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  • 1. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空,在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空.

    At the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a group of teenagers  (sing) the classic song, Me and My Motherland as they walked past the Golden Water Bridge in Tian'anmen Square. Then the singers  (join) by thousands of people. It might have been the biggest crowed ever to form in such a short period and the scene was very  (touch). Many viewers couldn't help shedding tears and waving flags to express their love to the nation.

  • 2. 语法填空

    One morning I went fishing in a river suddenly there came a cry: "Help!" I looked around and saw a boy struggling in the river. Throwing the fishing pole, I jumped into the river and swam  (quick) towards the boy. Then I took the boy to a nearby hospital. After the boy was saved, his mother gave me a thousand thanks. Back to my fishing place, I found my fishing pole floating on the water. my surprise, there was a big fish on the hook.

  • 3. 语法填空

    School uniforms should be required for all students for some important reasons. Firstly, wearing uniforms makes everyone feel equal. It makes students  come from poor families feel the same. In addition, getting ready for school every morning can be much faster and easier. Many kids waste time choosing what    (wear) to school. Most importantly, some   (study) show that school uniforms make students perform better in school. Some people might say that uniforms take away personal freedom, but students still have many other ways to express (they).


  • 4. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从方框中选择恰当的词填空,其中有两项为多余选项.

    health,  character,  festival,  cleaned,  across,  cover,  early,  believed

    Spring Festival is highly valued by every Chinese family. Preparations begin a week before the festival. First, the house is  from top to bottom. People say it is to sweep away the dirt of the past year and get ready for the new year.

    Next, the Chinese   Fu is attached upside down to the front door. It is believed that when Fu is put upside down, happiness arrives.

    The greatest excitement begins the night before Spring Festival. Fireworks are let off the city, suddenly lighting up the night sky. Children will   their ears but with an expectant look on their faces. It is   to scare away the monster Nian. Then people sit together to enjoy Jiaozi. They are a sign of our wishes for  and happiness in the coming year.

    This is Spring Festival﹣the joy of a family gathering.


  • 5. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.

    Table Talk

    As we got out of the car, our son announced, "Phones stay in the car. "

    "Why do you always have to tell us that?" complained our fifteen﹣year﹣old grandson.

    Our son's wife winked at us and then explained, "We have a family 1  that no one may bring anything electronic to the table. "

    We 2  our phones in the car. Even though the restaurant was filled with families, there was little noise. All I heard were a few quiet conversations and the ding of forks on plates. The3unnerved me. I looked around. Everyone, even the young kids, was4at some kind of screen.

    The silence was broken5 the six of us sat down, and started talking. The waitress stood patiently and waited for our orders. When our food came, we continued to chat.

    An elderly couple at the next table were finishing their dinners and conversing quietly. I noticed that they shot us a few glances, and 6 if our constant chatter was annoying them.

    After the dessert, my son signaled the waitress for the check. She hesitated when she brought the black folder to our table. My son opened the black folder﹣it was 7. "You forgot the check," he told her.

    "There isn't one. Someone else 8 your bill﹣and the tip too. " she said with a giggle (咯咯笑).

    "Why?" asked our son, his wife and myself at once.

    "They loved it that no one was connected," she continued. "They loved watching you guys 9. The old lady went on and on about how nice it was to see a family eating and talking instead of looking at 'electric games'. "

    For a moment, everyone at our table was at a loss for 10. Then we all started talking at once. My son's voice rose above the others. "Where are they? We want to thank them. "

    "They left after you ordered dessert," the waitress replied.

    We spent the next fifteen minutes discussing this goodness and camp up with a 11. The next time we see a family eating at a restaurant 12looking at anything electronic, we'll pay it forward, just like what happened to us.

    A . rule B . appointment C . discussion D . goal
    A . closed B . returned C . sent D . locked
    A . sweetness B . quietness C . patience D . preference
    A . smiling B . knocking C . staring D . pointing
    A . though B . before C . when D . until
    A . realized B . wondered C . asked D . hesitated
    A . special B . strange C . typical D . empty
    A . paid B . served C . managed D . changed
    A . eat B . talk C . argue D . work
    A . directions B . choices C . words D . ideas
    A . schedule B . message C . task D . plan
    A . without B . by C . through D . for


  • 6. 阅读理解

    A vacation often means rest and relaxation, but more and more people are looking at traveling as an opportunity to help others and give back.

    Don Germaise is a familiar face to many in Tampa Bay, but this former TV reporter's life has changed a bit. "In the TV business you see the best and the worst the world has to offer, and at some point, it just occurred to me: I just need to do something to make the world a better place," he explained.

    He now travels the world, volunteering his time to help others. "Here's the best part about a volunteer vacation. You're not stuck at a hotel doing tours that everyone else does," Germaise said. "You're meeting regular people, living with regular people and helping regular people all over the world. "

    Travel Writer Joe Miragliotta says that's exactly why more people are spending time volunteering on vacation. "Travelers, especially millennials (千禧一代) like myself, are becoming more socially conscious when it comes to choosing where they go," Miragliotta said. "They want to connect with the communities and causes they really care about. "

    He recently took some time out of a trip to San Francisco to help out at a local farm. "Here, volunteers are growing healthy foods for the community, and they give it right back for free; and you know you can tend the vegetable gardens, help clean the orchard﹣lots of fun activities," Miragliotta explained.

    Volunteering doesn't take up your entire vacation. You can do it for a few hours or even a few days. It's all up to you. "With a kid…when you do something as simple as giving him or her a pencil when they never had a pencil for school, the look in their eyes is so unbelievable," Germaise said. "It's like they got an iPad for Christmas. It's the greatest feeling in the world."

    (1) What do vacations mean to Don Germaise?
    A . Having a rest and relaxing. B . Getting an opportunity to travel. C . Meeting and helping regular people. D . Reporting on what happens around the world.
    (2) According to Joe Miragliotta, young people         .
    A . are becoming more socially conscious B . find it fun to help in vegetable gardens C . enjoy taking care of the children around D . are trying to learn more about other people
    (3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
    A . It only takes travelers a few hours to do volunteering. B . Finding a way to help the people in need is not easy. C . It is impossible for the kids to get an iPad for Christmas. D . Making a small difference to people's life is rewarding.
    (4) What's the passage mainly about?
    A . Millennials pay more attention to society. B . Volunteer vacation is becoming a new trend. C . Two travelers shared their experiences abroad. D . Volunteers enjoy popularity among local people.
  • 7. 阅读理解

    Georiga O'Keeffe always thought of herself as an artist. By 1928, the rest of the world did, too. At the age of 41 she was living in New York City and becoming a well﹣known painter. Still, O'Keeffe wasn't happy. New York had been a good source of ideas for almost ten years. Now those ideas were drying up. O'Keeffe felt like she needed a change. She had visited New Mexico in 1917 with her sister. The wide open space had thrilled her. "Maybe I should go back," she thought. In April of 1929, O'Keeffe packed her bags.

    The wide open space of New Mexico drew O'Keeffe in. She spent hours just watching the sky change. Because the light was so clear, she felt like she could see for the first time. The beauty of the land renewed her. She couldn't wait to start painting. Cow and horse skulls and desert flowers filled her canvases (画布). The colors of the desert inspired O'Keeffe. As a result, she made new choices in her artwork. "The color up there is different," she explained. She loved the dusty blues and greens.

    That August, O'Keeffe went home to New York. It was the start of a pattern. Each spring, she traveled to New Mexico to paint. These trips restored her spirit. Then, in the fall, she would return to New York. There, she showed her work. Each time O'Keeffe visited New Mexico, she explored a little more.

    The bleached animal bones and skulls that O'Keeffe found excited her because she could see their special beauty. The bones didn't mean death to O'Keeffe. To her, they showed the lasting beauty of the desert. The landscapes, clear light, and bright colors also spoke to her. She often painted close﹣ups of the rocks and mountains. Later, she began to travel more in search of new ideas. However, she always came back to New Mexico.

    As O'Keeffe grew older, her eyesight began to fail. Still, O'Keeffe wasn't ready to give up. Her friend Juan Hamilton helped her work with watercolors. He also taught her to sculpt. As a result, she made art into her 90s. When she died at the age of 98, Hamilton sprinkled her ashes over the desert. Her body became part of the land that had touched her art and her life.

    (1) O'Keeffe was unhappy in New York in 1928 because         .
    A . she was lack of the creative ideas B . she felt disappointed about her job C . she was not successful as an artist D . she felt bored about life in a big city
    (2) After her trips to New Mexico, O'Keeffe         .
    A . received great reputation there B . discovered the meaning in her life C . chose to settle down in that country D . got new thoughts from the scenery
    (3) What can we know about O'Keeffe from the passage?
    A . She was never afraid of failure and death. B . She was devoted and passionate about art. C . She was patient with the coming chances. D . She was curious about the nature of people.
    (4) Which of the following could be the best title for this article?
    A . Lifestyle in the Desert B . Special Love for Art C . Inspiration from the Desert D . Modern Women Artists
  • 8. 阅读理解

    "You'll get square eyes!" my mother used to say as I sat for hour after hour glued to the TV. I ignored her, of course. Past﹣forward a few decades and now I'm the parent. My 5﹣year﹣old lives in a world where screens aren't fixed pieces of furniture. You can't even avoid them by going outside. Screens are not only in our pockets; they're everywhere.

    The concerns have grown with the screens. In the past decade, we have heard that they will damage our mental health. Many of us feel more distracted by them, feeling guiltier and more tired as a result.

    The apps and websites we can access on our phones have also sparked widespread concern. Big tech companies are also good at making use of our need for social recognition, hooking us on likes, retweets and follower counts. Social media has created a culture of mass narcissism (自恋), which has led many to worry about the emotional stresses on teenagers. A quick online search brings up dozens of papers linking screen use or social media with harmful effects on mental health, including depression and suicide.

    Such statements are alarming. They are also widely believed, thanks to popular books like iGen by Jean Twenge, which claims that digital technology has ruined a generation. Yet, Amy Orben at the University of Oxford, who studies the impact of digital technology and social media in particular on mental health, holds different views. She claims that the underlying data can be used to tell different stories. She also spotted shortcomings in several large studies that claimed to show correlations (相关性) between the use of devices with screens and depression in users.

    Twenge stands by her own finding, pointing in turn to what she considers flaws in Orben's research methods. For David Max, at Royal College of Child Health in London, the effect of screen time and social media use on mental health remains speculative. "We cannot regard social media overall as good or bad," says Davie. "We don't know whether in individual cases social media is not responsible," he says.

    The explosion of mobile phone use has revolutionized our lives. I can download movies, write articles, communicate with my family and broadcast to the world all at the push of a button. Rather than impose constraints (限制), we should take a look at our use of screens and ask how they fit with the activities and lifestyle.

    Every new technology with widespread impact has given rise to new fears. So the best bet may simply be to ask yourself what level of screen use makes you and those around you happy and try to stick to it. If you find yourself over addictive, don't panic﹣and certainly don't feel guilty. Nobody knows anything worth getting scared about.

    (1) According to the passage, people give likes, retweet or count followers to         .
    A . share one's lifestyles B . show respect for others C . seek social recognition D . relieve emotional stresses
    (2) The underlined word "speculative" probably means "         ".
    A . doubtful B . specific C . important D . abstract
    (3) What can be learned from the passage?
    A . Teenagers are more affected by screen use both physically and mentally. B . Orben claims it is far too early to blame screen use for ruining a generation. C . Big tech companies help to produce many research papers on mental health. D . Twenge mainly introduces the overall benefits of digital technology in her books.
    (4) The passage is written to         .
    A . encourage readers to reduce the time of screen use B . share different opinions on the effects of screen use C . explain why screen use may have negative effects on people D . relieve people's concerns and worries about the use of screens


  • 9. 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题.

    Go, commonly known in China as weiqi, is a board game for two players that needs logical (逻辑的) strategies. To win, the player must use black and white playing pieces to surround more field than the other player. The game was invented in China more than 2,500 years ago. It enjoys a wide fan base, mostly in East Asia﹣but it is becoming more popular in other areas of the world.

    Schreiber, vice chair of Berlin Go Association, was introduced to the game 16 years ago, but thought the game rather boring at first. Similarly, Urban, chair of Berlin Go Association, accidentally discovered a book on Go on his mother's bookshelf when he was 37 years old. "I tried to understand the rules because I love board games and I did not get it," added Urban. But they both found the game more and more interesting after practice. "It's like speaking to another but with your hands. You make a very direct message," explained Schreiber.

    Schreiber recommended children learn Go because he believed it could be beneficial for them. "They learn that there is always someone stronger and they learn that it's okay to lose. They learn how to improve from their mistakes and say tomorrow will be better than today," he explained.

    To the experienced players, Go can be very addictive, as it carries meanings not just in leisure, but also in culture. Many are too quick to judge other people's cultures. Confucius said, "Tell me, I'll forget; Show me, I may remember; Involve me, and I will understand. " With Go, people only get stronger if they play against different players. With culture, one need ot go and talk to people, even better if in their language. If you can't, maybe it's enough to use the Go board as the language.

    As cooperation between China and Germany deepens in many aspects of life, efforts have been made to further popularize Go in Europe. The European. Go Congress has been hosting annual competitions since 1983. Training courses are also offered, and professional players from China are invited to deliver lectures for game loves in Europe.

    (1) When was Go invented in China?
    (2) How did Schreiber and Urban feel about Go after practice?
    (3) Why did Schreiber recommend children learn Go?
    (4) What has happened as a cooperation between China and Germany deepens?
