BAUHAUS?
    A . At 4 pm, Sunday. B . At 4 am Saturday. C . At 3 pm Friday. D . At 4 am Thursday.
    (3) What can you enjoy when you are in GAMEROOM?
    A . Having a test. B . Doing some shopping. C . Having a dinner with his friends. D . Playing the latest games with your friends.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Sweetest Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in October as a day to make someone happy. It is an occasion which offers all of us an opportunity to remember not only the sick, the aged, and children who have lost their parents, but also friends, workmates, relatives and neighbors whose helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed.

    Over 60 years ago, when a Cleveland man noticed that some people, such as children who lost their parents and patients who lay in bed, too often felt forgotten and neglected, he developed in his mind the idea of showing them that they were remembered. He did this by giving them small gifts. With the help of his friends and neighbors, he gave those people small gifts on a Saturday in October. During the years that followed, other Clevelanders began to take part in the celebration, which came to be called "Sweetest Day". Over time, the Sweetest Day idea of spreading cheer to the poor, the sick and children who had lost their parents was broadened to include everyone, and became an occasion for remembering others with a kind act or a small gift. Soon the idea spread to other cities all over the USA.

    Sweetest Day is not based on any single group's religious beliefs or on a family relationship. It is a reminder that a thoughtful word or deed enriches life and gives it meaning. Because for many people remembering takes the form of gift giving, Sweetest Day offers us the opportunity to show others that we care, in a positive way.

    (1) What group of people is the Sweetest Day intended for?
    A . The sick. B . The aged. C . The orphans. D . All the people.
    (2) Which of the following sentence can express the underlined word "neglected"?
    A . Ignored. B . Forgotten. C . Remembered. D . Loved.
    (3) Why did the man think about the idea of Sweetest Day?
    A . He felt lonely and wanted to be noticed. B . He wanted to be helpful to those who need love. C . He needed someone to give out some small gifts. D . He was helped by his friends and neighbors.
    (4) What can we know from the passage?
    A . A gift is always needed on Sweetest Day. B . Only those sick and children need to be remembered. C . Sweetest Day is limited to families and friends. D . It's a chance for everyone to express your care.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    What is an accent? An accent is a flavoring to you that influences the sounds of words and sentences. In Birmingham you might hear "lake" sounding close to "like", and in Ireland you might hear "this" sounding close to "diss".

    Accents are related to social group. Everyone has an accent, and for every accent there are groups of people who react badly to it. These reactions arc the result of prejudice — an unreasoned jumping to conclusions.

    Everybody has prejudices about accents. I certainly do. I have held prejudices about other people's accents. But over the years,my experience of working with people from all kinds of backgrounds has led me to give up these prejudices. However, I still have prejudices that I find difficult to control.

    Studies tell us that no accent is better than any other. But the reality is that many people judge others according to accents. Jacob, Member of Parliament, remembers when he first stood unsuccessfully for election in Fife, Scotland, "I gradually realized that whatever I happened to be speaking about, the number of voters in my favor dropped as soon as I opened my mouth."

    And sonic people change their accents to sound more refined when talking to people outside their circle of family and friends.

    Sky News ran a report recently in which an 18-year-old woman was trying to sound less posh, that is speaking non-standard English, because she didn't like the strangers telling her that she must be rich and from a famous family.

    Lastly, it's worth being reminded that people can have an accent and still be recognized.

    (1) What's the main idea of the first three paragraphs?
    A . What's accent and accents can lead to prejudice. B . Accents are something that everyone can have. C . Accents are something that you can meet everywhere. D . Accents have a long root in people that causes serious social issues.
    (2) Jacob is referred to in the passage to prove ________.
    A . everyone has prejudice about accents B . many people judge others according to accents C . he was quite unpopular among English people D . he was unable to make himself understood because he had an accent
    (3) Why does the girl try to change her accent according to Sky News?
    A . Because she tried to be rich. B . Because she pretended to be well-educated. C . Because she just wanted to make herself look ordinary. D . Because she wanted to learn the upper-class British accent.
    (4) What does the underlined word "recognized" mean?
    A . Reasonable. B . Understandable. C . Difficult. D . Successful.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    A few years ago, my sister-in-law started to feel concerned about her teenage daughter. What was she doing after school? Where was she spending her time? My niece was an excellent student, and took part in all kinds of after-class activities. Even so, her mom decided to put a tracking app(跟踪应用程序)on the kid's phone.

    At first, this made my sister-in-law "feel better". Then the good situation suddenly ended. She recalled, "I found out that she was someplace that she said she wasn't. I went out in the middle of the night and found her walking without shoes in the middle of the street with some friends." Things went quickly downhill for the mother and the daughter after that.

    With 73 % of teens having their own smart phones now, according to a 2015 Pew study, more and more of their parents are facing the question: To watch or not ?

    Ana Homayoun, founder of Green Ivy Educational Consulting, has advised many parents and their kids about this. "I've found teens are more acceptable to tracking apps when it is included as part of a family agreement to improve safety than when it is placed as a secret tool to watch them," she said.

    Mark Bell, a father of a teenage girl, said, "We don't have tracking apps, but we have set some ground rules that my daughter must follow in exchange for us providing a smart phone," he said. For example, his daughter must "friend" him on social media so that he can read posts, and must share all passwords.

    When you're trying to build trust, you need to create an environment that encourages it. So, to win their trust, you always need to be straight with your children. "Parents must let children know how and when they'll be watching them," said Doctor Pauleh Weigle. If they're not open about it, he warns, it can "greatly damage the parent and child relationship".

    (1) Why is the author's sister-in-law and her daughter referred to in the first two paragraphs?
    A . The author wants to give an example of the failure use of the tracking app. B . The author wants to introduce he had more communication with her daughter. C . The author wants to say that she wasn't worried about her daughter any more. D . The author wants to express he felt good with knowing more about her daughter's activities.
    (2) What is probably the majority children's attitude towards tracking app in their phones?
    A . They doubt family agreements. B . They dislike being watched secretly. C . They are worried about online safety. D . They welcome the use of tracking apps.
    (3) Why is Ana Homayoun mentioned in Paragraph 4?
    A . To show how to use smart phone safely. B . To teach how to put tracking app on phones. C . To give some suggestions on how to make children accept it. D . To tell the importance of being children's friends instead of tracking.
    (4) What should be done before using a tracking app according to Weigle?
    A . Check the kid's phone. B . Teach the kid how to use it. C . Advise the kid to use his phone less. D . Discuss with the kids and have an agreement with them.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Sometimes, you do not finish drinking your glass of water before you go to bed.But have you ever wondered if it is still safe to drink?

    "If you have clean water in a clean glass, you're fine to drink it for a day or two," Kellogg Schwab from the Johns Hopkins University Water Institute in the US told Time.

    That's because after about 12 hours, the carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the water in your glass, slightly lowering its PI I level.

    Also, there might be more microorganisms in your water if you leave it out overnight. These microorganisms can stay on your glass.They can make you get sick more easily. But as long as you clean your glasses very often, this will not be a problem.

    In countries like the US and UK. people often drink water directly from the tap.Most experts say that tap water has a shelf life of six months, according to Zane Satterfield from West Virginia University. US. After six months, there is less chlorine in the water and bacteria start to grow. You'd better not drink the water otherwise you may get sick.

    What about plastic water bottles?If you leave a bottle of water under the sun or in a car for a long period of time, the plastic produces a chemical called BPA. This chemical can cause heart disease arid cancer.

    A. Schwab said people should be careful with them.

    B. But you may find that it tastes strange.

    C. It is safe for you to drink the water later.

    D. Some people prefer to drink water from rivers

    E. You might want to drink it the next morning.

    F. Microorganisms grow more quickly at room temperature

    G. This is Ok—however, tap water cannot be stored for a long time.


  • 6. 完形填空

    High school students have a lot more power than they may realize.

    Belscher 1 a dollar on the floor when having his English class. When the school day 2, Belscher walked back to the classroom. He could easily have 3 it, for the wrinkled (皱巴巴的) bill was still there. 4, he brought the old bill to his English teacher, —Mattison.

    Mattison was a little 5 he'd turned; in the dollar, knowing a lot of people would have just kept it. She 6 that Belscher tape(d)it to the whiteboard, where she always puts 7 things.

    A day or two later, the school shut down for Easter 8. Neither the teacher nor her student thought twice about the dollar. After school, a boy named Tom spotted the dollar on the whiteboard. "There was a 9 to it." Tom says. He asked Mattison why it was there. She replied, "I don't know." Then Tom 10 a second dollar.

    The 11 of the two dollar bills side by side triggered (触发) something in Mattison's students. They started asking about the 12 of the money, to which Mattison always gave the 13 answer: She didn't know.

    However, the students, among themselves, decided and understood Mattison had some good 14 final plan and goal. So, they wanted to be part of whatever this was. They 15 their savings and the amount continue to grow. As for the 16 dollar, the person who lost it never came looking.

    That left Mattison to make the best decision. She thought of her brother-in-law, Jack Hains, who had died of ALS, a 17 and deadly disease. His sister died of the same 18. Mattison asked the teens whether they 19 if they donated (捐赠) the money. Their answer was that they definitely didn't. Then, they 20 peeled (剥开) the cash off the board and made the donation to the ALS Institute established to find a cure for the disease.

    A . hid B . lost C . noticed D . dropped
    A . started B . ended C . arrived D . passed
    A . discovered B . ignored C . pocketed D . accepted
    A . Therefore B . Besides C . Instead D . Meanwhile
    A . excited B . surprised C . frightened D . interested
    A . realized B . commanded C . recognized D . suggested
    A . lost B . required C . selected D . damaged
    A . break B . dinner C . meeting D . activity
    A . signal B . response C . key D . mystery
    A . earned B . taped C . missed D . recovered
    A . sight B . discussion C . idea D . story
    A . owner B . total C . power D . purpose
    A . same B . brief C . secure D . different
    A . unknown B . unchanged C . unspoken D . unexplored
    A . added to B . broke up C . watched over D . dug into
    A . former B . important C . valuable D . old
    A . born B . rare C . common D . mild
    A . operation B . treatment C . accident D . condition
    A . wondered B . minded C . agreed D . regretted
    A . sadly B . calmly C . carefully D . skillfully


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Shanghai Disneyland said on Wednesday it would build the world's first Zootopia-themed (疯狂动物城为主题)land earlier this year. On Dec. 10, it started building its Zootopia- themed land, will bring characters(人物)from the popular animated film(动画片) the park, its operator said. Zootopia once broke China's box office records and (become) the country's No. 1 animated film.

    It is expected  (be) the first-ever Zootopia-themed land at any Disney park worldwide, and the (eight) themed land at Shanghai Disneyland. The  (develop) of the land follows the success of the animated film on the Chinese mainland, which made 1. 53 billion yuan in 2016, until it(top) by Chinese animation Ne Zha in August this year.

    The new land aims to provide a life-like animal center with characters in this movie  some other Disney movies, according to the Shanghai Disneyland. The opening of the center will bring (much) tourism to Shanghai than before and offer more destinations to (tourist) all over the world.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





    One day I happen to find a chatting room on my QQ, that people were chatting in English. I tried to chat with some of them. To my surprised, I found the oral English of some junior students were better than mine. I asked them for advice and they told me practice more on QQ. But every day after that I would spend one hour practice my oral English on QQ. Day by day I learned from many useful words and expressions. With time going by,I found that I could even communication with some college students free.


  • 9. 假定你是新华中学的学生李华,本周六你班同学打算举行一次登山活动。请用英文给外教 David写一封信,邀请他参加此次活动。具体内容如下:、

    1)集合时间与地点:8:00,校门口 ;





    Dear David,



    Li Hua
