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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) How does the man surprise the woman?
    A . He works a lot of hours. B . He never works on Thursday. C . He seems to have a lot of vacation.
    (2) What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A . Where they go on vacation. B . What they do every weekend. C . When they take time off work.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What problem does the man have?
    A . He is a victim of theft. B . He has run out of money. C . He misplaced his ATM card.
    (2) What does the man want to do?
    A . Replace his cards. B . Purchase a new wallet. C . Withdraw money from the ATM.
    (3) What does the man need to do next?
    A . Hang up the phone. B . Mail a bank statement. C . Give his account number.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Why does the woman return the skirt?
    A . It's a bit small in size. B . It's too dark in color. C . It's old-fashioned in style.
    (2) Why does the woman fail to get her money back?
    A . She doesn't have the receipt. B . She purchased the skirt on sale. C . She plans to buy something else.
    (3) How does the woman feel in the end?
    A . Satisfied. B . Surprised. C . Annoyed.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Who will teach Crime and Media Representation?
    A . Professor Stone. B . Professor Dominguez. C . Professor Fuller.
    (2) Which elective will the speakers choose?
    A . An early morning one. B . A late morning one. C . An evening one.
    (3) What can we learn about the speakers?
    A . The man has a job. B . The speakers are seniors. C . The woman can't wait to graduate.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the disadvantage of the conference room on the second floor?
    A . It has no natural light. B . It lacks equipment. C . It is not big enough.
    (2) Which floor is the break room on?
    A . The basement floor. B . The first floor. C . The third floor.
    (3) Who will prepare the identification for guests?
    A . Tanya. B . Mario. C . Eric.
    (4) Which group will be the first to present?
    A . The Paris group. B . The London group. C . The New York group.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    There are many heritage sites in the world. The following are four sites in the UNESCO's World Heritage List.

    Easter Island, Chile

    This place is famous for its huge stone statues. The first European visitors, the Dutch, named it Easter Island in memory of their day of arrival. The small and hilly island was formed by volcanoes. Easter Island was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1995.

    Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada

    The park is best known for its extensive fossil (化石) beds, within which 35 species of dinosaurs from about 100 to 65 million years ago have been identified. There are also fossilized remains of fish, reptiles, and amphibians. The area was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.

    Hadrian's Wall, England

    This is a Roman barrier that guarded the border of Britain. Hadrian (ruled 117—138 CE) went to Britain in 122 and was the first to build a wall, 80 miles long, to separate the Romans from the barbarians. There was no intention of fighting from the wall top; the soldiers there were trained to encounter the enemy in the open. In 1987, Hadrian's Wall was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage site.

    Salonga National Park, Congo

    This is the largest reserve in Congo, covering more than 14,000 square miles. The park was established in 1970. The thick forest provides habitats for various animals like parrots, elephants and monkeys. Park visitors observe the animals from motorized river boats. The park was entered into the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in 1984.

    (1) When was Easter Island listed as a UNESCO World Heritage?
    A . In 1979. B . In 1984. C . In 1987. D . In 1995.
    (2) What was the original purpose of building the Hadrian's Wall?
    A . To defend against the Romans. B . To honor the British soldiers. C . To protect the Romans from attack. D . To keep watch on the wall top.
    (3) Which site would you like to visit if you want to see wild animals?
    A . Easter Island. B . Dinosaur Provincial Park. C . Hadrian's Wall. D . Salonga National Park.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Aaron has performed in Germany, Korea, the Czech Republic and across the United States. His back flip (翻) earned him a place in "Guinness World Records". Aaron doesn't use a skateboard to do his tricks. He sticks a perfect four wheeled landing with his wheelchair. That's quite an accomplishment for a kid who was born with spina bifida, a developmental birth defect (缺陷) that made him even unable to sit independently.

    One day, when he was eight, his friends encouraged him to roll down a shallow ramp (斜坡). It was a scary first ride. Aaron crashed his hands, but he was attracted. Six months later, after endless hard trying and training, he accomplished his first trick—lifting up one of the back wheels while crossing a barrier.

    "The more I rode, the better I became, though I have to admit that the process involved falling in every way possible," says Aaron. When Aaron performed his first airborne 180 out of the box, Steve, his father, sensed an opportunity, videotaped the performance and sent it to the Internet. A letter soon arrived from John Box, founder of Colours'N Motion, encouraging him to call him directly whenever they needed anything. Aaron has a sponsor since.

    With his mother helping with scheduling, he has had the opportunity to travel within the US as well as internationally. He has attended summer camps for disabled children as a coach. "I know that I can be an inspiration for disabled kids," says Aaron. "The message I want to convey to kids and adults is very simple: Always test your boundaries and don't let the disability restrict your capacities and possibilities."

    (1) What happened when Aaron first tried to roll down a ramp?
    A . He crashed into his friend and got hurt. B . He became interested in the sport. C . He was too scared to try the sport again. D . He accomplished his first trick.
    (2) Who funded Aaron to achieve his goal?
    A . Steve. B . John Box. C . His friends. D . His mother.
    (3) Which of the following words best describe Aaron?
    A . Independent and cooperative. B . Ambitious and generous. C . Courageous and determined. D . Energetic and humorous.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . Aaron: skating ability beyond disability. B . Aaron: inspiration for skating coaches. C . A boy working for “Guinness World Records”. D . A boy seeking to be an Internet celebrity.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    By the end of the 2020s, almost a quarter of Japan's population will be over 65. So, to help society deal with an ageing population, a Tokyo company has developed an "Ageing Suit". As a journalist, I went along to try it out.

    The few hours I spent at the "Wonderful Ageing Club" were, it has to be said, rather depressing. I, dressed in the club's "ageing suit", was transformed rather too quickly from a relatively healthy 36-year-old to an 80-year-old.

    First, I had to put on restrictive bindings (捆绑) over my knees, elbows, ankles and feet, which made me unable to move normally. The ladies of the Wonderful Ageing Club, however, were still far from finished. Assuring me that their suit had been carefully designed on the basis of scientific research into the exact effects of ageing, they next applied a pair of special gloves to my hands to make grabbing much more difficult. A number of weights were attached to my body to create the sensation of weakened muscles. A pair of earplugs muffled my hearing and my vision grew rather clouded as a result of my special glasses. This completed an imprisonment in a body more than twice my own age. Now I found myself clumsily getting my way through such newly difficult tasks as sitting down on a chair and then standing up again or opening a can of Coke.

    But what is the purpose of this ageing suit? The company claims that it gives a very accurate representation of what being old is really like, and that, when it comes to planning for the future, that experience will be of great value. They hope to see whether the products or services they offer really do meet the needs of the elderly.

    (1) How did the author feel at the "Wonderful Ageing Club"?
    A . Unhappy. B . Curious. C . Puzzled. D . Cheerful.
    (2) What did the ladies of the "Wonderful Ageing Club" tell the author?
    A . The suit was far from completed. B . The suit was scientifically designed. C . They had to perform the task carefully. D . They had to experience the state of aging.
    (3) What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A . An exhausted condition. B . A relaxed atmosphere. C . A pleased state. D . A restricted situation.
    (4) What is the ageing suit intended to do?
    A . Reduce the cost of the ageing problem. B . Make the homes of the old smart. C . Tailor elderly services to fit their needs. D . Sell different products to the elderly.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Masks that helped save lives are proving a deadly danger for wildlife, with birds and sea creatures trapped in the shocking number of thrown-away facial coverings. Single-use masks have been found around pavements, waterways and beaches worldwide. Worn once, the thin protective materials can take hundreds of years to decompose. "Face masks aren't going away any time soon—but when we throw them away, these items can harm the environment and the animals," Ashley Fruno of animal rights group PETA said.

    In Britain, a gull was rescued by the RSPCA after its legs became tangled in the straps of a mask for up to a week. The animal welfare charity took it to a wildlife hospital for treatment before its release.

    The biggest impact may be in the water. More than 1.5 billion masks made their way into the world's oceans last year, accounting for around 6,200 extra tonnes of ocean plastic pollution, according to environmental group Oceans Asia.

    Conservationists in Brazil found one mask inside the stomach of a penguin after its body was washed up on a beach, while a dead pufferfish was discovered caught inside another off the coast of Miami. French campaigners found a dead crab trapped in a mask near the Mediterranean. Masks and gloves are "particularly problematic" for sea creatures, says George Leonard, chief scientist from NGO Ocean Conservancy. "When those plastics break down in the environment, they then enter the food chain and impact entire ecosystems." he added.

    There has been a shift towards greater use of reusable cloth masks as the pandemic has worn on, but many are still using the lighter single-use varieties. Campaigners have urged people to bin them properly and cut the straps to reduce the risk of animals becoming trapped. Oceans Asia has also called on governments to increase fines for littering and encourage the use of washable masks.

    (1) What's Paragraph 1 mainly about?
    A . The problem of littering masks. B . The long time to break down masks. C . The threat of masks to wildlife. D . The protective use of masks to people.
    (2) What did the animal welfare charity do to the gull?
    A . They gave first aid to the bird. B . They released the bird at once. C . They kept the bird for about a week. D . They sent the bird to hospital.
    (3) How is Paragraph 4 developed?
    A . By providing examples. B . By giving explanations. C . By making comparisons. D . By analyzing causes.
    (4) Which measure has been taken to help solve the problem?
    A . Forbidding the use of single-use masks. B . Wearing reusable cloth masks. C . Cutting the masks up before throwing. D . Increasing fines for binning masks.


  • 15. 任务型阅读

    Have you ever wondered why you're not as happy as you'd like to be? Based on my own personal experience and the happiness facts published by Harvard University, I've summarized the following habits that will make you happy!

    Laugh often. Laughter is the most powerful medicine to anger or depression. Research has shown that the simple act of smiling can increase your feeling of happiness. Try to find humor and laughter in life's everyday struggles.

    Keep your agreement. Our self-respect is built on the agreements we've made with ourselves and with others. And high self-respect has a direct relationship with happiness.

    Do your best and then let go. Everyone has limitations, and things don't always turn out to be what we'd like them to be—despite our efforts. So always give your best, and then let go. When you've done your best, you'll have no regrets.

    Give back. According to Harvard, when people do good, their brains become active in the very same reward center that is stimulated when they experience other rewards. So it's not a surprise that people who care more about others are happier than those who care less about others.

    These happiness habits have proven to be true in my own life. During those periods when I focus on developing the habits listed above, I do feel happier and more fulfilled-like now. Happiness is not an accident.

    A. Let events run their course.

    B. So don't take life too seriously.

    C. So do what you say you're going to do.

    D. When we succeed, we're more likely to be happy.

    E. This is the best way to overcome your limitations.

    F. It's a conscious decision that takes conscious effort.

    G. Helping others is one of the surest ways to feel good.


  • 16. 完形填空

    It was December 2018. I was 1my PhD in the UK and a professor invited me to interview for a postdoc position in Japan. The online interview, during my visit to my family in Spain, went well and I was sure 2019 would be a 2year.

    Then, in April, my mother told me about some 3feelings she was experiencing. But I was focused on my paper, I brushed away my 4.

    Later, the doctors had a(n) 5: It was lung cancer. I spent the next two months 6between my research and my family. I made three 7visits home. However, my 8for myself pulled me back to lab. In the meantime, the cancer had 9.

    Yet I was set to attend a conference in New Zealand in early July, where I would 10my paper. But on my way to the airport, I 11. Instead of New Zealand, I flew back to Madrid.

    I 12my PhD defense. Meanwhile, my mother's prognosis (预测病情) changed from 1 year to months, weeks, then days. I'd thought I had more time with her, but I didn't. Cancer 13my mother at the end of July.

    I defended my paper in mid-September and moved to Tokyo to start my 14life.

    Please remember life is what happens while you are making plans. If your loved ones 15you, be there for them.

    A . applying for B . finishing up C . preparing for D . giving up
    A . tougher B . longer C . busier D . better
    A . strange B . humble C . lonely D . guilty
    A . excitement B . concerns C . pressure D . commitments
    A . appointment B . promise C . update D . friction
    A . torn B . distributed C . hesitating D . complaining
    A . official B . formal C . brief D . regular
    A . regrets B . expectations C . assumptions D . satisfactions
    A . occurred B . withdrawn C . spread D . improved
    A . polish B . publish C . purchase D . present
    A . fell apart B . fell behind C . held out D . held on
    A . abandoned B . conducted C . arranged D . postponed
    A . challenged B . beat C . attacked D . rejected
    A . common B . random C . new D . simple
    A . need B . adore C . order D . suspect


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Locals jokingly call Munich "the village of a million people". Although it is Germany's third (large) city, Munich is sleepy and quiet for most of the year. However, once a year during Oktoberfest, it becomes the setting for a giant party, (attract) visitors from all over the world.

    Lasting 16 days and ending the first Sunday in October, Oktoberfest started in 1810 as part of a festival to celebrate the (marry) of Prince Ludwig. Though the dances and horse races were not repeated, locals liked the beer and food so much that they turned this festival into tradition.

    During the festival, people gather in the beer hall or huge tents (sample) beer from every part of Germany. Over six million litres of beer (drink)—enough to fill up 16 swimming pools! Don't forget to try some  (taste) white sausages, potato soup and hendl, or whole roasted chicken, when you are enjoying your drink.

    While you are there, check out some of Munich's (sight). Marienplatz is the city's main square. It dates from 1158 and is you will find the city's most beautiful buildings. And be sure to visit Munich's parks, which are some of Europe's best.


  • 18. 假定你是李华,你的外国笔友Beth要过生日,请用英语给她写一封邮件,表达祝福,并附上一张带有中国“牛年”图画的贺卡,说明其寓意。




    Dear Beth,



    Li Hua


  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Our washing machine needed to be fixed and we had called for a service person to mend it. The machine drum was making a lot of noise and the clothes were not being washed properly. The service man could only speak Spanish and it was a tough time for me to communicate with him. He was patient enough to let me know what was wrong with the machine and he conveyed the parts that were to be fixed. When the machine finally started working properly, I breathed a sigh of relief and asked about the service charge. The bill amount came to be around $41.3.

    I quickly gave him a $50 note and requested the balance amount. When he searched his pocket and said that he had none, I went inside and started hunting for the exact change. All the time, at the back of my head I was scared that he might get his hands on something from the house. You see, there were expensive gadgets and jewels on the earrings stand hanging out there in the living room where he was waiting. And last time when I was getting my air conditioner fixed, I found my ring was lost. And the ring was from my grandma. The only guy that might take it was the service man, for we hadn't had any visitors. I even called him later but he said he did not see anything like a ring. I could feel from his voice that he was hiding something but I had no evidence of his stealing my ring.

    My jewels were only a few steps from him and he could easily grab one without being noticed. I even kind of heard his steps in the hall.

    In a hurry, I somehow fished out a $20 note, two separate $10 notes and the remaining tens. I rushed to the living room and immediately handed him the service charge. I wanted him to thank and leave but he stood there still.



    His expression confused me.


    Now I'm recollecting the incident as I write.
