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  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1) Why does Allan go to Australia?
    A . To visit his friends B . To attend a conference C . To go sightseeing
    (2) What's the time now in Los Angeles?
    A . 10:00 pm B . 8: 00 am C . 4:00 am
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题
    (1) Why does the woman recommend the Omni Hotel?
    A . The price is quite reasonable B . She likes the party rooms there C . Her brother is a staff member there
    (2) What did the woman enjoy at her school reunion?
    A . Making small talk. B . Seeing old friends C . Experiencing school life again
  • 8. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1) Why didn't the man recognize the woman's voice?
    A . She hasn't contacted him for long B . She played a joke on him C . She suffered from sickness
    (2) What does the man want to borrow?
    A . Some glasses. B . Some sugar. C . Some cold beers
    (3) What is the man preparing for?
    A . A festival B . A party C . A dinner
  • 9. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1) What is the woman doing?
    A . Booking a ticket B . Asking for advice C . Doing a survey
    (2) For what is the man flying to Barcelona?
    A . Study B . Work C . Holiday
    (3) What does the man think of the new parking lot?
    A . It's no far away. B . It's really big. C . It's overcrowded.
    (4) What is the man dissatisfied with about the airport?
    A . Transport facilities. B . The new restaurant. C . The speed of procedures.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答问题。
    (1) How long does the break in Barcelona last?
    A . Two nights B . Three nights C . Seven nights
    (2) What cost extra money for the Barcelona break?
    A . Flights B . Breakfasts C . Suppers
    (3) Where can visitors get discounts with a discount card?
    A . At all the city sights B . some restaurants C . In 5-star hotels
    (4) When is the deadline for bookings?
    A . September 30th B . October 5th C . October 31th


  • 11. 阅读理解

    A day in the life of a sun bear is what you might expect from the name: sunny. In its natural habitat, the sun bear spends over 80 percent of its active waking time in daylight.

    But when disturbed by human activity, that changes dramatically. In areas where people are pushing into the sun bear's habitat, the animals are spending 90 percent of their waking time after dark. Effectively, the threat of human presence is making the sun bear change into "the moon bear".

    Led by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, the study found that human activity is driving scores of mammals to shift their activity from the daytime into the dark hours of the night. As many animals have already been forced out of their local habitats, others are attempting to avoid interaction with humans by separating themselves in time rather than in space.

    For the work, the researchers examined the behaviors of 64 mammal species, including deer, tigers, boars, and, of course, sun bears. They observed increased nocturnal (夜间的) behavior in a large majority of them, with species that are naturally active during the day tending to shift their activity to after dark, and those that are naturally nocturnal becoming more so. The mammals affected ranged across body size, habitat type, region of the world, and diet.

    Human activity of all sorts affect animals,lives, including activities like hunting, agriculture and land development, harvesting local natural resources, even hiking or walking through wild areas. Sport hunting in the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe drove antelopes to spend more of their active waking hours at night, restricting their access to water. Similarly, hikers in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California made coyotes (郊狼) more nocturnal, forcing them to find new preys (猎物) among traditionally nocturnal animals.

    The researchers warn that profound shifts in the natural behavior patterns of so many species disturb dynamics that have evolved over generations  leading to a series of unknown effects on the entire ecosystems.

    (1) What did the study find?
    A . More animals separate themselves in space. B . Human activity changes animals' way of life. C . Many animals were pushed out of their local habitats. D . The sun bear spends over 80% waking time in daylight.
    (2) What does the underlined word "that" refer to?
    A . The sun bear. B . The waking time. C . Human activity. D . The natural habitat.
    (3) What can we infer from paragraph 5?
    A . Antelopes have easier access to water. B . Coyotes have to prey on new types for survival. C . Human activity shortens animals' sleeping time. D . Animals have managed to escape interaction with humans.
    (4) What does the author want to tell us in the text?
    A . Human threat makes the sun bear nocturnal. B . Animals are badly hurt by human presence. C . Animals become more adaptable thanks to human. D . Ecosystems may be reshaped due to human activity.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    (1) What caused musicals to move in a new direction during the 1930's?
    A . The development of new musical instruments. B . The audience s demand for more realistic art forms. C . The rising popularity of other types of entertainment. D . The greater acceptance of black performers by white audiences.
    (2) In which period did musical theatre become more complex and dramatic?
    A . Pre - 1900. B . 1900- 1929. C . 1940- 1949. D . 1950- 1959.
    (3) What can be reasonably inferred about the musical West Side Story?
    A . It told its story in a new way. B . It was based on a true story. C . It was a non-Broadway show. D . It was not very successful at first.
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Tourism is often about seeking deeper emotional and personal connections with the world around us. Not all travel experiences, however, need to take place in the real world. With the evolution of virtual reality (VR) technology, tourism will increasingly become a combination of physical and virtual worlds. VR may even remove the need to travel entirely.

        But can a VR experience really equal a real world one? Many experts believe it can. Studies have shown that our brains have an inbuilt VR-like mechanism that enables us to live imagined experiences. Much of our waking life is spent thinking about either the past or the future. This is known as" mind wandering". During these events we're not paying attention to the current world around us. Instead, we're recalling memories, or creating and processing imagined futures.

        When engaged in mind wandering, our brains process these mental images using the same pathways used to receive inputs from the real world. So, the imagined past or future can create emotions and feelings similar to how we react to everyday life. VR can create these same feelings.

        While critics might argue that a virtual experience will never match reality, there are several ways VR tourism could make a positive contribution. Firstly it could help protect sensitive locations from over-tourism. In recent years famous sites such as Maya Bay in Thailand, and Cambodia's Angkor Wat Temples have had to limit the number of visitors because of their negative impact. These places are now producing their own VR experiences that will allow tourists to pass through virtual models of the sites.

        Virtual reality may also allow people back in time, to experience historical events, visit ancient cities, and even to walk among dinosaurs.

        Finally, in a world where many people suffer from stress and depression due to overwork, virtual tourism may provide a cheap and convenient way for people to take brief holidays to otherwise unreachable destinations and recharge their batteries, without ever leaving their homes.

        It sounds like science fiction but it's already happening. As virtual technology improves and as people continue to demand new and interesting experiences, expect more virtual tourism, both in combination with the real world and instead of it.

    (1) What is driving the development of virtual tourism?
    A . Companies seeking to make more money. B . Improvements in virtual reality technology. C . People's demand for more shared experiences. D . People's deeper understanding of the physical world.
    (2) Which of the following best describes "mind wandering"?
    A . The brain processes which help people think VR is real. B . The way the brain processes inputs from the real world. C . Brain activities focusing on past or future events. D . Experiences coming from a person's imagination.
    (3) What does the underlined word "it" in the last paragraph refer to?
    A . Science fiction. B . Virtual technology. C . Virtual tourism. D . The real world.
    (4) What is the purpose of the passage?
    A . To describe the advantages of VR tourism. B . To give suggestions for reducing over-tourism. C . To encourage people to develop VR technology. D . To argue VR tourism will replace the real world travel.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Nowadays six Amazon Scout delivery robots rolled out in a pilot program in Snohomish County, Wash. The robots carry meals, groceries and packages to homes and offices in this region just north of Seattle. They have appeared on the sidewalks of London, Beijing and other cities and communities worldwide. These machines must overcome pedestrian legs, naughty dogs and broken pavement, which raises some questions.

    These services are gaining attraction as a growing number of city residents expect immediate or scheduled delivery for just about everything. Between 2017 and 2018 online retail sales in the U.S. increased by 16 percent. On the final step of all these deliveries, called the last mile, humans on bicycles, motorized scooters (电动车) or large delivery trucks typically deliver packages. All the vehicles compete for space on busy urban streets. "Deliveries are trending upwards in all crowded city centers, and if city and state leaders don't start thinking about creative solutions like robot deliveries, we can expect even worse traffic jams," says Paul Mackie, director of a transportation policy research center in Arlington.

    A study by this center found 73 percent of delivery vehicles in Arlington were parked outside of authorized areas, often blocking bike lanes and crosswalks. By moving the last step of deliveries from the road to the sidewalk, cities could reduce traffic jams and solve the parking problem entirely, Mackie says.

    Companies such as Amazon are not developing this delivery technology simply to clear up urban traffic. Self-driving vehicles and sidewalk robots could cut down last-mile delivery costs in cities by as much as 40 percent, according to a 2018 report by a consultancy firm. A delivery robot can cost thousands of dollars to manufacture, and most currently require human management and conservation. But in the long run companies that use autonomous delivery vehicles in the next several years could end up saving billions of dollars, the report stated.

    (1) Why does Amazon introduce delivery robots?
    A . To amuse its customers. B . To avoid pedestrians, dogs and broken pavement. C . To meet the increasing demand of delivering packages. D . To confirm the company's innovation spirit.
    (2) What does Paul Mackie mean by his words in paragraph 2?
    A . Retail sales in the U.S. increased fast. B . Deliveries stay steady in all crowded city centers. C . Regardless of robot deliveries, traffic jams will remain the same. D . Robot can help ease the traffic pressure.
    (3) What can robots delivery bring to the city?
    A . Block bike lanes and crosswalks. B . Relieve urban traffic as well as save delivery costs. C . Increase danger to pedestrians. D . Lead to traffic jams.
    (4) Which word can best describe the future of the robot delivery?
    A . Uncertain. B . Hopeless. C . Promising. D . Unacceptable.


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Current digital technology gives us music of flawless quality. It also makes it easier to copy, upload and stream music without having to download it. . However, as climate change is on everyone's mind these days, the question related to music arises: Which music consumption form is worse for the environment: CDs, vinyl (黑色胶片), or digital music? The answer might surprise you.

     logic would suggest that music downloads and online streaming are good for the environment. But must it surely be more environmentally friendly? Even though streamed music is material-free, that doesn't mean it doesn't have an environmental impact. In fact, the information is searched and sent to our electronic devices across the network, which costs energy. .

    Researchers found that streaming an album over the Internet will use 27 times more energy than it takes to produce a single CD or vinyl record. In any given second, the music platform is serving about 2.5 million streams at the same time.  that means almost 210,000 albums' worth of music has been streamed. It will use nearly 8,000 times more energy than what making one CD takes. Meanwhile, if you buy a CD, it's there permanently. The only extra energy required is whatever you need to power your CD player.

    The study was published before Record Store Day—an event that encourages listeners to buy physical record.. Rather, they want you to think about your power use and choose services that minimize their effect on the planet. They also hope this could develop alternatives that are more sustainable without sacrificing the convenience you expect.

    A. Since our digital music uses less plastic

    B. If average albums contain twelve tracks

    C. This happens every time we stream music

    D. As a result, streaming music becomes popular

    E. Although streaming music is a greener alternative

    F. It wants to convey effects of streaming on economy

    G. But the researchers aren't advising playing music traditionally


  • 16. 完形填空

    I recently visited India to meet women with AIDS. Having AIDS is considered as a mark of disgrace and the punishment is abandonment. Most of these women had been 1 by their family.

    What I 2 most is how much they wanted to touch me and be touched as if physical 3 somehow proved their 4.

    I spent time with the dying and saw rows of cots(帆布床). Every cot was 5 except for one in the corner, so I went there, hoping to provide some help. The 6 was a woman in her 30s. She had 7 eyes and was skinny.

    8, I suddenly felt helpless. I had nothing to 9her. I couldn't save her, either.

    I 10 down and reached out to touch her-and when she 11 my hand, she grabbed it and wouldn't let go. We had been there together for a while when she pointed upward. It took me some time to 12 that she wanted to go up to the roof and sit outside. It was getting 13 and the sun was going down, and no one seemed 14 to take her upstairs.

    I carried her up. She sat on a chair, facing the west and watching the15 I reminded the workers to 16 her later. Then I had to leave. But she never 17me.

    Sometimes it's the people you can't help who 18 you the most . Optimism isn't a passive expectation that things will get better. It is a (n) 19that we can make things better and we can help people, if we don't lose hope and don't look 20.

    A . beaten B . abandoned C . scolded D . cheated
    A . value B . complain C . remember D . wonder
    A . excitement B . collision C . pleasure D . contact
    A . birth B . failure C . worth D . future
    A . occupied B . attended C . made D . covered
    A . patient B . witness C . nurse D . worker
    A . shining B . beautiful C . sorrowful D . greedy
    A . Otherwise B . However C . Instead D . Besides
    A . entertain B . protect C . convince D . offer
    A . knelt B . calmed C . went D . jumped
    A . pushed B . felt C . shook D . warmed
    A . figure out B . get across C . point out D . put down
    A . clear B . cloudy C . late D . windy
    A . brave B . determined C . confident D . willing
    A . night B . sunset C . roof D . performance
    A . treat B . save C . comfort D . fetch
    A . left B . forgot C . forgave D . thanked
    A . challenge B . confuse C . satisfy D . inspire
    A . opportunity B . promise C . belief D . intention
    A . away B . up C . out D . back


  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式。

    In Hebei Province lies a vast forest called Saihanba. This green Great Wall,  at its peak during the Qing Dynasty covered thousands of hectares, had by the 1950s  (virtual) disappeared. This allowed sand to blow into Beijing from the northern deserts.

    Saihanba is a combination of Chinese and Mongolian,  (mean) "beautiful highlands". Until the Qing Dynasty, it was a royal hunting land because of its cool summer weather and beautiful surroundings. However, most of the area had turned into a desert by the end of the Qing Dynasty.

    In fact 56 years ago there was only one tree left. But without that tree, there  (be) no miracle of Saihanba today. In the early 1960s, over 350 foresters  (send) to this area to fight the desert. They were required  (rebuild) the forest in Saihanba. Few people, including the foresters themselves, believed they would succeed.

    Their doubt disappeared, however, when they found the 200-year-old tree, swaying alone in  wind. If one tree could survive here,  could millions of trees, they thought.

    After decades of hard work, three generations of the foresters have restored almost 80% of the original Saihanba forest. Recently, they were awarded the  (high) environmental honor from the United Nations for their great  (contribute) to creating a greener world.


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    I feel very honored to be invited at your lecture about the body language in different countries next Monday. I'm real looking forward to it.

    As you know it, as an important part of culture, the body language plays significant role in our life. Much of the body language are universal, but different cultures do have different way of expressing themselves. Therefore that is beneficial for us to know about the body language of different countries. I believe his lecture will help us to understanding the cultural differences in the body language.

    Hope your lecture will be a great successful.


  • 19. 假定你是李华,你校刚刚成立一个中国传统文化社团。你的英国朋友 Tom 在青岛大学留学,他对中国文化很感兴趣。请你给他写一封信,邀请他来参加活动。






    1)词数 100 左右;

