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  • 1. 阅读理解

        ⒈The Vitamin Shoppe:1, 946 part-time openings

        The Vitamin Shoppe is a New Jersey-based retailer(零售商)of nutritional supplements. They also operate stores in Canada. The company provides approximately 8, 000 different SKU's of supplements through its retail stores and over 20, 000 different SKU's of supplements through its online retail websites.

        Employee Review:"Good growth opportunities and stores opening all over the US all year round. Company based out of NJ, so more progressive policies on employment and benefits. "

        ⒉Chipotle: 1, 553 part-time openings

        Chipotle is known for its use of organic meats throughout its more than 1, 500 restaurants, which are located in 45 states. Since having been founded in 1993, the chain has since exploded and now counts some 37, 000 employees.

        Employee Review:" The people I work with are awesome and the food is good. The schedule is super flexible but it's a lot of work. "

        ⒊Advantage Sales & Marketing:1,742 part-time openings

        Advantage Sales & Marketing provides outsourced sales, merchandising, and marketing services to consumer goods and food product manufacturers and suppliers. Owning more than 65 offices in the US and Canada, ASM does merchandising for 1,200 clients-including Johnson & Johnson, Mars, Unilever, Energizer.

        Employee Review:" Long lasting business, able to adapt to changes in market. Flexible time off for both vacation and illness. "

        ⒋ Universal Protection Service:1,219 part-time openings

        Universal Protection Service is one of the largest providers of security services in the U. S. They offer an expansive range of security solutions for airports, healthcare facilities, office buildings, and more.

        Employee Review:" Good pay depending on where you work. Better company than any other I have worked for in security. "

    (1) Which of these companies operate both in USA and Canada?
    A . Advantage Sales & Marketing and Universal Protection Service. B . The Vitamin Shoppe and Advantage Sales & Marketing. C . Chipotle and Universal Protection Service. D . The Vitamin Shoppe and Chipotle.
    (2) Which is the best security company according to employee review?
    A . Chipotle. B . The Vitamin Shoppe. C . Universal Protection Service. D . Advantage Sales & Marketing.
    (3) What can we know from the text?
    A . Chipotle has the most part-time openings. B . Universal Protection Service is the best company. C . The Vitamin Shoppe is famous for using Organic meats. D . Advantage Sales & Marketing is described as a long lasting business.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        The moment I fell off the horse, I knew I was going to die. I felt myself thrown violently over his head and onto the ground. I heard my bones break.

        "Help me," I cried. "Please, help me." Terrible pain in my chest and back turned my words into a whisper. "I'm alone," I thought. No one heard me. In a daze, I struggled to my feet. "You are strong," I told myself," and you can do this. "I forced myself to walk back to the farm house. Doctors told me later that I'd done all of this with seven broken bones, a bleeding lung and an injured neck.

        "Mary, I fell off 'Nate', "I phoned. "I think it's bad. I can't feel my right arm anymore. "I'd called my workmates at the hospital, knowing they would be my lifelines.

        An hour later, I lay in the hospital. I was no longer a nurse; I was a patient in my own emergency department. At that moment, I let my memory go back some four weeks.

        "OK, just jump out, "Duke commanded as I hesitated in the doorway of the plane. Today I would prove how strong I was. Today I would be a skydiver. "Let's do it!"I shouted back and I jumped.

        The shaking stop of the CT scanner interrupted my memory. I was a single mother and a strong woman who could drive a horse. The misfortunes of the past two years had taught me to stand taller.

        Months later, I returned to work to find I'd become a local legend(传奇). The story was told and retold. One day a new employee heard the story and he asked me in surprise, "Who picked you up after you fell?"

        I felt myself take a deep breath-it was warm and alive in my chest. "Who picked me up?"A knowing smile spread across my face. "Think big, "I told him, "really big. "

    (1) What is the author?
    A . A mother. B . A nurse. C . A patient. D . A skydiver.
    (2) What do we know about the woman?
    A . She enjoys a happy marriage. B . She wants to be a skydiver. C . She has a strong personality. D . She is weak in riding horses.
    (3) Who picked the author up?
    A . Mary. B . Duke. C . Herself. D . Her workmates.
    (4) Which one can be used to conclude the passage?
    A . An accident caused a woman's rebirth. B . A woman' life has changed by accident C . The unlucky life made a woman taller. D . A dependent woman became a local legend.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Running on the beach can certainly be a good thing  It's completely different from running on the pavement, a track or trails with soft surfaces.

        For starters, sand can be a challenge because it has an uneven(不平的)surface and constantly moves under your feet. As you push off, you're going to lose some of your push as the sand moves. So, you're not going to be able to push yourself forward as you would on a track or pavement!But this unevenness has an upside: It gives your body an extra workout, forcing you to exercise muscles that don't get as much use during runs on firm surfaces.

        You also might feel painful afterward because beaches tend to slope(倾斜)downward, toward the water. If you're going for a long run on the beach, you might notice that one side of your body-including your ankle, leg or knee-might feel more painful because you're putting more pressure on it due to the slope.

        Some beach runners tend to run barefoot. However, if you're not used to barefoot running, start slowly and run short distances at first. That's because running barefoot uses different muscles than running with shoes does, and it's important to strengthen these muscles and adapt your feet.

    Despite these challenges, running on sand can be a smart choice for athletes because running on it can decrease the bad influence on your body during high-intensity workouts This could potentially lead to less muscle damage and less pain. Women had less myoglobin(肌红蛋白)— a protein that can be a sign of muscle pain-in their blood after running on the sand than they did after running on grass. This suggests running on softer ground surfaces, such as sand, may reduce muscle damage.

    (1) What makes running on sand difficult for starters?
    A . The smooth surface. B . The moving surface. C . The sloping surface. D . The hard surface.
    (2) Which of the following best explains "upside" underlined in paragraph 2?
    A . Advantage. B . Reason. C . Surprise. D . Challenge.
    (3) What should you avoid when trying running barefoot?
    A . Starting slowly. B . Adapting your feet. C . Developing some muscles. D . Running long distances.
    (4) What is the benefit of running on sand to women?
    A . Having no muscle damage. B . Becoming much healthier. C . Feeling less painful. D . Having a good feeling.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        For many, it is a journey that you will never give up, and the more you put in, the more you get out. While this kind of attitude may work for some, the latest scientific research suggests that it can also go wrong for many people.

        Mauss has shown that seeking happiness can also increase feelings of loneliness and disconnection, perhaps because it causes you to focus your attention on yourself and your own feelings rather than appreciating the people around you. "Self-focus might make me engage with other people less, and I might judge other people more negatively if I think they 'mess' with my happiness, "Mauss added.

        These effects don't end there. Maglio at the University of, Toronto found another way that the conscious happiness-seeking may have the opposite effect: By leading us to feel that time is slipping away. Happiness comes from something pleasant that I can enjoy right now, to something burdensome(难以承担的)that I have to keep working at over and over and over, " Maglio says.

        "If you are constantly reminded of your friend enjoying at this beautiful location or at that delicious dinner, I think that might serve as a reminder that other people are happier than you-and kick-start(强力启动)that goal of happiness again. "

        Mauss, meanwhile, points out that a lot of research has found that people who take a more "accepting" altitude to bad feelings-rather than constantly trying to fight them as the enemy--actually end up more satisfied with their life over the long-term. When you are trying to be happy, you may become judgmental and disapproving of bad things in your life. . . "For these reasons, she advises people to have a more stoic(苦修的)attitude to life's ups and downs, in which you accept bad feelings as events which last only a short time rather than trying to remove them entirely.

        Happiness really is like a shy animal. And once you stop chasing it, you might just find that it appears naturally of its own accord.

    (1) What does "it" in Paragraph I refer to?
    A . Seeking happiness. B . Earning money. C . Finding jobs. D . Gaining success.
    (2) Why may happiness-seeking make people feel lonely?
    A . They cannot ask help from others. B . They have something important to do. C . They feel other people are happier. D . They care too much about themselves.
    (3) What kind of people may feel less happy according to Maglio?
    A . Feeling others happier and seeking the same happiness. B . Having less time to seek happiness. C . Having heavy work to do. D . Making less money.
    (4) How do we feel happy according to Mauss?
    A . Make more money to enjoy life. B . Forget those happier than you. C . Accept life as it is and contain it. D . Be a kind and helpful person.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Are you a person who is good at making friends?As we all know, there are some people who seem to be surrounded by friends always, and there are others who always seem to be standing on the outside. If you are one of the outsiders, it is time to break out of your shell and start making new friends..

        ⒈Be yourself

        In fact, if you aren't yourself, it isn't you that others are becoming friends with. If you do not act like yourself, you may not be well received, because you are a totally different person, .

        ⒉Start with people you know

        Reach out to people you have known, and reconnect with old friends you haven't seen in a long time. Don't forget about friends of friends. You may connect with some people just by hanging out with your friends and their friends.  If you stay home, you aren't going to meet people.

        ⒊Use technology

        There are all kinds of online groups you can take part in.They create experiences people can join, and you get to meet like-minded people who share your interests.


        When you meet new people, ask them questions about themselves. Not only do you get to learn more about them, but it shows them that you are interested. And they are going to open up to you more.

    A. Ask questions

    B. Open your heart

    C. If you are invited to go out, go

    D. Here are some tips that will help

    E. Let people get to know the real you

    F. Many are local groups that plan activities

    G. High technology is useful in making friends


  • 6. 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Long, long ago, a man went to his neighbor's house and tried to steal something. On entering the gate, he saw there 1a big bell. The bell was beautiful in 2and shape. The thief was very glad, and3to carry this beautiful bell back home. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not 4the bell, because the bell was both big and 5. He thought and thought, and 6there was only one way to solve the problem. He had to7 the bell to pieces before he was able to carry them back to his home8

        The thief found a big iron hammer, with which he struck the bell with all his9 The striking 10a big crashing sound, which made the thief terribly11 He tried to muffle the sound with his arms, but without12 He had to 13 his ears hard with his hands.

        "The sound becomes14, "the thief became15at once, "The sound of the bell cannot be heard when the ears are covered. "He immediately had his ears plugged(堵住)with some cotton. He thought that in this way16could hear the sound of the bell. Feeling17, he began striking the bell. The sound of the bell was heard in the18, and finally people caught the thief.

        Later, people have used the19phrase "plugging one's ears while stealing a bell "to refer to the 20and foolishness of the person who deceives(欺骗)himself as well as others.

    A . lived B . hung C . stood D . existed
    A . size B . character C . design D . appearance
    A . decided B . agreed C . struggled D . managed
    A . pull B . carry C . steal D . move
    A . rare B . good C . clean D . heavy
    A . admitted B . pointed C . believed D . announced
    A . drop B . break C . fall D . destroy
    A . directly B . immediately C . gradually D . separately
    A . attention B . intention C . strength D . confidence
    A . created B . produced C . invented D . formed
    A . worried B . excited C . frightened D . shocked
    A . success B . effort C . control D . chance
    A . protect B . fill C . cover D . help
    A . louder B . weaker C . clearer D . rarer
    A . cheerful B . hopeful C . helpful D . successful
    A . everybody B . somebody C . anybody D . nobody
    A . concerned B . relieved C . discouraged D . astonished
    A . distance B . place C . beginning D . house
    A . useful B . good C . interesting D . set
    A . ignorance B . laziness C . bravery D . courage


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        The 7th International Military Sports Council(CISM)Military World Games(世界军运会)will take place from Oct. 18  Oct. 27, 2019 in Wuhan, capital city of  (center)China's Hubei Province.

        The games, the top sports gala for military personnel(军人), include 329 competition events of 27 kinds and are expected  (attract)around 8000 players from more than 100  (country)and regions.

        The games will be an international event with great importance and far-reaching influence and it will also be opportunity for foreign military personnel to learn more about China and  (it)military.

        The event's emblem(会徽)is made up of a dove, a star, ribbons and other elements and the mascot is called Bing Bing, the design of  is based on the Chinese sturgeon(鲟), a  (serious)endangered fish known as the "panda in water". The slogan is"Military glory, world peace".

        The games, which  (hold)in Rome in 1995 for the first time, are a multi-sport event  (organize)every four years by the CISM.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        Last fall, Liu cross the continent eastward to Toronto to visit his schoolmate. His train started from Vancouver, a city surrounding by mountains. Before confirming his baggages was aboard the train, Liu settled down in his seat. Having the gift for communication, he started chatting with another passenger. After a nice buffet at noon, she was pleased to find that the scenery was impressive. He saw beautifully harbours in the distance. He even managed to catch sight of an eagle flying upward over bushes.

        Liu arrived Toronto at dawn. Although it was early, but Liu phoned his schoolmate at once instead of waiting for him to come. They had a good time played together.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你校将举办"东坡文化艺术节",你将邀请你的外教老师Mike参加,请你写一封邮件向他介绍有关情况,内容包括:






    ⒊参考词汇:报告厅the lecture hall 才艺表演 talent show

    Dear Mike,

        I'm writing to invite you to attend Dongpo Culture and Art Festival.


    Li Hua
