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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Are you looking for a good book for your kids? Here, TFK Kid Reporters review four of the most noteworthy reads of 2019. For more recommendations, keep checking this page.

    Title: AstroNuts

    By: Jon Scieszka and Steven Weinberg

    Reviewed by: Eshaan Mani

        In AstroNuts, the Earth has been trashed by humans for thousands of years. Four animals set out from Mount Rushmore, the headquarters (总部) of NNASA (Not-NASA). Their task is to find a new planet fit for human life. Finally, they discover one: Plant Planet. Readers who love sci-fi will enjoy AstroNuts.

    Title: Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation

    By: Stuart Gibbs

    Reviewed by: Zara Wierzbowski

        The CIA is trying to find something called Pandora, which could destroy the world if the wrong people get it. For help, they turn to Charlie, a 12-year-old girl who is as smart as Albert Einstein. And now it's up to her to keep people safe. People who like action-packed mysteries with an element of adventure will enjoy reading this book.

    Title: Stargazing

    By: Jen Wang

    Reviewed by: Nora Wilson-Hartgrove

        Christine hears rumors (谣言) that Moon, who's new in town, is the kind of kid who beats people up for fun. But Moon and her mom come to live with Christine's family, and the two kids become best friends. Moon even shares a big secret with Christine. Stargazing is based on author Jen Wang's experiences as a child.

    Title: Roll with It

    By: Jamie Sumner

    Reviewed by: Tyler Mitroff

        Roll with It is a story about a 12-year-old girl named Ellie. She has a disease that makes it hard for her to walk on her own. So she uses a wheelchair. When Ellie and her mom move to another state to take care of Ellie's grandpa, she must learn to live in a new school and develop new friendships. It's a heartwarming story that really shows the value of family and how being different is special.

    (1) Who would be interested in reading the book AstroNuts?
    A . Children having a passion for history. B . Children concerned about animal protection. C . Children loving stories of space travel and life on other planets. D . Children wanting to know the causes for environmental pollution.
    (2) What is the second book most probably about?
    A . A new way to deal with criminals. B . A girl's efforts in saving the world. C . Albert Einstein's childhood life. D . A girl's adventure with friends in the wild.
    (3) If you want to know the life of the disabled, which book is a good choice?
    A . Stargazing. B . AstroNuts. C . Roll with It. D . Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        It was a beautiful Southern California morning. I walked through the parking lot of the shopping mall thinking of little else than my appointment with a pecan roll at the local bakery.

        As I walked in front of the grocery store, I noticed a young woman with a sad look standing next to the store entrance with bags of groceries. As is my practice with strangers, I made eye contact with her and smiled. When I took a few steps past her, I heard her say, "Thank you for seeing me!" Her words brought me to a stop. Still smiling, I turned around and walked over to her, extending my hand. "My name's Mark. What's yours?"

        For the next twenty minutes, I listened with attention to Dominique telling about her experiences. She had grown up in Louisiana where her mother and sisters still lived. Three weeks ago, a family tragedy made her make the move to California, where without contacts or the promise of employment, she had managed to create a life of purpose and fulfillment. After telling her story, she looked better and walked away.

        With the pecan roll on my plate in the bakery, I looked at the people there. I nodded to the regulars sitting at their favorite tables, some reading the daily newspaper, and others on their laptops. I smiled while thinking about what I had just experienced with Dominique — a simple smile and a short time of listening brightened her.

        Every person has a story to tell if we're willing to take the time to listen. Greeting a stranger with a smile is a small thing to do and yet can have a great effect. I have found the benefit of doing these small things not only helps me keep a positive outlook on life, but also may even plant a few seeds of hope for someone else.

    (1) What did the author do in front of the grocery store?
    A . He carried things for a woman. B . He made friends with a stranger. C . He greeted a stranger with a smile. D . He was stopped by a woman in trouble.
    (2) After the author's introduction, Dominique _____.
    A . asked the author for help B . refused to talk to the author C . listened to the author patiently D . shared her story with the author
    (3) Which words can best describe the author?
    A . Kind and helpful. B . Brave and patient. C . Outgoing and creative. D . Considerate and hardworking.
    (4) Which of the following can conclude the text?
    A . No man is born wise or learned. B . A small act of kindness means a lot. C . A candle lights others and consumes itself. D . Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Tests during criminal investigations (调查). But the test results are not always correct. When the police asked a person questions important to a criminal case, a fast heartbeat or sweaty hands might make a nervous truth-teller appear to be lying. And, an experienced liar might be able to control those signs and avoid suspicion (怀疑).

        Our eyes look at a familiar face differently than they look at an unfamiliar one. When people look at unfamiliar faces, their eyes usually move from one feature, like the shape of the nose, to other features. Their eyes stop quickly as they try to identify the unknown person. When looking at a familiar face, people usually direct their attention to just a few features. But the researchers want to know if people could change those when they are hiding the truth.

        The researchers showed 48 students pictures of both strangers and professors they knew. They asked all of the students to try to appear honest while they were lying about recognizing familiar faces. The researchers told some students to stop in the same areas when they were looking at both familiar and unfamiliar faces. Their eyes would start on the person's forehead. Next, they looked at each eye, and then moved from one ear to the other, then down to the nose, mouth and chin.

        In most cases, the students who tried to hide their recognition were not able to do so. When they looked at a familiar face, their eyes still had fewer stops in the inner parts of the face. Alisa Millen, a psychology researcher at the University of Stirling, said hiding markers for facial recognition in eye movements is difficult, especially if you know that person well. She added the more the students tried to hide recognition of a face, the more obvious it was. Millen hopes that the findings can someday be used in law enforcement (执法). She believes such knowledge could help investigators have a clearer understanding of who is connected to whom in a criminal case.

    (1) While looking at unfamiliar faces, our eyes usually ________.
    A . view more facial features with stops B . make indirect contact with them C . notice familiar features first D . focus on their eye movements
    (2) What method did the participants in the study use to hide their recognition?
    A . To stop their eyes occasionally. B . To fix their eyes on one facial feature. C . To have longer stops on unfamiliar faces. D . To observe facial features in a certain order.
    (3) What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
    A . The students in the study are good liars. B . The findings are widely used by the police. C . It's difficult for students to hide their true thoughts. D . It's reliable to see if someone is lying by their eye movements.
    (4) What is Alisa Millen's attitude towards the application of the findings?
    A . Positive. B . Doubtful. C . Confused. D . Negative.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        What's not to love about a bike? It's a good way of exercising for almost everyone in the family to enjoy and low-cost transportation that does no harm to the environment.

        If you don't have a bike, you can easily get a very nice one from Craigslist, Ebay, or the local paper. You can also rent one from a local bike shop or bike-sharing sites like Spinlister. But if you have a little money to spend or special needs, you can go so far as to get a bamboo comfort cycle or solar-charged battery to get you up the hills without breaking a sweat. The electric bikes make bicycling accessible to more people than ever.

        When the weather isn't too hot, it might be a good idea to take the bicycle for a ride as often as you can. Inactivity-related diseases are the number one killer in the United States. But by adding just 30 minutes of exercise to our day by bicycle, we can save an average of $544 per person per year in health costs.

        Increasingly, cities are adding more and more bike lanes, and there are now bike paths in most suburban areas as well. If you live somewhere where you can go to work by bicycle, on top of the health savings, you will save tons of money on gas, parking and car repairing. And as an added benefit, bicyclists also save time during rush hour when they can actually out-pace cars in city areas according to at least one study.

        Traveling by bikes also allows you to see the world in a different way. Biking is slower, and you can wave "hello" to a neighbor or halt whenever you want to look around at new things and explore. These days, slowing down and getting relaxed may be the most important benefits of all.

    (1) What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 2?
    A . It is better to rent a bike than buy one. B . There are wide cycling choices in modern society. C . Some advanced bikes do little help to exercise. D . The electric bikes are the best choice for old people.
    (2) What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
    A . Riding bikes is beneficial to people's health. B . Traveling by bikes can help people save lots of money. C . Some governments improve cycling conditions in cities. D . People should ride bikes for at least 30 minutes every day.
    (3) What does the underlined word "halt" in the last paragraph mean?
    A . Stop. B . Return. C . Change. D . Continue.
    (4) Which of the following shows the best structure of the text?
    A . ①—② ③④⑤ B . ①—② ③—④ ⑤ C . ①—②③④—⑤ D . ①—②—③④⑤


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Go green

        Are you worried about our earth? Do you want to do what you can to save it?  It may seem like the actions of one person won't make a difference, but there are actually many ways you can help. Here are some of them.

    Turn it off.

        Turn off anything that uses electricity when not in use.  If you leave your television on or don't turn off lights, it's wasting electricity. Remember to turn things off when you don't need them.

    Start recycling (回收利用).

        It's not just paper, plastic and glass that can be recycled — clothes can be, too.  It's good for the environment and you'll get a new look for free!

        You don't have to travel far to get what you need, and products don't have to travel far to get to you, either. Shop at farmers' markets and buy food that was produced as close to your home as possible. And when you're online shopping, try to find things that won't have to travel long distances.

    Save water.

        If you don't let the water run when you're brushing your teeth and take showers instead of baths, you will be using less water and less energy — but you'll still be just as clean!  Use a method that requires less water to get the dishes clean.

    A. Buy things nearby.

    B. Think before you eat.

    C. It's hard to know where to start.

    D. Turn short jeans you've grown out of into shorts.

    E.Also, don't wash dishes with the water running continuously.

    F.This goes for lights, televisions, computers, printers, and so on.

    G.Bring a reusable water bottle with you when travelling or at work.


  • 6. 完形填空

        Paul was considered as one of the most promising men in the city, but at the very beginning, the case was just1. He set up a company of his own at a young age. Many people thought he was nothing but2. Paul said nothing and chose to 3 all those unfriendly voices around him. He focused on his way to keep the company growing. Finally he gained recognition and 4 in the industry.

        Just when everything was going in a better direction, something big happened 5. His business6in an economical storm, and he was in debt. Paul sat in a park7. An old man approached him and said, "Tears cannot8you. Tell me what happens.”After knowing Paul's9, the old man gave him a check of $50,000 and said, “Don't lose heart and I believe in your10. If you have money, then come to this park to return it to me."

        Seeing the11in the check, Paul was 12 because the old man was none other than Ratan Tata, the wealthiest man in India. Paul thought 13the old man had so much faith in him, he must rebuild his empire to14the old man. 15 , he made it after one year and didn't even use the check. So Paul went to the park with the check to 16 the old man.

        There Paul saw a nurse catching the old man to take him away. The old man struggled to17himself. The nurse turned to passers-by for help and said," The old man suffers from a mental disease and has been18 for 5 years. He admires Ratan Tata and always19to be him!" Paul stood there, unable to say a word. He realized he brought such a big company back to life with the help of a fake check and it was the man's20 that played an important role.

    A . opposite B . special C . normal D . interesting
    A . generous B . polite C . smart D . fortunate
    A . challenge B . ignore C . value D . criticize
    A . independence B . curiosity C . respect D . friendship
    A . naturally B . unexpectedly C . slowly D . probably
    A . failed B . started C . enlarged D . succeeded
    A . relaxing B . crying C . thinking D . talking
    A . change B . blame C . save D . lead
    A . comment B . dream C . introduction D . experience
    A . ability B . judgement C . attitude D . knowledge
    A . mark B . amount C . address D . name
    A . discouraged B . annoyed C . shocked D . frightened
    A . before B . since C . unless D . although
    A . pay back B . call on C . search for D . bring up
    A . Obviously B . Unluckily C . Hopelessly D . Surprisingly
    A . comfort B . invite C . thank D . greet
    A . protect B . free C . touch D . express
    A . treated B . questioned C . hidden D . remembered
    A . refuses B . pretends C . regrets D . fears
    A . responsibility B . power C . confidence D . trust


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Have you ever done a science lab before? Maybe you have but you didn't know there is a special name for  you were doing. A laboratory is a place where scientists do (they) jobs, and where they perform experiments. A lab is just another way of (say) you are doing an experiment. As you have already been a member of senior school students, you sometimes get to do experiments.  (general) speaking, any time you are in science class where you get to mix chemicals, or connect (连接) wires to batteries, or watch a butterfly chrysalis (蛹)  (see) if it is going to come out, you are doing an experiment.

        Watching a butterfly or counting the number of seeds in a flower are very safe labs to do, but not all labs will be that safe. Sometimes, they are much (dangerous) than you expect. It means that you get to do experiments with more things  are not safe, like chemicals or electricity. When you are going to do dangerous things, you need to practise lab safety.  is really necessary to learn how to stay safe when you are doing science lab experiments.

        Your  (person) laboratory safety depends mostly you.


  • 8. 短文改错

        The stage of high school is very important for me that I concentrate a lot of energy on study. I am good at math and English while my weak subject are biology and geography. In order to keep up with the top students, I study all time. So my parents were so worrying about me, and they thought I was too stressed. However, I talked to their close friends, who asked me to hang out with them for one day. We watched a movie and then went shopping happy. The moment of forget the annoyance made me felt so comfortable and easy. I think finding the balance between study and amusement are always necessary.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你和上海中学的英国朋友Tom约好这周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:


    注意: 1)词数 100 左右;


    Dear Tom,



    Li Hua
