
修改时间:2024-07-12 浏览次数:418 类型:中考真卷 编辑

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  • 1. Miss Lee taught me to be ______ honest person. I will never forget ______ words that she said.  
    A . a; the B . a; / C . an; the D . an; /
  • 2. I am hungry. I'd like to have some ______.  
    A . rice B . sandwich C . dumpling D . egg
  • 3. —Were you at home at 9:30 last night?

    —Yes, I ______ Runing Man  at that time. It's my favorite TV show.

    A . watch B . have watched C . am watching D . was watching
  • 4. His hobby is ______ singing ______ dancing.   It's drawing.
    A . either; or B . neither; nor C . both; and D . not only; but also
  • 5. —Is the man over there Mr. Miller?

    —It ______ be him. He has gone to Shanghai on business.

    A . might B . must C . can't D . mustn't
  • 6. —Sonia, is this your dictionary?

    —No, it's not ______. Ask Alan, Maybe it belongs to ______.

    A . my; him B . my; his C . mine; him D . mine; his
  • 7. Qomolangma is ______ than any other mountain. I hope to climb it one day.  
    A . high B . higher C . highest D . the highest
  • 8. —Who's the little girl in the photo?

    —It's me. The photo ______ 10 years ago.

    A . took B . is taken C . has taken D . was taken
  • 9. ______ interesting the book is! I want to buy one, too.  
    A . How B . What C . How an D . What an
  • 10. —I wonder ______ without water.

    —For about a week.

    A . how long can a man live B . how long a man can live C . when can a man live D . when a man can live


  • 11. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Life is full of unexpected. 1 a cold winter afternoon, a man saw an old lady standing by her expensive car and clearly she needed help. So he stopped and 2 his old truck. "Is he going to hurt me? He doesn't look safe," the old lady was 3.

        The man could see that she was afraid, so he said in his friendliest voice, "I'm here to help you, madam. Why don't you 4 in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Ted Johnson." Ted quickly fixed the car and the lady thanked him. The she asked 5 she could pay him.

        But Ted wanted no money. He was just giving a hand to someone in trouble. 6 was normal for him to do such a thing like that. He said. " If you really want to repay(报答)me , next time you see someone in need, think of me and help them."

        After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road until she reached a small 7 where she decided to stop for something to eat. As the pretty waitress took her order, the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕). The waitress looked tired and week, 8 she was very kind. As the lady was going to pay the $10 bill, she remembered Ted's words.

        After the lady was gone, the waitress saw a small note on the table. It said, "Somebody once helped me the way I'm helping you. Continue being kind to other people." Under the note were five 9 dollars.

        The waitress was 10 excited that she called her husband to tell him the news, "Ted…Ted Johnson my dear… you're not going to believe what just happened…"

    A . In B . On C . At D . Under
    A . went off B . turned off C . took off D . got off
    A . glad B . excited C . worried D . surprised
    A . wait B . to wait C . waited D . waits
    A . how many B . how much C . how far D . how often
    A . This B . That C . It D . They
    A . restaurant B . bookstore C . cinema D . library
    A . so B . but C . or D . though
    A . hundred B . hundreds C . hundred of D . hundreds of
    A . too B . very C . such D . so


  • 12. 阅读理解


    Fast and Furious 7

    Time: April 3, 2015—May 3, 2015

    Place: Golden Cinema

    Price: ¥45

    An exciting movie is waiting for you!

    Star Clothes Store

    Time: May 1, 2015—May 7, 2015

    Place: 168 Center Street

    Price: 50% off

    Come and buy clothes at our store!

    Colorful Pastoral

    Time: 8:00 am—6:00 pm every day

    Place: Chaoyang District

    Price: ¥30(¥20 for students)

    Enjoy yourselves in our park!

    (1) When can we see the movie Fast and Furious 7 in Golden Cinema?   
    A . April 1. B . May 1. C . May 7. D . Every day.
    (2) Where can you buy cheaper clothes?  
    A . In Golden Cinema. B . In Bridge Street. C . In Star Clothes Store. D . In Chaoyang Road.
    (3) Bob is a student. He is going to Colorful Pastoral with his parents this Sunday. How should they pay?  
    A . ¥20. B . ¥30. C . ¥50. D . ¥80.
  • 13. 阅读理解


        One morning a boy went home with his father. They noticed a pair of old shoes by the roadside. They thought the shoes might be a poor man's. In fact, the owner of the shoes was working in the field nearby, and he had nearly finished his work.

        The boy said to his father, "Let's play a trick on the man—we hide his shoes, and wait to see what he will do when he can't find them."

        "My boy, we should never have fun by tricking other people like that," answered his father. "Instead, let's put a coin in each of the shoes, and watch he will do."

        The boy did so, and then they hid nearby.

        The man soon back to get h is shoes, but when he put his foot into one of his shoes, he felt something in it. He bent(弯曲)down and found the coin.

        Surprise appeared on his face. He looked at the coin for a minute, and then looked around, but nobody could be seen. He then went on to put on the other shoe, but he was even more surprised to find the second coin.

        He then went down on his knees, looked up to the sky and said thanks aloud. He said his wife was ill and his children were hungry. He wanted to buy some bread for them.

        The boy was deeply moved.

        "Now," said his father, "you must be much more pleased than if you had played your trick."

        The boy replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I'll never forget. Now I understand these words, which I didn't understand before: It is more blessed(神圣的)to give than to receive."

    (1) How did the boy want to deal with the shoes at first?  
    A . To hide the shoes. B . To steal the shoes. C . To put coins in the shoes. D . To return the shoes.
    (2) How many coins did the man find?  
    A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    (3) What would the man do after he got the coins? He would ______.  
    A . give them to his wife B . buy a pair of new shoes C . give them back to the boy D . buy some bread for his family
    (4) At last, the boy knew ______.  
    A . it was funny to play tricks B . it was good to help each other C . it was better to give than to receive D . it was wrong to put coins in the shoes
  • 14. 阅读理解


        Yang Hui was born in Longyan, Fujian. She grew up in a small village. She lost all her fingers and feet when she was three. She was badly burnt by accident when she went out with her grandparents. She couldn't walk and she seldom went out.

        The young girl had to learn to do everything. At first she wasn't able to use chopsticks. Her parents had to teach her for a long time. Thanks to her strong will(意志)to do everything by herself, she overcame those difficult times. Now she can look after herself. She also loves studying and she has finished the junior high school courses.

        About five years ago, Yang Hui saw someone make cross-stitch(十字绣)and she decided to learn to make it herself. As you can imagine, it's very difficult to make it without fingers. Yang Hui failed so many times. But she never gave up. And through many hours of practice, now she can use her arms to make good cross-stitch works and she is faster than other people. "One had to put great efforts into what she was doing." Yang Hui said.

        Now she is 21 years old and she is in hospital in Fujian. She continues making a 1.83-meter-long cross-stitch work with arms. She has no enough money for her operations(手术). Many kind-hearted people come to visit her and call on people to raise money for her.

        As for her future, Yang Hui said, "I hope to stand up and walk one day after operations. I want to make more money by selling cross-stitch works."

        If you want to know more about Yang Hui and help her, please call 13004982348.

    (From Fuzhou News)

    (1) Why did Yang Hui lose her fingers and feet? Because ______.  
    A . she was burnt by accident B . she dropped into river C . she was hit by a stone D . she was hurt by a traffic accident
    (2) What can Yang Hui do?  
    A . She can walk. B . She can go to college. C . She can make cross-stitch with arms. D . She can make cross-stitch with feet.
    (3) When Yang Hui is in hospital, ________.  
    A . she calls on people to raise money for her B . many kind-hearted people visit her C . she has enough money for her operations D . she uses her fingers to make cross-stitch
    (4) Which is the best title of this article?  
    A . A Quiet Girl B . A Kind-hearted Girl C . A Girl with Good Manners D . A girl with Strong Will
  • 15. 阅读理解


        Life of Pi(少年派的奇幻河流)is to become the first 3D film to open the New York film festival. This year's New York film festival runs from September 28 to October 14.

        The director of this movie is Ang Lee, an American Chinese. The movie speaks of the relationship between humans and nature. Indian boy Priscine Patel is troubled by his first name. And his classmates laugh at him. So he decides to change his name to "Pi".

        Pi's father has a zoo and he decides to move to Canada. The family, together with all the zoo animals, sail across the pacific(太平洋). One day, a huge storm hits the ship. The next morning, Pi finds his family have sunk(沉没)with the ship. He is the only person still alive. He finds himself on a lifeboat with several animals, one of which is a tiger called Richard Parker. Soon, all the animals are killed by the tiger. And Pi is left alone with the tiger.

        As the tiger becomes hungry, Pi starts to fish to feed him. If not, he himself will become the food. The boy and the tiger develop an amazing relationship on the sea. Although he feels hopeless, Pi never gives up. After 227 days, the lifeboat finally lands on a beach in Mexico, but Richard Parker runs away into the forest. The ship company finds Pi and asks him what happened. Pi tells them about Richard Parker, but the company doesn't believe him. Pi then tells another story in which is no tiger.

        Is there really another story? If so, which one is true? Maybe you will have your answer after watching the Life of Pi.

    (1) From the article, Life of Pi is ________.  
    A . a movie about a Chinese boy and a tiger B . a movie about an Indian boy and a tiger C . a book about a Chinese boy and a tiger D . a book about an Indian boy and a tiger
    (2) The underlined word "sail" means ______.  
    A . 航行 B . 飞行 C . 游泳 D . 潜水
    (3) According to this article, which is NOT true?  
    A . The ship has sunk because of a huge storm. B . He is the only person still alive. C . Pi feeds the tiger with fish. D . The lifeboat lands on a beach in Canada.
    (4) What happened in the end?  
    A . The tiger kills Pi. B . Pi and the tiger live in the forest. C . The tiger runs away into the forest. D . The ship company catch the tiger.


  • 16. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全下面对话。(其中有两项是多余的选项)

    A: Hey, Lisa! My friends and I were just sharing memories of junior high school.

    B: Wonderful, Frank.

    A: It's so cool. I think it has been fun. Do you think so?

    B: Yeah! I've enjoyed every year of junior high school.


    B: Of course, I do. One of my memories is that I lost my watch in Grade 7.

    A: Did you find it at last?

    B: Sam helped me find it. I was so thankful.

    A: Oh. I remember my P.E. teacher best.


    A: Mr. King. He gave us clear instructions so that we'd be safe when playing sports.

    B: I think he was really perfect.

    A: It made me quite sad.

    B: Who was your P.E. teacher?

    C: Do you have any special memories?

    D: No, I didn't.

    E: What do you think of the school life?

    F: Yes, I did.

    G: It was wonderful.


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,根据括号内的汉语意思填入单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词。

        It is 8:30 a.m. at the Chengdu Research Base. Lin Wei, a panda keeper, is preparing the milk for the baby pandas' (早餐). At 9:00 a.m., she finds that most of the babies are already (醒着的)and hungry. When the babies see Lin Wei, they run over with excitement, and some of them even (行走)into their friends and fall over. They're so cute and lovely. Lin Wei takes care of them like they're her (自己的)babies. She washes, feeds and plays with them every day.

        Pandas do not have many babies, maybe only one every two years. The babies often (死亡)from illness and do not live very long. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo. Many years ago, there were a lot more bamboo forests and pandas in China. But now pandas are in great (危险). People cut down many bamboo trees so they are losing their homes. There are about 1,590 (野生的)pandas living in the forests in Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu provinces. Another 200 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries.

        It's a (遗憾)that many people don't know that. So the government has set up an education program in Chengdu. It teaches children in cites about pandas, and tells them about the (重要性)of saving the pandas. But teaching children is only a way to help (保护)environment and save pandas. The Chinese government is also planting more bamboo trees so there will be more forests for pandas to live in. We all hope that in the future there will be a lot of pandas than now.


  • 18. 阅读下面短文,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词。

    he   truth   work   mean    big    block    believe    sudden    remember    find

        More recently, most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. It is one of the events in American history. Even the date—September 11, 2001—has to most Americans.

        This was a day Peter Hunt will never forget. In May 2001, he a job in the World Trade Center. On September 11, 2001, he arrived at his building at around 8:30 a.m. He was about to go up when he decided to get a coffee first. He went to his favorite coffee place even though it was two east from his office. As he was waiting in line with other office , he heard a loud sound. Before he could join the other people outside to see what was going on, the first plane had already hit his office building. They stared in at the black smoke rising above the burning building. He felt lucky to be alive.

        Kate Smith will never forget the date, too. Now she still working in her office near the two towers. "My friend Mike shouted that a plane just hit the World Trade Center! I didn't believe at first. But then I looked out of the window and realized that it was . I was scared and I could hardly think clearly after that."

        September 11, 2001—the date alone means something to most people in the US.


  • 19. 假如你叫张华,今天是6月6日(星期六),你和同学们一起去森林公园郊游,在那里度过了快乐的时光。 请根据图中的提示以及内容要点,用英语写一篇日记。






    Forest Park


    fly kites

    climb the mountain






    Saturday, June 6th

        I had a good time today.                                                  
