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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where did the man make the call last night?
    A . On the balcony. B . By the pool. C . In the bathroom.
    (2) What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A . Scenic spots. B . The phone service. C . Shooting stars.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What does the man want to do tonight?
    A . Have a small party. B . Go to see Jeff. C . Meet Mia.
    (2) Who advised having a sleepover?
    A . Mia. B . Becca. C . Maria.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) When does the woman use the Internet mainly?
    A . In the mornings. B . In the afternoons. C . In the evenings.
    (2) What does the woman use the Internet mainly for?
    A . Receiving her e-mails. B . Talking with her dad. C . Getting project information.
    (3) What is the man most probably?
    A . An interviewer. B . The woman's boss. C . The woman's colleague.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Why does the woman visit the man?
    A . To talk about Raul's cell phone. B . To bring a new cell phone for Raul. C . To discuss his note about the cell phone.
    (2) What did Raul use his cell phone to do in class?
    A . Listen to music. B . Copy math answers. C . Send short messages.
    (3) When did the man take up Raul 's cell phone?
    A . Last Wednesday. B . Last Friday. C . This Tuesday.
    (4) How can the woman get back her son's cell phone?
    A . By apologizing. B . By filling in a form. C . By punishing her son.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) What do most of the Learn English courses offer to their learners?
    A . Computers. B . Workbooks. C . Writing guidance.
    (2) What's the biggest advantage of the Learn English courses?
    A . They are flexible to learn. B . They are many and various. C . They are fit for native English speakers.
    (3) Why does the speaker advise people to chat with a staff member first?
    A . To get some course advice. B . To register on the courses. C . To have a taster lesson.
    (4) How many days is the Learn English center open in a week?
    A . 5. B . 6. C . 7.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Here are some events held at the Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA).

    Family Studio at the AGA

    The AGA loves introducing art to youngsters! Families with kids aged 31to5 can drop in to the

    Gallery. Families will have the chance to play, create and work together to build masterpieces. Each week will see a new theme. The program costs $15 and all materials are included in the cost. This program is limited to 15 children per day,so you have to register online in advance, as spots fill quickly.

    When: Saturdays

    Time: 10 a.m. -11:30 a. m.

    AGA "Pay What You May" Admission Day

    You can access the AGA for a discount rate on Tuesdays! Starting Tuesday, March 9,admission will be "Pay What You May"(A donation of at least $5 is suggested. ). I's suitable for kids aged 5 to 11.

    When: Tuesdays

    Time: 12 p.m. -6 p. m.

    Kids'Drop In Studio at the AGA

    Want your kids to explore their artistic side? Youngsters aged 6 to 12 can check out Kids'Drop In Studio at the AGA! The program costs $15 but all materials aren't included in the cost.

    Spots can be purchased beforehand over the phone during regular Guest Services hours or online.

    When: Saturdays

    Time: 1 p.m. -3 p. m.

    AGA All Day Sundays

    The AGA invites families to experience the gallery. Families can enjoy art activities ,programs and projects that will tie into current exhibits at the gallery. The fun is perfect for all ages, and the gallery admission is always free for kids 17 and below, and only the grown-ups have to pay.

    When: one Sunday per month

    Time: 12 p.m. -4 p. m.

    (1) What is special about Family Studio at the AGA?
    A . Only 15 kids can join in it a week. B . It has a different focus every week. C . It is open on Saturday afternoon. D . Visitors pay extra for the materials.
    (2) What is the kids'age range suggested by Kids'Drop In Studio at the AGA?
    A . 3-5. B . 5-11. C . 6-12. D . 17 and under.
    (3) Which event is held once in a month?
    A . AGA All Day Sundays. B . Family Studio at the AGA. C . Kids'Drop In Studio at the AGA. D . AGA “Pay What You May" Admission Day.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    On June 16, 2020, Virginia governor Ralph Northam made an announcement. The state would move to recognize June 19, or Juneteenth, as a paid state holiday. The next day, New York governor Andrew Cuomo tweeted that he'd do the same in his state. This makes Virginia and New York the latest states to officially honor Juneteenth. Now, at least 45 out of 50 states, plus Washington, D. C., recognize Juneteenth. "We became independent in 1776. Every year as a nation, we mark the Fourth of July Independence Day," Northam said during a press conference. "But that freedom we celebrate did not include everyone.

    Learning more about the holiday means going back in history to the Civil War. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation ( 解放黑人奴隶宣言). His speech declared freedom for enslaved people. The Civil War ended more than two years later,in April 1865. The Union won. But there were many enslaved people who had not been told of this. On June 19, Union soldiers told crowds in Galveston, Texas, that the state's 250,000 enslaved people were free. They were among the last to find out. The day became known as Juneteenth, which refers to June and 19th and is sometimes called Emancipation Day. Over the years, as black people from Galveston moved to different cities, the celebration spread slowly. And in the 1960s, the civil rights movement brought a really wider awareness of Juneteenth because it broke out all over the country.

    It's believed that such a holiday helps educate people about what happened in the past. Sheila Jackson Lee represents Texas in the US House of Representatives. Earlier this week, she introduced a bill to Congress, which asks for national recognition of the holiday. Juneteenth has been celebrated in a variety of ways people can choose from. Usually, there are community gatherings, cookouts, and festivals.

    (1) What did Northam mean by saying the underlined part in Paragraph 1?
    A . Not every American state accepted Juneteenth. B . Americans should show respect for each other. C . Black people should unite to get more freedom. D . Slavery still existed after the fourth of July in 1776.
    (2) Which of the following is home to Juneteenth celebrations?
    A . Washington, D. B . Texas. C . Virginia. D . New York.
    (3) What made Juneteenth spread across the country?
    A . President Lincoln's proclamation. B . Black people's living in big cities. C . American civil rights movement. D . Freedom Day's being recognized.
    (4) What is the real function of Juneteenth in Sheila's opinion?
    A . To remember the history. B . To set a paid state holiday. C . To have richer celebrations. D . To give people more choices.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    A team of biologists recently studied rain-frogs in the forests of northern Ecuador. While doing so, they discovered a Mindo harlequin toad (五彩蟾蜍). The creature hadn't been seen alive in 30 years. The scientists couldn't believe their eyes."The three of us spotted it," Melissa Costales, a conservation biologist, said. Her partners were scientist Cesar Barrio-Amoros and guide Eric Oster-man." It took our brains a while longer than normal to recognize that we were watching an Atelopus mindoensis !"Their findings were published in the spring, in the journal Herpetology Notes.

    Until recently, 13 of the 25 species of harlequin toads in Ecuador had gone unseen since the 1980s or early 1990s. Climate crisis is damaging their living conditions, and they can't find food that is suitable for them. Besides, people hunt for them to make money. However, scientists hold that most of them had been wiped out by a terrible disease called chytrid, which is especially harmful to the harlequin toad.

    The Mindo harlequin is the latest harlequin toad species "to come back from the dead," says Costales. Since 2003, eight other species have been found, three of them in Ecuador. Costales says the Mindo harlequin may have developed a resistance to the disease. That would explain the toad's reappearance. And it could spell good news for other harlequins. Since discovering the first one, Cos-tales's team has found five more. They were all tested for chytrid. None had the disease. But that doesn't mean the survival of the species is guaranteed, Costales says. The harlequin toad is still endangered.

    Costales is developing a conservation plan with a zoology museum in Ecuador. She wants to make sure the Mindo harlequin toad doesn't fall back into dying out." Each rediscovery gives us a second chance to develop better conservation strategies (策略),"she says." Not every day do we have the opportunity to rediscover a species that we believed to be extinct.

    (1) How did Costales feel about the discovery of the Mindo harlequin toad?
    A . It's unexpected. B . It's unattractive. C . It's abnormal. D . It's doubtful.
    (2) What is the key reason for harlequin toads' being killed?
    A . Climate change. B . Lack of food. C . A dangerous illness. D . Humans'behavior.
    (3) How many Mindo harlequin toads have the scientists found out?
    A . 3. B . 6. C . 9. D . 12.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . A resistance to chytrid B . Harlequin toad species C . Animal experts' hard job D . An animal's rediscovery
  • 14. 阅读理解

    With solar energy getting cheaper and cheaper, it is expected to become the most common way to produce electricity by 2050. But there is another way to create electricity from the sun. It's called "Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)". It works by using many special mirrors, called "heliostats", to focus the sun's light to produce heat "Solar Thermal". CSP factories focus the light from their mirrors onto specially designed towers that can take the heat and then, usually by turning water into steam, turn it into electricity.

    The biggest CSP plant in the world is Ivanpah in the Mojave Desert in California. Spain has several other large CSP factories. The highest temperature reached using concentrated solar power is 565℃. That's hot enough to make electricity. But to make many common materials, much higher temperatures are needed. An American company called Heliogen has announced a new process that can reach extremely high temperatures using only the power of the sun, which could help clean up some of the world 's most polluting processes, like making cement (水泥) that is currently responsible for around 7% of the world's carbon dioxide pollution. Heliogen says its process has reached temperatures higher than 1,000℃ for many times. At those temperatures, Heliogen's system could be used in the making of cement.

    The company has been able to improve its process by doing a few things differently. For one. thing, the heliostats it uses are smaller, so they're cheaper and it's easier to make them reflect better. Another big improvement is the special computer system that Heliogen developed to watch and adjust the heliostats so that they are always focused continuously.

    Heliogen says confidently that in the future it hopes to reach temperatures as hot as 1,500℃. At that temperature, it is even possible to create fuel, not causing pollution. Though Heliogen's process is new and offers several improvements over existing CSP methods, the company is still a long way from putting their system to work in the real world.

    (1) What do the towers in CSP plants do first?
    A . Reflect the mirrors 'light. B . Hold the heliostats. C . Produce solar energy. D . Contain "Solar Thermal".
    (2) What is special about the Heliogen's new process?
    A . It can slow down climate change. B . It gets extremely hot by itself. C . It's more environment-friendly. D . It can produce solar energy.
    (3) What can Heliogen's special computer system do?
    A . Lower the cost of the heliostats. B . Make the heliostats work better. C . Force the heliostats to take breaks. D . Stop the heliostats being damaged.
    (4) What is the author's attitude towards the Heliogen 's new process?
    A . Curious. B . Cautious. C . Confident. D . Contradictory.


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    If ever we have to wait for something in the UK一for the bus, to get into a concert, or to get into a shop, we form a queue. Everybody knows that when you roll up, you join the back of the queue. It is an absolutely fair system and we all agree with it. British people would never dream of "jumping the queue"!

     If you are seen to push in, it is considered very rude. People think pushing in is unfair to other people who have been waiting. So, if you see a line of people and you are not sure about it, then ask: "Is this the back of the queue?" You might even get chatting! Brits are happy to chat while queuing.

    If ever somebody pushes in, you can almost feel others upset about him or her! People will be silently angry! However, rarely will anybody say anything. If somebody does say something to the rule breaker, the rest of the people in the queue will be very embarrassed and they will look away.

    For example, they may give bad looks to the transgressor (违规者). They may also turn around and talk about the transgressor in a whisper with the person next to them in the queue. You would need a skin as thick as a rhinoceros (犀牛皮) to miss these signals that you have transgressed a sacred British rule. So, if you come to the UK, get used to queuing.

    A. You have to wait for your turn in the queue.

    B. People do not welcome queue-jumping in England.

    C. Queue-jumping can be seen everywhere in the world.

    D. British people do not like to cause a scene by arguing.

    E. Some people want to break the accepted rule sometimes.

    F. People will be very polite to you and let you know where you should stand.

    G. People will show that they are annoyed, but in ways that are not easy to notice.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Ivan Fernandez Anaya is a long- distance runner from Spain who competes in cross-country and marathon races. Ivan showed his1on a race track in Navarra, Spain, and he lost the race 2showing the world what true sportsmanship looks like!

    Ivan was just about to finish a cross-country race when he3Abel Mutai, a Kenyan athlete who'd been in the lead, began to slow down as he4the finish line. Abel did not understand Spanish so he got 5by the signs and thought he had already6. Ivan saw what was happening in an instant and could have7dashed past his opponent (对手) to win the race himself.8, he slowed his own pace and pointed Abel towards the9finish line so he could win.

    “He was the rightful 10,”Ivan said later. “He created a gap (鸿沟) that I couldn't have closed if he hadn't made a 11 As soon as I saw he was stopping, I knew I wasn't going to12him.

    Everyone who witnessed the whole13was rightfully impressed with Ivan's actions! He didn't 14to do that, only15that being an athlete with right16is one of the most important aspects of sports. Later, a journalist asked Ivan why he didn't17the opportunity to win the race and he18his reason for doing that, "…But if I did that, what would be the19of my victory? What would be the honor of that 20? What would my mom think of that?"

    A . character B . confidence C . dream D . interest
    A . by chance B . on purpose C . in time D . at first
    A . predicted B . explained C . admitted D . noticed
    A . touched B . moved C . approached D . changed
    A . confused B . warned C . lost D . reminded
    A . settled B . stopped C . succeeded D . escaped
    A . bravely B . easily C . eventually D . carefully
    A . Therefore B . Instead C . In short D . For example
    A . possible B . same C . clear D . real
    A . winner B . runner C . partner D . leader
    A . decision B . difference C . mistake D . contribution
    A . pass B . follow C . miss D . drop
    A . campaign B . process C . accident D . struggle
    A . manage B . attempt C . hesitate D . expect
    A . repeating B . advertising C . doubting D . proving
    A . sportsmanship B . direction C . guidance D . friendship
    A . hide B . take C . share D . reserve
    A . made up B . found out C . laid out D . put up
    A . concept B . content C . assistance D . value
    A . attitude B . desire C . sacrifice D . medal


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    For years, many adventurers have travelled to the Rocky Mountains in search of hidden treasure. They were on the hunt for a bronze (铜) chest. It was said to be filled diamonds and gold. On June 6, 2020, news broke that the chest was(final) found. The person who found it has chosen(remain) unidentified.

    Forrest Fenn is an antiques (collect). He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Fenn created the treasure hunt more than 10 years ago,(hope) it would inspire people to have fun and explore nature. Fenn(publish) a book called The Thrill of the Chase in 2010. In the book, he dropped some tips aboutthe treasure chest was located. The clues (线索) were in a form of a 24-verse poem. Readers had to use the poem to settle the puzzle. This led many explorers down (danger) roads in search of the chest's location. Fenn says the end of the hunt is bittersweet. "I feel halfway kind of glad, halfway kind of sad because the hunt is over," he says." I congratulate the (thousand) of people who participated in the search hope they will continue to be drawn by the promise of other discoveries."


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    I'm sorry for my lately reply. But it was New Year's Day and I celebrated them with my whole family. I went to Beijing with my dad and mom who is working as doctors in Shanghai. It was really crowded celebration. My grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins were all there. We prepare and ate various and delicious foods together. We played games and told story to each other. We've been back now. I'm so tiring but I couldn't help write to you. Do you have special days when are celebrated by all the people? If yes, please tell me how and when do you celebrate them. I'm looking forward to your letter.


  • 19. 请你以"My greatest change in the past three years"为题给你班英语角写篇短文,内容包括:





    My greatest change in the past three years
