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  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What do we know about the speakers?
    A . They are family. B . They are strangers. C . They are colleagues.
    (2) How should Jane help her roommate?
    A . By hanging out together. B . By lending her books. C . By talking to her often.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Who might the woman be?
    A . James' teacher. B . James' mother. C . James' classmate.
    (2) What was James like in the past?
    A . Troublemaking. B . Hardworking. C . Easygoing.
  • 8. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the man doing?
    A . Buying a new TV. B . Having his TV repaired. C . Getting a cable TV service.
    (2) Which of the following is the man's favorite?
    A . Movies. B . Sports. C . News.
    (3) How much would the man pay each month?
    A . $ 54. B . $ 30. C . $ 60.
  • 9. 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A . Tests. B . Treatments. C . Symptoms.
    (2) What's wrong with the woman?
    A . She can't bear cold weather. B . She can't sleep well. C . She can't breathe deeply.
    (3) When will the woman get a specific medical care?
    A . Right now. B . In seven days. C . In two months.
    (4) What is Mr. Smith?
    A . A nurse. B . A patient. C . A doctor.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) Who first traveled around the moon before human beings?
    A . Dogs. B . Monkeys. C . Tortoises.
    (2) Why were the creatures studied after returning to earth?
    A . To see how they were affected. B . To examine where they were affected. C . To find out whether they were affected.
    (3) What caused the main changes in the creatures?
    A . The space travel. B . A lack of food. C . Loss of appetite.
    (4) What happened in October 1948?
    A . Two dogs landed in the Indian Ocean. B . Mice helped people explore space. C . Monkeys were sent into space.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Welcome to the Sydney Opera House

    Ticket Info and Guided Tours

    Visitors can enjoy the Sydney Opera House foyer for free, but for a more insightful visit, you'll need to book a tour.

    There are several different ways to experience the Sydney Opera House, and multiple tours are available including back-stage passes and walking tours.

    Tour Type    Adult (AUD $ )    Child

    Guided Walking Tour    $ 42    $ 22

    Guided Walking Tour + Dinner    $ 73    $ 52

    Guided Walking Tour + Tasting Plate    $ 82. 20    $ 64. 80

    Backstage Tour    $ 175    $ 175

    Opening Hours and the Best Time to Visit

    The Sydney Opera House is open year-round with the following opening hours:

    ● Monday—Saturday : 9am—8: 30pm

    ●Sunday: 9am—5pm

    As for the best time of day, it's recommended to book the earliest Sydney Opera House tour of the day to beat the crowds. To enjoy sunny weather with fewer crowds, try visiting in the shoulder season (October, November, February, or March)

    Points of Interest

    ●The Steps

    Before entering the Opera House, take a picture of the building from the steps outside.

    ●The Sails

    Step beneath the sails on a guided tour and enjoy harbor front views.

    ●The Concert Hall

    The Concert Hall is the largest venue with seats for more than 2000 people. It features contemporary live music shows and highly -regarded orchestral (管弦乐的)performances. It is also here that you will find the world's largest mechanical tracker-action pipe organ.

    ● Opera Bar

    After your tour, head to the Opera Bar for a bite to eat or drink in the sun.

    ● Badu Gili

    Badu Gili, which is 'water light' in the language of the Gadigal people-takes place most evenings after sunset at 9pm, 9:30pm, and 10pm. The seven-minute display is free to view.

    (1) How much will a guided walking tour for two adults cost?
    A . $ 64. B . $ 84. C . $ 128, D . $ 168.
    (2) Which of the following is the best time to visit the Opera House?
    A . 9:30 am, a Monday in February. B . 10:00 am, a Sunday in December. C . 5:00 pm, a Friday in September. D . 6:00 pm, a Saturday in March.
    (3) What is Badu Gili?
    A . A local language. B . A pipe organ. C . A light show. D . A dinning area.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Cecilia Chiang, whose San Francisco restaurant, the Mandarin, introduced American diners in the 1960s to the richness and variety of authentic Chinese cuisine, died on Wednesday at her home in San Francisco.

    Ms. Chiang was not a chef, nor was she a likely candidate to run a restaurant. She was born near Shanghai in 1920 as the seventh daughter in a wealthy family. After her parents died, Cecilia managed the businesses' finances while still in her teens.

    Ms. Chiang came to the United States from China to flee the Japanese during World War Ⅱ, traveling nearly 700 miles on foot. Once in San Francisco, she met two Chinese acquaintances who wanted to open a restaurant. Ms. Chiang agreed to put up a huge deposit. But when the two women quit, Ms. Chiang found to her honor that the deposit was not refundable (可退还的). She took a deep breath and decided to open the restaurant herself. "I began to think that if I could create a restaurant with Western-style service and the dishes that I was most familiar with -the delicious food of northern China — maybe my little restaurant would succeed, " she wrote in her book.

    The Mandarin , which was opened in 1962 as a 65 -seat restaurant, introduced customers to mainly Sichuan9 Shanghai and Canton dishes. The early days were difficult. But little by little, Chinese diners, and a few Americans, came regularly. Overnight the tables filled and became a huge success.

    Ms. Chiang continued to work as a restaurant consultant into her 90s. " I think I changed what average people know about Chinese food, " Mrs. Chiang wrote. "They didn't know China was such a big country. "

    (1) When did Ms. Chiang start to manage the businesses' finances?
    A . In the 1920s. B . In the 1930s. C . In the 1950s. D . In the 1960s.
    (2) What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
    A . When Ms. Chiang came to the US. B . How Ms. Chiang earned her deposit. C . What Ms. Chiang wrote in her book. D . Why Ms. Chiang opened her restaurant.
    (3) What do we know about The Mandarin?
    A . It survived the early hardships. B . It provided all kinds of Chinese dishes. C . It could seat less than 60 people at    first. D . It attracted many Americans once opened.
    (4) Which of the following best describes Ms. Chiang?
    A . Smart but stubborn. B . Devoted and brave. C . Adventurous but careless. D . Enthusiastic and ambitious.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Prince William, second in line to the British throne, gave his first TED Talk on Saturday to launch his Earthshot Prize, a competition that will award five £ 1 million prize money every year for the next decade to those who can come up with solutions to environmental problems.

    Any person, group or organization around the world is qualified, and any suggestion is welcome, so long as it is applicable globally. It could be a new technology, a new approach, a new governmental policy or any other ideas toward five environmental goals -fixing the climate, purifying the air, protecting nature, cleaning oceans and handling waste.

    "Earthshot" was inspired by John F. Kennedy's "Moonshot," an ambitious 1961 mission to get a man on the moon within a decade. The purpose of the prize is partly to arouse excitement and offer what Prince William called "a bit of catalyst, a bit of hope, a bit of positivity" at a time when the world needs. The money will come from donors around the world. The prize committee includes many celebrities.

    Prince William has environmental activism in his blue blood. Both his grandfather, and his father Prince Charles were active environmentalists. Prince William acknowledged his heritage by saying he had always listened, learned and believed what they were saying about the environment. Besides speaking wise words, he also puts forward a good prize. Over a million pounds is significantly more than a Nobel Prize and should inspire some serious and creative thinking about the difficulties of Planet Earth. Unlike the Nobel Prize money, the Earthshot money is supposed to be spent on the winning project. If we achieve these goals, by 2030 our lives won't be worse, and we won't have to sacrifice everything we enjoy. Instead, the way we live will be healthier, cleaner, smarter, and better for all of us," he said.

    (1) What can be learned about The Earth shot Prize?
    A . It will be awarded to Britons. B . It aims to solve social problems. C . It is named after a moon mission. D . It offers £ 50 million in total.
    (2) A person can win the prize for.
    A . a method to monitor sea levels B . a new technology to forecast the weather C . a new approach to recycling the waste D . a local government policy to ban fishing
    (3) What does the underlined word "catalyst" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A . Encouragement. B . Alarm. C . Challenge. D . Surprise.
    (4) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
    A . Earthshot Prize equals Nobel Prize. B . Planet Earth will be cleaned by 2030. C . Prince William only talks the talk. D . Prince William is influenced by his family.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    A joint research team recently have developed a new electronic skin that is similar to human skin in strength, durability(耐久性) and sensitivity. The skin or e-skin may play an important role in next-generation personalized medicine, soft robotics and artificial intelligence.

    "The ideal e-skin will mimic(模仿) the many natural functions of human skin, such as sensing temperature and touch, accurately and in real time, " says leading researcher Yichen Cai. However, making suitably flexible electronics that can perform such delicate tasks while also used repeatedly is challenging, and each material involved must be carefully engineered.

    Most e-skins are made by putting an active sensor on the surface that attaches to human skin. However, the connection between them is often too weak, which reduces the durability and sensitivity of the material; otherwise, if it is too strong, it won't be flexible enough, making it more likely to break the circuit.

    "The landscape of skin electronics keeps shifting at a remarkable pace," says Cai. "The discovery of 2D sensors has accelerated efforts to turn these quite thin but strong materials into functional, durable artificial skins. "

    The new man-made skin built by the researchers could sense objects from 20 centimeters away. It could further make a quick response when touched in less than one tenth of a second." It is a striking achievement for an e-skin to maintain toughness after repeated use, " said Shen, "which mimics the softness and rapid recovery of human skin."

    This type of e-skin could monitor a range of biological information, such as changes in blood pressure, which can be detected from movements of arms and legs. This data can then be shared and stored on the cloud via Wi-Fi.

    "One remaining problem to the widespread use of e-skins lies in mass production of high-resolution sensors," adds group leader Vincent Tung" however, the latest technology offers new promise."

    (1) What's the feature of the new e-skin?
    A . It can store information. B . It's quite hard and tough. C . It's flexible and sensitive. D . It can replace human skin.
    (2) Why does the author mention "most e-skins" in paragraph 3?
    A . To stress the challenges of making e-skins. B . To introduce the popularity of e-skins. C . To show the process of making e-skins. D . To compare the similarity between e-skins.
    (3) What can the new e-skin do?
    A . Adjust the blood pressure. B . Recover the wounded skin. C . Work as a remote controller. D . Sense the outside temperature.
    (4) What is the best title for the text?
    A . A Breakthrough in Hi-tech B . Man-made Skin, Improved C . E-skin, A Promising Business D . The Widespread Use of E-skin


  • 15. 任务型阅读

    How to Start a Habit of Making Art

    Making art can reduce stress and anxiety and improve your mood. But you don't have to be a fulltime artist to get those health benefits.  And the more you do it, the better. Here are the things you need to know to kick-start your creative art habit.

     In fact, there are no differences in health outcomes between those who identify as experienced artists and those who don't. So no matter what your skill level is, you'll be able to feel all the good things coming with making art.

    It's good to figure out your way of creative expression. Start with what you enjoy. Anything that engages (引起) your creative mind is good for you. You can do that through many activities: finger painting, cooking, baking, oil painting. And don't feel like you have to stick to one thing.

    You can think about making art like any healthy habit, such as eating well or exercising. Just as you make time to work, exercise and hang out with friends, you should make time for your artistic creation. Doing just 10 minutes of art each day can do wonders. In addition to carving out time, you can also carve out a physical space in your home for art.  If space is an issue, put it all in a container that's easily accessible.

    The more you're able to make art a regular habit, the more you're likely to get this great reward: this wonderful thing that happens when you're in the zone. We can feel that flow when filling in lines with color, inking and when drawing pleasing backgrounds, such as jungle or garden scenes.

    A. Scientists call it "flow".

    B. Do whatever you're interested in.

    C. All you need to do is just make art.

    D. It frees me up to explore new ideas.

    E. Set up a corner table for your art supplies.

    F. Making art helps us make sense of feelings.

    G. Everyone has the ability of creative expression.


  • 16. 完形填空

    I had no idea what meditation (冥想) was until I went to Thailand in 2013. I had divorced my husband after four years of 1 and went away to cure my 2 One day I went on a trip with some friends to a beautiful temple, where the monks 3 us to do meditation. I was asked to 4 down on a cushion in the lotus position (盘腿), close my eyes and 5 my breath. The position caused me some 6. All I could think about was how sour my knees were. I couldn't 7 for it to end. It went on for two hours, but when I walked out afterwards, I felt so aware and alert and relaxed. It was 8.

    Back in London, I found a meditation 9 and started going once a week. I bought meditation CDs and books and a 10 so I could practise at home. I11went out on a Christmas retreat (静修) a week. There, Christmas Day was just like any other day. There were 12 any decorations, or cards. We spent the morning 13 nature, doing yoga or reading in the garden. And there was meditation in the afternoon. In the evening, there would be a talk, then we would meditate again.

    I found the retreat 14 and hard to adapt to at first. However, the more I practised meditation, the more I could feel myself 15. It helped me understand myself better and accept my 16 , I used to be 17 into self-doubt, thinking only about my weaknesses. Stilling my mind helped me to feel 18and deal with those negative 19 better. Meditation helped me gain my 20 and live a better life.

    A . marriage B . friendship C . practice D . treatment
    A . disease B . soul C . love D . life
    A . allowed B . ordered C . invited D . begged
    A . turn B . sit C . set D . bend
    A . think of B . take in C . stick to D . focus on
    A . worry B . discomfort C . nervousness D . anxiety
    A . apply B . look C . wait D . struggle
    A . unbelievable B . familiar C . crazy D . unnoticeable
    A . department B . experiment C . competition D . class
    A . house B . cushion C . computer D . desk
    A . even B . ever C . just D . still
    A . rather B . almost C . really D . hardly
    A . in contact with B . in place of C . in regard to D . in return for
    A . nice B . serious C . strange D . normal
    A . forgiving B . suffering C . benefiting D . sharing
    A . mistake B . explanation C . excuse D . divorce
    A . locked B . admitted C . divided D . torn
    A . richer B . calmer C . closer D . healthier
    A . comments B . words C . thoughts D . answers
    A . independence B . talent C . popularity D . confidence


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Rarely has a sports team in China received praise and (admire) as enthusiastically as the Chinese women's volleyball team. It has a great effect  Chinese people from all walks of life.

    Director Peter Chan's film Leap shines a spotlight on the struggles of several generations of the Chinese team in their attempts  (achieve) glory for their country. Chan brought out into open the difficulties behind production. For example, the crew built  volleyball training base in Beijing by taking apart and moving the original  (wood) floor from the base in order to recreate the original atmosphere. "The floor still shows the blood, tear and sweat (leave) by the women's volleyball team members back in the 1980s," Chan noted.

    "The people love the Chinese women's volleyball team, not only because they ( win) the championship several times so far, but also because of the spirit of putting the motherland first and never giving up," the spirit (praise) by Chinese President Xi Jinping,  greeted Team China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on September 30.

    (sure), that spirit will live on.


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。





    Virtues are jewel of great price. I find honesty is most valuable virtue in my heart. And it is always accompany my growth.

    As a child, I was constantly told the story naming The Wolf Is Coming, which obviously has a lasting influence. Over time, I've increasing realized the importance of honesty and try to carry it out. Only then I'm honest and reliable, will I be trusted with others.

    Actually. being honest. I've found it more easier to make friends. The virtue of honesty will help me open the door to success of our career and life.


  • 19. 你校英文报正在举行征文活动。请以“Finding Joy in Laboring”为题写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:




    2)短文题目已为你写好。提示词:labor education (劳动教育)
