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  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) When did the woman see the film The Captain?
    A . Last Sunday. B . Last Saturday. C . On Monday.
    (2) What is the man's opinion about the film?
    A . It was wonderful. B . It was very bad. C . It made him sleepy.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) How many people will be travelling?
    A . Three. B . Four. C . Two.
    (2) When will the man leave for Seattle?
    A . Next Monday. B . This Wednesday. C . Next Wednesday.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) Why does the man's brother go to the man's place?
    A . To work. B . To travel. C . To study.
    (2) Where does the man work in the morning?
    A . At a restaurant. B . At a university. C . At a bookstore.
    (3) What language is the woman starting?
    A . Spanish. B . French. C . Japanese.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) What does the woman probably do?
    A . A student. B . A worker. C . A singer.
    (2) Where are the speakers now?
    A . In a Chemistry lab. B . In Dalton House. C . In the Students' Union.
    (3) How long are the computer rooms open on weekdays?
    A . For 9 hours. B . For 8 hours. C . For 11 hours.
    (4) What does the man want the woman to do?
    A . Fill in the form. B . Call him on Thursday. C . Walk around with him.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    (1) Who is the speaker?
    A . A teacher. B . A guide. C . A coach.
    (2) When will the students leave for the museum?
    A . At 7: 45. B . At 6: 30. C . At 8: 00.
    (3) What will the students do at 1: 15?
    A . Meet at a cafe. B . See a film. C . Visit a gallery.
    (4) Where can the students find more information?
    A . From a website. B . From teachers. C . From a book.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Jenifer Mauer has needed more willpower than the typical college student to pursue her goal of earning a nursing degree. That willpower bore fruit when Jennifer graduated from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and became the first in her large family to earn a bachelor's degree.

    Mauer, of Edgar, Wisconsin, grew up on a farm in a family of 10 children. Her dad worked at a job away from the farm, and her mother ran the farm with the kids. After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition(学费), because there was no extra money set aside for a college education. After graduation, she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.

    Jennifer now is married and has three children of her own. She decided to go back to college to advance her career and to be able to better support her family while doing something she loves: nursing. She chose the UW-Eau Claire program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield because she was able to pursue her four-year degree close to home. She could drive to class and be home in the evening to help with her kids. Jenifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree: Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take care of the children at times.

    Through it all, she remained in good academic standing and graduated with honors. Jennifer sacrificed(牺牲)to achieve her goal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing important events to study. ''Some nights my heart was breaking to have to pick between my kids and studying for exams or papers,'' she says. However, her children have learned an important lesson witnessing their mother earn her degree. Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an inspiration to her family-and that's pretty powerful.

    (1) What did Jennifer do after high school?
    A . She helped her dad with his work. B . She ran the family farm on her own. C . She supported herself through college. D . She taught her sisters and brothers at home.
    (2) Why did Jennifer choose the program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield?
    A . To take care of her kids easily. B . To learn from the best nurses. C . To save money for her parents. D . To find a well-paid job there.
    (3) What did Jennifer sacrifice to achieve her goal?
    A . Her health. B . Her time with family. C . Her reputation. D . Her chance of promotion.
    (4) What can we learn from Jenifer's story?
    A . Time is money. B . Love breaks down barriers. C . Hard work pays off. D . Education is the key to success.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    There are many differences between British English and American English. I used to teach a course about the differences between the two. We speak English on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean but we have many differences in our common language. We have examples of the same words having very different meanings, differing spellings of the same words as well as completely different words for the same things. Here are some examples.

    A cookie in the US is called a biscuit in the UK. A biscuit in the US is a small cake in the UK. Crisps in the UK, are known as chips, but we British people eat a plate of chips that you call fries in the US. In the UK, a pie can be made from either meat or fruit, while in the US pies are normally made from fruit; pot pies are made from meat. Most things are measured in grams and kilograms in the US, not pounds and ounces.

    One very obvious difference is the side of the road we each choose to drive on. Petrol in the UK is gas in the US. The place where we fill up our cars, in the UK, is a garage; while in the US, it's a gas station. The term garage is also used as a place to store your car next to or close by your house. In the UK we call a lorry what is known as a truck in the US.

    An elevator in the US is called a lift here, and the first floor in the US, is called the ground floor here, so many visitors get off on the wrong floor in British hotels.

    I could continue with this. There are countless examples of differences within our one shared language. With so many differences, no wonder it's hard to understand each other well.

    (1) The passage is mainly about the differences between British English and American English in      .
    A . vocabulary B . grammar C . sound D . spelling
    (2) It's implied in the passage that the author may be      .
    A . a driver from the US B . a cook from the US C . a teacher from the UK D . a gas station worker from the UK
    (3) In the author's opinion,       .
    A . language differences don't affect understanding B . the same words in the two different types of English may have different spellings C . there will be fewer differences between American and British English in the future D . it is impossible that some Americans get off on the wrong floor in British hotels
    (4) What can we learn from the passage?
    A . "Elevator" is commonly used in the UK. B . Pies mean the same thing in the UK and the US. C . In the UK,things are measured in pounds and ounces. D . British and American people drive on the same side of the road.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    During a small earthquake, you will feel a little shaking. Pictures hanging on the walls might move back and forth. Dishes might rattle (发出响声) inside the kitchen cabinet. A lamp might possibly fall and break.

    In a very strong earthquake, you might be thrown upward or down to the ground. Cracks might appear in the ground. Windows might be broken. Buildings and bridges might fall down. People might be injured or even killed. Strong earthquakes often suddenly break electric wires. That means electric lights and machines will not work. Water pipes sometimes break, so people have no water to drink. Pipes that carry natural gas and tanks that hold petrol and dangerous chemicals can break and start fires.

    Aftershocks (余震) are mini-quakes that come after the main part, of an earthquake. They can cause even more damage. Aftershocks are especially dangerous for rescue workers who have gone into ruined buildings to help people who are trapped inside. The buildings can collapse, trapping the rescue workers along with the people they are trying to help.

    Very strong earthquakes can cause tsunamis in the ocean, which may bring great damage. Earthquakes can cause landslides where dirt and rocks slide down the sides of a mountain and damage buildings and hurt people. Earthquakes can also cause avalanches (雪崩) and heavy snow slide down a mountainside. An avalanche can be just as dangerous as a landslide.

    (1) All the following may be the results of a strong earthquake EXCEPT that                  .
    A . strong bridges fall down B . people have no water to drink C . some dangerous chemicals flow out D . dishes in the kitchen shake and make sounds
    (2) What can we learn from the passage?
    A . Aftershocks are not as dangerous as the main part of an earthquake. B . Aftershocks are even more dangerous than big earthquakes to the rescue workers. C . Aftershocks are not dangerous for rescue workers. D . Aftershocks are strong earthquakes following the main part of an earthquake.
    (3) The underlined word "collapse" in Paragraph 3 probably means "               ".
    A . fall down B . shake out C . set up D . break through
    (4) It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
    A . strong earthquakes can cause tsunamis in the river B . strong earthquakes are caused by the movements of oceans C . landslides do less damage than strong earthquakes D . strong earthquakes can cause other big natural disasters
  • 14. 阅读理解

    What will the future school look like is difficult to make clear, but most experts agree that the school will be electronic in the future.

    "Present-day schools will no longer exist in the next century," says a report in The Age. "At that time, future schools will become community-style centers, which run seven days a week, 24 hours a day." At the same time, computers will surely become a central part of the school in the future.

    According to The Age, the distant learning will be popular and students will listen to teachers on computers. Going into classrooms on their computers, students will study at any time, which is very easy for them. However, it is necessary for students to go to the actual school in order to develop some social skills.

    The Seashore Primary School is an imaginary school in the future created by the Education Department of Australia. At this school, all the teachers and students have laptop computers. Teachers check messages and call students back on a special telephone system and students use telephones to search for information or speak to their experts who teach their lessons. Besides, all the lessons are related to all sorts of subjects and all the students have their own learning plans created by teachers.

    As one headmaster says, a laptop computer is students5 library, data storage (数据存储) as well as the bridge to a wider world. Technology has changed the emphasis of future learning. Thus, well pay more attention to the learning of kids rather than the teaching.

    (1) According to the report in The Age, students in future schools will _______.
    A . have no teachers B . study at a set time C . mainly study online D . never go to actual school
    (2) The example of the Seashore Primary School is given to show _______.
    A . telephones are important in Australia B . how future schools will work C . every student needs a learning plan D . students enjoy getting in touch with teachers
    (3) Which of the following is the best title of the text?
    A . The Schools in the Future B . Great Changes in Technology C . The Seashore Primary School D . Actual Schools to Be Replaced


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    To reduce the spread of the pandemic (流行病),Corona Virus, our product manager has announced businesses to start working from home. For those who are working from home, dealing with this situation can be challenging. .

    Create a work area. Your first challenge is to pick a corner in the home and create a work-space that is perfect for work from home. .You can make a large coffee table as a work desk. Keep the desk neat and tidy.

    Be organized. Get your laptop, cell phone diary in the right place. , search for your noise cancellation headphone. Use your mouse for increased productivity. Find out who will take care of children as the schools are closed. Organize the home.

    . It is important to learn technology for smoother communication. You can make use of Google Hangouts, Slack or other video tools for messaging. These tools can help you to communicate with your co-workers effectively.

    Ensure proper lighting is there. . Locating the office where you receive natural lighting is the best way to increase productivity. Ensure you have enough artificial lighting arrangements.

    A. If you are in a noisy home

    B. Create a private area

    C. Here's how you can master it

    D. Certain apps can help you to organize the day

    E. Find out the right furniture and ensure it is comfortable

    F. Learn technologies

    G. It is important to choose that corner of the home where there is proper lighting


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。

    Weeks ago, I was traveling by train. After several stations, the delivery man from the cafeteria came along to1 the pre-booked hot meals and drinks. Just behind him rushed in a 9-year-old girl, who put out her hand, 2some food. The food supplier was3and pushed her out of the coach (旅客车厢). Something in me made me4. I stepped outside and saw the child still standing there and crying. I asked her if she was hungry and she5. So I grabbed her hand and said I'd buy her food.

    When I took her to the coach with the cafeteria, the people standing there had a(an)6expression on their face, seeing the little girl with me. 7their reaction, I asked her to8whatever she wanted. As I pointed to each item, she9nodding.

    10, we collected so much food. When I turned to the cashier to pay the bill, the little girl11hurrying down the train. The cashier shook his head in disbelief and said the girl must be laughing for having fooled me into12her unhappiness.

    As I returned to my coach, the cashier's13made me doubt whether she'd really fooled me. So I14and went down the train, following the 15the little girl had taken. After several coaches, I walked to a relatively-deserted coach. Here I saw a16which left me surprised. This little girl was sitting in a 17with two other miserable-looking young boys. She had put all the food in the center and was18 putting food into the hand of a young blind boy. Seeing all this, I couldn't help19. The little girl taught us that one can be20even when poor.

    A . take away B . hand out C . throw away D . find out
    A . begging for B . picking up C . pointing to D . looking at
    A . frightened B . disappointed C . annoyed D . worried
    A . doubt B . stop C . watch D . react
    A . agreed B . signed C . nodded D . refused
    A . sad B . puzzled C . happy D . excited
    A . Admiring B . Noticing C . Ignoring D . Analyzing
    A . list B . slide C . think D . choose
    A . tried B . kept C . began D . practiced
    A . Finally B . Nervously C . Immediately D . Suddenly
    A . finished B . forgot C . started D . risked
    A . remembering B . believing C . realizing D . missing
    A . words B . opinions C . thoughts D . attitudes
    A . turned back B . turned over C . turned up D . turned out
    A . advice B . food C . train D . direction
    A . coach B . station C . face D . sight
    A . group B . team C . circle D . crossroads
    A . instead B . only C . also D . again
    A . weeping B . smiling C . shouting D . regretting
    A . friendly B . generous C . polite D . greedy

六、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Christopher Reeve was born in September, 1952. He was in his first school play he was eight and he started to act in TV shows and films while he was still in college. He made many    (success) films and TV shows but he is most famous  his Super-man films. (lucky), disaster came in 1995 when he fell from his horse and (break) his back. The doctors did not expect him to live. However, he made  (amaze) progress.

    At first, he couldn't breathe without a machine, but he learnt to breathe on his own. He would never walk again but he started  new life with great courage. The second year after his accident, Christopher returned to film making. He also raised a lot of money (promote) medical research into back injuries. He made speeches all over the USA about his experiences. Many people are (affect) by his story. This not only drew public attention to research into back injuries but also inspired a lot of people to live with all kinds of (problem).


  • 18. 假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处 语言错误,每句中最多有两处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





    Last week I got the first prize in the English Speech Contest hold in our school, that made me very excited. I used to be too shy not to speak English in public. It was Susan who asks me to practice several times in her office and corrected my pronunciation and intonation. Besides, she encouraged me be confident and brave whether I wanted to show my talent before others. I followed her advices. That was why I won the first prize. I am deep moved by what she have done for me. I owe her a thousand thanks for his kindness.


  • 19. 假如你叫李华,你的美国朋友Jack将于2022年来中国张家口参加冬奥会,他来信向你咨询如何提高汉语水平。请你用英语给他写一封回信,内容包括:





    Dear Jack,

    Glad to know that you will come to China for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.



    Li Hua
