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  • 1. 阅读理解

        The best colors for advertising are those that make people comfortable or stimulate (激发) their senses; knowing which color does that depends on what is being advertised.In general, color schemes (调配)contain three kinds: warm, cool and black and white.

        Warm Colors

        Bright red, orange, and yellow are warm colors, and they stimulate excitement.In fact, all advertisements and menus of fast food chains feature these colors.Warm colors are some of the best colors for advertising food as they are known to increase the appetite.

        A color scheme that includes warm colors also encourages people to stay longer.These colors stimulate warmth and comfort, and when people relax over dinner, they are more likely to enjoy a dessert or a cup of coffee, thus spending more money.

        Cool Colors

        Besides knowledge and understanding, some shades of blue are also associated with quiet.As a result, blue can actually slow a person's heart rate (比率)and reduce appetite, which is why it's not often chosen for restaurant advertising.On the other hand, blue is one of the best colors for advertising medicine and other health products. Light blue can have a calming effect on people and it is most often linked with health and healing(治愈).However, it has been debated whether or not blue is one of the best colors for advertising online.Some people think it does not catch the readers attention fast enough or often enough.

        Black and White

        Black and white can be two of the best colors for advertising because they create a strong contrast when paired together.Black and white often indicate opposite emotions (情绪):white is often linked with purity and perfection, while black usually represents power, eleganc-e, or evil (邪恶).When used together, however, black and white can create a sense that a company is highly professional (专业的).

    (1) What influence do warm colors have on the people eating in a restaurant?
    A . They make the people more uncomfortable. B . They encourage the people to eat more. C . They mainly stimulate people's interest in drinking. D . They help people to gain weight.
    (2) Why do some people disagree to the use of cool colors for advertising online?
    A . Cool colors are often linked with health and healing. B . Cool colors are disliked by most people. C . Cool colors are reminders of medicine. D . Cool colors can't easily catch people's eyes.
    (3) Why are black and white considered as two of the best colors for advertising?
    A . They are people's favourite colors. B . They are pure and perfect colors. C . They make people think highly of the products. D . They usually stand for power, elegance or evil.
    (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A . The best colors for advertising. B . The colors being liked and disliked- C . The reasons for the choice of colors. D . The effect of colors on people.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Last year, I decided to study in Thailand.I had planned to study an English-language master's program in America, but after comparing the expense, I changed my mind.

        The low cost was one of the biggest advantages of studying in Thailand. Base tuition (学费)for the program added up to $10,000, including a five-day study trip in China, two two-day trips for conferences and meeting and one field trip.I was fortunate to earn a scholarship that reduced my final bill to $7, 200.Most other English-language master programs in Thailand cost between $6,000 and 10,000 per year.

        I lived in a small studio apartment with free Wi-Fi for a total of around $167 per month, including water, electricity and limited cable TV.Meals at the university canteen, on the street or at small food shops cost between $1.00 and $1.50 , or between $1.50 and $2.00 at small food courts.With cheap and delicious food always easy to find, you didn't need to worry about cooking unless you wanted.

        Entertainment was also quite, cheap.A 330ml bottle of heer at a bar went for between $2.00 and $4.00, or between $1.00 and $1.50 from a Family Mart.A movie ticket was between $3.00 and S5.00.I stayed quite busy with study and didn't spend much, so I could get by on about $700 per month.Of course, it's possible to pick up a part-time teaching job to help reduce pressure brought by a lack (缺乏)of money, but you need to arrange a work visa (签证)with your employer.

    (1) Why didn't the author go to the US for study?
    A . He failed to find a proper program there. B . A Thai college offered him a scholarship. C . He wanted to receive better education. D . Studying in the US would cost too much.
    (2) Paragraph 3 mainly shows that in Thailand      .
    A . delicious food and cheap apartments can be found easily. B . students can enjoy nice food and live comfortably. C . the cost of living for a student can be quite low. D . students hardly need to worry about cooking.
    (3) It can be inferred that the author      .
    A . didn't spend any money on entertainment. B . worked as a part-time teacher in schools. C . didn't go to parties frequently. D . had a very active social life.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        An allowance (零用钱)is an important tool for teaching kids how to budget, save and make their own decisions.Children remember and leam from mistakes when their own dollars are lost or spent foolishly.

        How large an allowance is proper? Experts say there is not right amount.Actual amounts differ from area to area, and from family to family.To set a right amount of allowance for your child, work up a weekly budget- Allow for entertainment expenditure such as movies and snacks.' Next, include everyday expenses such as lunch money, bus fare, and school supplies."If you make the child responsible for these 4 bills', " says Josephine Swanson, a consumer (消费者)specialist, "he or she will learn to budget for necessary expenditure."

        Finally, add some extra money to make saving possible.If you can, keep your child's allowance in line with that of his or her friends.A child whose purchasing (购买)power falls away below his or her friends' can feel left out.

        It can be hard, but avoid excusing your children when they make a mistake with their allowance.When Brooke Stephens was ten and growing up in Jacksonville, her mother gave her $5 a week, 1 - 75 of which was for bus fare and lunch."If you lose your money, "Brooke's mother told her, "you walk home."One week the girl spent all her allowance in a candy store; then she called home for a ride." Mom made me walk home, " recalled Stephens, now a financial (财务)planner in Brooklyn."At first I was angry.But I finally realized that she was trying to teach me an important lesson."

        Experts advise that an allowance should not be tied directly to a child's daily chores.Kids should help around the house not because they get paid for it but because they share responsibilities as members of a family.You might, however, pay a child for doing extra jobs at home.That can develop his or her initiative (主动性).

    (1) What is the passage mainly about?
    A . How to work up a budget. B . How to teach children to save money. C . How to teach children to manage money matters. D . How Lo develop the initiative of teenage children.
    (2) What does the underlined word "expenditure" mean in Paragraph 2?
    A . The act of spending money. B . An organized journey. C . Belief about the future. D . Something extremely expensive.
    (3) What's the right amount of allowance according to the author?
    A . More than the amount of the kid's fellows. B . Not less than the amount of the kid's fellows. C . Almost equal amount with kids in other areas. D . Almost equal amount with kids in other schools.
    (4) What's the main purpose of the author by giving the example of Brooke Stephens?
    A . To show Brooke's parents are both too mean. B . To suggest parents be strict on kids' allowance. C . To question the opinions of the experts. D . To explain why allowance is necessary for kids.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        People say that because of globalization (全球化), American culture has taken over everywhere, but let's not forget that globalization works both ways.Some aspects of Asian culture have also made their way around the world, especially in the areas of spoils, film and food.

        In the 1970s, the films of Bruce Lee helped Lo create a worldwide interest in the martial arts (武术).Before Bruce Lee became popular in the West, not many people were familiar with the various types of martial arts.Now it's quite normal for children in many Western countries to take courses in martial arts after school.Many adults also learn these Asian fighting styles for fun or to improve their fitness.

        Bruce Lee's films also motivated a lot of interest in Asian films, especially action films, Jackie Chan and Jet Li followed in Bruce Lee's footsteps and are known all over the world.John Woo, famous for his Hong Kong action films, went on to work in Hollywood and many Western directors have copied his style.Western audiences also became interested in films by directors like Zhang Yimou, Ang Lee and like Chen Kaige.

        Food from Asia is also popular worldwide.You can get Chinese food in any major city in the world - although it might not taste like the Chinese food in China.People enjoy sushi and other Japanese foods.Sichuan, Thai, and Korean foods are popular with people who like it spicy and Vietnamese food is also well known.So, I guess we can't say that only "McDonald's" has made a trip around.

    (1) Who was the first to make people interested in martial arts in the world?
    A . Jackie Chan. B . Jet Li. C . Ang Lee. D . Bruce Lee.
    (2) What can we know about John Woo?
    A . He is a Western    director. B . He is a Western actor. C . He made films in America. D . He admired Zhang Yimou's    films.
    (3) Which does the author agree with?
    A . Asian films and food are popular around the world. B . Asian food is sold in any city around the world. C . Only "McDonald's" has made a trip around the world. D . American culture will take over the world.
    (4) What's the best title for the passage?
    A . Asian and American Culture. B . Influence of Asia on America. C . Effect of American Culture. D . Asian films and food.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Television has changed our lives in many ways.Many people now spend more time watching TV than doing anything else.Researchers has estimated (估计)that when most students leave school they have spent 11,000 hours in the classroom and 22,000 hours watching television?

        Benefits of television:

        ⒈Television helps us to lean, more about the world and to know and see many new things. Television can offer present information to us in a more effective way than books..

        ⒉It entertains us. It is an enjoyable way to relax ourselves.For millions of people around the world, television is a source of companionship and help them to cope with everyday life.

        ⒊It has increased the popularity of sports and arts.

        ⒋. In 2000, for example, 1.5 million people in 147 countries watched a TV pop concert and helped to collect more than $100 million for people in Africa.


        ⒈Television makes us passive (消极的) .

        ⒉It encourages us to buy unnecessary things sometimes. There are many advertisements on television,.

        ⒊It takes time away from activities such as reading, conversation, and games.

        ⒋Some critics (批评家) say that television makes people violent. A ten-year study showed that children who watch violent television progranimes are more likely to be violent themselves.

    A. Television makes us active.

    B. But what effect does this have.

    C. It can also make things more memorable.

    D. We don't have to think and our brains become lazy.

    E. however, this kind of advertisement might not be suitable.

    F. Television has made us aware of our global responsibilities.

    G. the main purpose, of which is to make customers spend money.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        While waiting for a friend in a hotel hall in America and wanting to be both seen easily and alone, I had seated myself in a separate chair.In such a(n) 1most Americans follow a rule : as soon as a person stops or is seated in a public place, there balloons around him a  small environment of 2which is considered  inviolate(不受侵犯).Anyone who3this zone and stays there is4.

        As I 5in the deserted hall, a stranger walked up to where I was6and stood close enough so that not only could I easily7him but I could even hear him breathing.If the hall had been crowded with people, I would have understood his8, but in a(n)9hall his  presence made me very uncomfortable.Feeling 10by this intermption, I11niy body in such a12as to communicate annoyance.13 , my actions seemed to14him,because he moved even, closer.

        Fortunately, the stranger immediately joined a group of people on iheir15.Their mannerisms (习性)16his behavior, for I knew from both17 and gestures that they were Arabs.I had not been able to make this decisive identification (身份)by looking at him  when he was18because lie was19American clothes.

        For the Arab, there is no interruption in public.Public means public.If A is standing on a street corner and B wants his20, B is within his rights if lie does what he can to make A uncomfortable enough to move.

    A . country B . seat C . scene D . incident
    A . greediness B . privacy C . resolution D . modesty
    A . employs B . sets up C . determines D . enters
    A . interruption B . innocence C . possession D . argument
    A . searched B . chatted C . waited D . whispered
    A . lying B . sitting C . sleeping D . belonging
    A . touch B . attach C . bear D . see
    A . review B . suggestion C . humor D . behavior
    A . noisy B . practical C . full D . empty
    A . puzzled B . annoyed C . pleased D . concerned
    A . moved B . strengthened C . built D . defended
    A . variety B . speed C . direction D . distance
    A . Incredibly B . Luckily C . Hopefully D . Informally
    A . blame B . encourage C . comfort D . injure
    A . flight B . amusement C . arrival D . bus
    A . copied B . forgave C . changed D . explained
    A . speech B . hometown C . name D . hobby
    A . aggressive B . ashamed C . alone D . aware
    A . making B . donating C . hiring D . wearing
    A . address B . spot C . secret D . evidence


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        In the workshop of a brush-pen store in Huzhou, the 29-year-old.Shi Wangli makes traditional Chinese brush-pens. Her hands are immersed (浸泡)in water for at(little) eight hours a day, insummer and winter. The choice of the hairs in steps of making a quality brush-pen is of great(important) and the work does cannot be performed a machine.it is a difficult but meaningful job. She is the youngest brush-pen technician in Huzhou. The manager of the store says he is worried the thousand-year-old technique for making the Huzhou brush-pen used in calligraphy (书法) will be lost with few young people(will) to learn it. In Chinese history, brush-pen is.an essential(基本的)tool for cultural inheritance (遗产). However, with the rapid progress of modern technology, brush- Pens  (replace) firstly by pens, then ballpoint pens and now keyboards.

        The Ministry of Education required elementary and middle schools to start calligraphy classes (save) the Chinese traditional culture. There is a general (believe) that brush-pen making should be regarded as a technique represents Chinese culture. People should get to know the meanings and thoughts behind these traditional (technique).


  • 8. 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语同错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        I hear your mother is coming. Beijing has such a long and interested history, so I advise her visit as many historical places as possible. My the second piece of advice is that he should bring clothes for different seasons. At Beijing, the four season are all very distinct. Spring is dry and windy and summer is hot and rainy. Autumn is the best time of the year as the sky is blue or the temperature is comfortable. However, winter is very cold and it sometimes snows. As for food, she must tried Beijing Roast Duck. It is think to be one of the most taste dishes in the world.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你的英语外教Mr Green将去中国朋友家参加生日聚会,发邮件向你询向有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括:






    Dear Mr Green,


    Li Hua
