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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans

        ◆Monkeys do math

        If monkeys manage the world, we might have stayed away from the recent banking hardship. In an experiment led by Keith Chen at Yale, monkeys showed an understanding of pricing and planning the money, as well as a wish to stay away from losses when required to buy food with money. Makes sense this one looks like it's checking its stocks (股票) on a smart phone. Think that's impressive?

        ◆Camel eats breakfast with people

        The first time Joe ate with British farmers, he was uninvited. The four-year-old Bactrian camel stuck his head through their open kitchen window, and emptied a fruit bowl. Now the couple, who rent out reindeer, camels, goats, and other creatures for television shows, movies, and photo shoots, set a place at their table for the confident double-humped creature, where Joe eats grain food and his favorite: bananas on toast.

        ◆Marmots (土拨鼠) befriend a boy

        A group of marmots in the Austrian Alps has made friends with eight-year-old Matteo Walch by chance, whose family vacations there in summer. Typically, they beat their tails, chatter, and whistle to warn other marmots of danger, but with Matteo, they behave much differently, allowing the boy to feed, pet, and even touch noses with them. "Watching them makes me feel a connection with nature," says Matteo. How sweet!

    (1) In what way do monkeys behave like humans according to the text?
    A . In character. B . In intelligence. C . In communication. D . In the way of lifestyle.
    (2) Why do the British couple raise the animals?
    A . To make money. B . To have dinners with them. C . To protect endangered animals. D . To train them to act as humans.
    (3) Why did Matteo Walch go to the Austrian Alps?
    A . To warn marmots of danger. B . To develop interest in nature. C . To make friends with marmots. D . To go on a holiday with his family.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Today, after 10 days of medical treatment, for the first time, I went out alone to meet a motherly lady who I had met during my stay in a program. She had been unwell recently and lived alone. Her sons live in foreign countries.

        After I called her and told about my plan to visit her, she started becoming excited and planning food at once. Nowadays, she has a lady cook coming by to help her but she does part of the work herself with her bandaged (绷带) leg.

        I reached her home alone after being guided a couple of times by her before. I carried little things (snacks, books etc.) for her. She had been waiting for some time when I arrived. We talked about different things from health to her life and mine, from past to future, from food to travel etc. During the discussion, her care for me became clear when she made warm suggestions or supported me.

        During the last few months, she had struggled with health and housework. She had got over those difficulties and here she was telling me how all of us must face some problems. She had seen a few people facing worse problems in the hospital and mentioned about their cases and was grateful for her present condition which was manageable.

        She wanted to gift me something—she kept thinking of a dress, watch, footwear etc. whatever was new and great in her home. I kept refusing but finally took the footwear out of politeness.

        She loved the snacks I had brought and wanted to eat them with her tea, I was quite happy to see the childlike interest.

        While I was spending time with my motherly friend, the following thought kept coming back to me—probably this is why I have lived through the 10 days in this city. The time I spent with her seemed so much needed. I felt the deep peace it could bring to me and that brought such a big joy!

    (1) How did the elderly lady feel when she heard the author's visit?
    A . Shocked. B . Pleased. C . Nervous. D . Embarrassed.
    (2) What can we learn about the lady from her talks with the author?
    A . She was considerate and very healthy. B . She wished the author lo live with her. C . She showed much concern to her bandaged leg. D . She was grateful compared with those less fortunate.
    (3) Why did the author accept the lady's gift?
    A . It is impolite to turn down the warm-hearted offer. B . She happened to need such shoes to wear C . It would be a waste to keep shoes unused. D . She wanted to exchange gifts with her.
    (4) How did the time spent with the lady benefit the author?
    A . It enabled the author to live in the city so long. B . It gave the author a lot of advice on a better life. C . It helped the author to keep a peaceful mind. D . It helped the author stay away from loneliness in life.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        A study has found that a lifetime of regular exercise and activity can slow down the aging process (衰老过程). Researchers say that getting older should not necessarily mean becoming more weak or sick. Their research shows that a devotion to a life of movement and exercise may help us live not only longer, but also healthier.

        For their study, the researchers looked at two groups. The first group was made up of 125 non-professional cyclists between the ages of 55 to 79. This group included 84 healthy men and 41 healthy women. We will call this group the "cyclists".

        Researchers then found 130 people to make up a second group. Within this group, 75 people were aged from 57 to 80. The other 55 were between the ages of 20 and 36. The people in this group were also healthy, but they did not exercise regularly. We will call this group the "non-exercisers". Smokers, heavy drinkers of alcohol and people with other health issues were not included in the study.

        Then, researchers gave both groups a series of tests. They tested their muscle mass (肌肉质量), muscular strength, percentage of body fat and the strength of their immune (免疫的) systems. Then the researchers compared the results of the two groups.

        Results showed that the cyclists did not experience body changes usually regarded as a normal aging process. For example, they did not lose muscle mass or muscular strength. Also, their body fat did not increase with age.

        The researchers also found something they had not expected. The study showed that the immune systems of the cyclists did not age either.

        The researchers advise us all to find an exercise that we like in our lives.

    (1) How did the researchers carry out the study?
    A . By comparing. B . By discussing. C . By imagining. D . By reasoning.
    (2) Which of the following is a result of the research?
    A . The cyclists kept a thin body shape. B . The non-exercisers gained weight easily. C . The cyclists' muscles remained strong with age. D . The non-exercisers usually had health problems.
    (3) Which is an unexpected result for the researchers?
    A . The cyclists had normal aging process. B . The cyclists' immune systems didn't age. C . The cyclists lost nearly all their fat. D . Everyone needed an exercise in their lives.
    (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
    A . Healthy People Need More Exercise B . Take an Exercise, the Harder, the Better C . Cycling Is the Best Way to Prevent Aging D . A Lifetime of Exercise Slows Aging Process
  • 4. 阅读理解

        A study showed that fat was socially catching among friends. People were actually making one another gain and, sometimes, lose weight. The finding has been proved in other populations. So how does friends' body weight affect each other? One way is imitation (模仿). Brain scans show that when you watch someone else eat or run, your brain activity is the same as if you were eating or running yourself, causing you to do the same things.

        People in experiments seated next to heavy eaters would eat more than those seated next to light eaters. Social examples also play a role: If your friend gains weight, you might become less willing to go to the gym because your friend's example showed you that weight gain isn't the end of the world. She's heavier but still the same person you know and love. And now that 66 percent of the American population is overweight, that's a pretty well-fixed social example.

        Happily, this effect could be turned up side down if people worked to create an opposite social example—weight loss can affect each other just as easily as weight gain if you form the fat-fighting habits, starting a running club including friends of friends so that you're making close friends with more exercisers. You can also make healthier food choices and eat with greater self-control. If you give up the fries and eat more vegetables, your friends are more likely to make the same choices.

        If you're thinking those sound like a lot of work  maybe it would just be easier to ditch friends who gain weight to stop them from affecting you. People who kept away from a fat friend didn't lose weight, possibly because the cost of losing a friend stopped weight-loss efforts.

    (1) What will people in the experiments do if they eat with heavy eaters?
    A . Hate them. B . Leave them. C . Follow them. D . Lose weight.
    (2) How might people respond to their fat friends according to the text?
    A . Go to the gym with them often. B . Think nothing of becoming fat. C . Warn them the danger. D . Like them better.
    (3) What can you do to make good use of the discovery?
    A . Set a good example for your friends. B . Make up your mind to make more friends. C . Set up health club as a business. D . Drink more water.
    (4) What does the underlined word "ditch" in the last paragraph mean?
    A . Depend on. B . Relieve in. C . Watch over. D . Give up.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Recent scientific studies have only underlined the importance of good sleep. But just what can a woman (or man) do to get a good night's rest? .

        Silky (丝滑) Smooth

        For silky smooth skin, buy some silky smooth cloth without wrinkling (起皱)! . Silk won't leave impressions on the face, those kind of strange marks that can appear anywhere on the body after sleeping on cotton cloth. Soft cloth can suit your body's natural shapes and help keep their proper form.


        Here's a simple way for people who have a hard time falling asleep: try taking a shower! Showering can relax the body and mind, helping the muscles to let go of daily stress. . But most importantly, a shower also helps adjust body temperature. To actually fall asleep, our body temperatures need to drop a little bit.

        Limits Out

        In order to ensure quality sleep, make sure all lights are out in the room. Sleeping in the dark helps remove upset and helps our bodies go into deep sleep, during which the body and mind repair themselves. .

    A. Cool Down

    B. Slow Down

    C. These three easy tips will help you sleep better at night

    D. This kind of cloth don't wrinkle quite as roughly as cotton

    E. Sleeping on your back keeps facial skin laying at a natural angle

    F. A piece of black cloth covering eyes can help with the process too

    G. Even better, it affords an opportunity to remove all makeup before bed


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        One morning when I was sending a package to a poor woman, I noticed a little dog in her yard. He was 1 from a terrible case of mange (癞疥). I asked her if he was her dog and she said yes. I asked why she didn't 2 him and she told me there was nothing she could do about it for being short of 3.

        My heart broke as I 4 him slowly trying to stand his 5 from the illness. I asked her if she would mind if I tried to 6 him. I told her I would try to get some 7 to make him feel comfortable. Instead of going to a 8 chemist's shop, I went to the local animal doctor and told him what the dog 9 like and he told me what I needed. When I 10 to the woman's home I asked her if she would be sure to 11 the dog in the medicine liquid every day until it was 12. I made her promise because I knew I could not 13 every day to make sure it was done.

        Two weeks later when I returned to the house, this 14 little ball of dog with red fur 15 me at the door. It was him, shaking his tail 16. I smiled and told the woman she did a great 17. I asked her if I could call him Firecracker (爆竹) because his 18 was so red and lively. She 19 her head yes with tears in her eyes too. Every time I went to her home Firecracker always greeted me with a wave of his tail. That was the best $16 I 20 spent.

    A . coming B . suffering C . away D . different
    A . feed B . sell C . treat D . donate
    A . time B . ability C . food D . money
    A . imagined B . watched C . heard D . kept
    A . pain B . noises C . looks D . hopelessness
    A . change B . please C . help D . buy
    A . medicine B . love C . water D . milk
    A . rural B . food C . strange D . regular
    A . sounded B . looked C . smelled D . felt
    A . returned B . hurried C . rushed D . turned
    A . raise B . protect C . walk D . bathe
    A . cut down B . taken apart C . used up D . paid off
    A . come B . work C . question D . flee
    A . weak B . funny C . energetic D . naughty
    A . drove B . ignored C . attacked D . recognized
    A . honestly B . carefully C . anxiously D . happily
    A . service B . job C . favor D . attempt
    A . fur B . neck C . eye D . nose
    A . dropped B . moved C . nodded D . shook
    A . even B . never C . then D . ever


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        My best friend and I walked to an ice cream shop today. I brought my water bottle out of habit and handed it to her so naturally that I had no idea why I brought it. We kept  (go) though. On our way, a man asked  either of us had money for water, or a drink or something. He was sitting on the ground at the time with a board he stopped holding up.

        I offered my reusable water bottle to him. He drank all the water quite  (rapid). He gave my bottle back after all. I said to my friend with  smile, "That was why I brought it then."

        On the return back from the ice cream store, I tried  (get) water to go, in case he might be still there. They only had mineral water and lemon water there, something he probably disliked. It turned out he was no  (long) there, though.

        My friend and I talked about keeping water  (bottle) in our cars. This way, we give with healthy things  are truly helpful. We both like the  (create) idea and these things would  (prepare) soon.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







        Today I visited the West Lake, Hangzhou, where is extremely beautiful on spring. I saw many young people rode shared bikes as they offered so much convenient. With so many bikes offered by different company, you can find a bike almost everywhere. Also, you can drop them anywhere you want and they are cheap to use them. This new service is much good than public bikes. When someone wants to use a public bike, he has lo find a bike station. He also needed a station to return it. As result, he has to walk any distance to fetch or return it.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你校英文报举办征文活动,话题是对即将来你校任教的英语老师的建议和期望。请你给报社写一篇征文。内容包括:






